"Move your spiritual energy to your eyes and take another look!" Qin Yu reminded.

Li Zhengtong tried and was immediately shocked.

"What a heavy yin energy!"

"Is this the lair of the vengeful spirit?"

"Yes!" Qin Yu walked to the lake and said, "This should be the lake where the family of three drowned!"

"Brother Yu, don't go over there, there are water ghosts in it!"

Qin Yu: "Then go over there and take a look?"

Li Zhengtong: "......Brother Yu, you should go over there, you are strong, and the water ghosts can't beat you!"

Qin Yu rolled his eyes at Li Zhengtong.

"Let's not talk about whether there are water ghosts or not, what are you afraid of in broad daylight? If the water ghosts also appear during the day, this village would have evacuated long ago!"

Qin Yu walked to the lake and did not find anything unusual.

It's just that the wind here seems to be a little colder.

"First set up the formation here, paste the talisman, and see if you can draw out the vengeful spirit at night!"

Li Zhengtong took out a piece of parchment from the Qiankun bag.

This is a formation he bought specifically to deal with resentful spirits, called the Red Sun Formation!

Once a resentful spirit enters this formation, it will be illuminated by the power of extreme yang, weakening its strength while causing damage to it.

"Then you draw here first, I'll go to the home of that family of three to take a look!"

"Brother Yu!" Li Zhengtong said hurriedly: "Why are you going to their house to see, where is there really a way to deal with resentful spirits?"

"What a fart method!" Qin Yu said: "Don't forget, in addition to getting rid of the resentful spirits, we also have to find out the reason why the resentful spirits were born."

"I emphasized this to those villagers before, but some people's reactions were strange. I feel that there may be something strange here."

"If I tell them directly that I'm going to the home of that family of three to investigate, what if they just say an address, so I have to say it's for dealing with resentful spirits."

"Those villagers are now eager for us to quickly eliminate the resentful spirits, so they naturally won't lie about dealing with resentful spirits. . "

"And I feel that the three people in that family turned into ghosts is a bit strange. The three people in that family moved from other places. Maybe it has something to do with their experiences, such as getting some magic weapons with heavy Yin Qi, or having contact with people from the Demon Sect!"

Li Zhengtong licked his lips and said, "How about Brother Yu, I will go with you to find clues!"

"No, you can't find any clues anyway, you just need to draw the formation here honestly."

"Don't, Brother Yu!"

Li Zhengtong didn't dare to stay by the lake alone, so he could only beg, "Brother Yu, just take me, I will definitely try my best to find clues!"

Qin Yu: "......Alas! What use do I have for you!"


The two walked along the lake toward the village.

As the villagers said, the house of the three people in that family was not built with them.

Among the densely packed houses, a lonely house was built next to it, which felt out of place.

Qin Yu and Li Zhengtong walked over and found that a small section of the wall of this house had collapsed.

The gate was half open. If it weren't for the clean yard without weeds and leaves, Qin Yu would have thought it was an abandoned yard.

Qin Yu pushed the gate open and walked in, and Li Zhengtong followed closely behind him.

"Brother Yu, do you think a vengeful spirit will suddenly appear here?"

Qin Yu: "... I think it's possible. Vengeful spirits are transformed from people, so it's normal for them to live at home."

"Damn, Brother Yu, you're scaring me again!"

Li Zhengtong bravely moved two meters away from Qin Yu. He wanted to prove that he was a very brave fat man.

Qin Yu looked around the yard and found nothing unusual.

"This family is well-off!" Li Zhengtong muttered.

"What did you say?" Qin Yu looked over immediately.

Li Zhengtong didn't expect Qin Yu to have such a big reaction, and hurriedly shook his head and said, "Nothing, I just sighed that the family of three had a good life before they died."

"Why do you say that?"

Li Zhengtong pointed to a shed and said, "This is a cowshed. There is so much hay next to it, which means that they have cows."

"In the countryside, cows are very valuable. A family with cows must have a good life!"

Qin Yu walked over and took a look. The cowshed was empty, with a pile of grass as high as a person next to it.

When you walk into the cowshed, you can still smell a faint smell of cow dung. Obviously, there were cows living here before.

"The villagers said that the man in their family was an alcoholic and lived in poverty. How could a poor family have such a valuable item as a cow?"

"Did the villagers lie, or was there another reason?"

Li Zhengtong started to think and said, "Brother Yu, there is actually a possibility..."

"Their family was very rich before, but the man became poor after drinking. The cow can be used to plow the land, which is the capital for turning over a new leaf. How could the man's wife be willing to sell it? Besides, the cow is easy to raise, and it's nothing more than getting some grass."

Qin Yu nodded, and he naturally thought of this.

Even if the cow was sold, the man would definitely throw the money into the tavern, and once the man became addicted to alcohol, he would most likely learn to play cards.

Qin Yu guessed that the family could go from rich to poor, most likely because of playing cards, and alcohol is worth only a few dollars!

In this case, selling the cow would not save money, so they must have kept it themselves.

"But where is the cow now?"

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