
[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝙩𝙬𝙠𝙖𝙣.𝙘𝙤𝙢]

Know-How disappeared without a trace.

Qin Yu shouted: "I don't know that I am hiding on the first floor, why do you need to tell me?"

"I'm asking you where exactly is the Xuantian Token?"

"Lao Deng, you are so shameless!"

Qin Yu scolded him for a long time but didn't hear any response.

‘I’ve been playing with eagles for many years, but my eyes were pecked by an eagle. How careless I was! ’

'But this trip was not in vain. At least I am sure that the Xuantian Token is inside! ’

Qin Yu walked into the Scripture Collection Pavilion and looked for the Xuantian Token worth 100 contribution points in the ocean of knowledge.

It wasn't until nightfall that Qin Yu, Li Zhengtong, and Xiaozhi got together.

"Have you found it?" Qin Yu asked.

Li Zhengtong and Xiaozhi both shook their heads.

"I opened every book and flipped through it, but I didn't even see a shadow."

Qin Yu rubbed his face and sighed.

"It's really weird. Does this Xuantian Token have legs?"

"Forget it, maybe this token has no chance with us, let's go back to practice first, and try our luck when we are free tomorrow."

"All right!"

The three of them returned to the cave in despair.

"Brother Yu, let's go!"


Qin Yu used his identity token to open the formation, and suddenly found three little black dogs in his yard.

‘Strange, my formation is on, how did these three dogs get in? ’

These three little black dogs looked exactly the same, and Qin Yu looked very familiar to them.

‘Isn’t this the puppy that ate my stinky tofu that I met in the third level of the new recruitment assessment? ’

Seeing Qin Yu come in, the three puppies jumped to Qin Yu's feet and rubbed Qin Yu's feet crazily.

"What is this?"

Through the moonlight, Qin Yu could vaguely see that the three puppies seemed to have something in their mouths.

Qin Yu squatted down, and a small black dog put something in his mouth into Qin Yu's hand.

This thing feels like a piece of iron and seems to have words engraved on it.

Qin Yu took a look and felt that it was like a token.


Qin Yu was shocked, and quickly took a closer look, and saw four big characters on the token.

【Xuantian Token】

"Holy crap, Xuantian Token!"

Qin Yu exclaimed, hurriedly rubbed his eyes and looked again.

‘It is indeed the Xuantian Token! ’

Qin Yu looked at the other two little black dogs. Each puppy had a token in its mouth.

'No wonder we couldn't find the token. It turned out that they took the Xuantian token away in advance. ’

Qin Yu felt like a clown when he thought about spending a whole day searching foolishly outside.

Fortunately, all three tokens came to his yard.

‘It’s really hard to find anywhere without wearing iron shoes. It takes no effort at all to get here! ’

Qin Yu showed a gentle smile: "Good boy, show me all the tokens!"

"Woof woof woof woof~"

The puppy barked and gestured with its front paws.

"What do you mean?" Qin Yu couldn't understand what the puppy wanted to express.

The three puppies simply ran to the cart where Qin Yu was frying stinky tofu and jumped around in circles around the cart.

"Do you want to eat stinky tofu?"

Qin Yu remembered that in the fantasy world, the puppy liked to eat his stinky tofu.


"Woof woof~"

"Woof woof woof~"

The three puppies sat in a row and each put the tokens in their mouths on the ground.

"You mean to exchange Xuantian Token for stinky tofu, right?"

The three puppies nodded.

"Ha, very good!" Qin Yu showed an intriguing smile, "You are not the first Wangcai to be conquered by my ancestral stinky tofu."

"But since you sincerely requested it, I will suffer a little loss and grant it to you with great mercy!"

"Just wait here, I'll go buy the materials."

"But before that, you need to give me one... no, two Xuantian Tokens as a deposit."

"Deposit, do you understand?"

The three puppies looked at each other. They seemed to understand Qin Yu's words and gave Qin Yu another token very simply.

‘Ugh, I’m getting rich! ’

Qin Yu put away the Xuantian token with a smile on his face.

"Guests, please wait a moment, I will be back soon!"

Qin Yu closed the door, activated the formation, and ran towards the market like the wind.

Although the pickled stinky tofu is gone, Qin Yu still retains the black water used to pickle the stinky tofu.

You just need to buy some tofu and make it urgently. Although the taste is not that strong, it is still edible.

"I knew my ancestral stinky tofu would be of great use. Sure enough, gold always shines!"

After a while, Qin Yu returned to the cave with Tofu.

The three little black dogs sat together in a row, watching Qin Yu busy here and there.

Cut the tofu into pieces and put it into the secret black water. In order to make it easier to taste, Qin Yu also specially poked many small holes in the tofu.

"In order to make the flavor stronger, we need to wait for an hour, understand?"

The three little black dogs nodded in unison.

‘What kind of spiritual beast is this that is so smart? ’

Being able to appear in the recruitment assessment, find three Xuantian Tokens, and enter his cave silently means that the opponent must be a spiritual beast of the Xuantian Sect, and his strength must not be low.

‘Could it be a spiritual beast cultivated by the inner disciples of the Beast Taming Peak or an elder? ’

An hour passed quickly, and Qin Yu estimated that the tofu was almost marinated, so he took it out.

“Heat the oil in the pan!”

Under the supervision of the three puppies, three portions of stinky stinky tofu were soon freshly baked.

The three little black dogs all cried happily.

“One Xuantian token for a large portion of stinky tofu, do you understand?”

“Woof woof~”

Qin Yu put the three portions of stinky tofu in a bag and placed it in front of the three little black dogs.

The little black dog also handed the last Xuantian token to Qin Yu.

The three little black dogs each ate a piece of stinky tofu, ran out with the bag in their mouths, and disappeared into the night in a flash.

Qin Yu looked at the Xuantian token in his hand, and his heart was extremely excited.

"300 contribution points in total, 50 points can be given to Li Zhengtong, 30 points to Xiaozhi, and the remaining contribution points are enough to support until the Dali Dan certificate is issued."

With enough contribution points, he can buy materials and happily make pills.

Now making pills is both a practice and a hobby for Qin Yu.

If I don't make pills for a day, I feel uncomfortable all over!

I feel refreshed after making pills all day!

I thought this matter was over, but what Qin Yu didn't know was that this was just the beginning.

After sending the little black dog away, Qin Yu simply packed up and went into the house to practice.

Until the sky was dawn, Qin Yu was still practicing, and he felt something warm licking his face.

"What is that?"

Qin Yu stopped practicing, opened his eyes and suddenly saw a black dog head in front of him.

"Oh my god!"

"I'm using the cave formation, how did you get in?"

"Woof woof woof~"

"Woof woof woof~"

"Woof woof woof~"

The noisy barking of dogs rang out in the wooden house.

Qin Yu counted and found that there were seven little black dogs in his room.

The most important thing is that each little black dog has a Xuantian token in its mouth!

"No? The prompt word hasn't been issued today, and you brought all of them to me?"

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