Captain Yuan could only raise his hand and say loudly: "Villagers, be quiet. I know you are very anxious now, and I also know that it feels uncomfortable to have no home to return to. I came here to solve this matter!"

"Let me introduce you first. The two people next to me are the Tianjiao disciples of Xuantian Sect. They are sent by Xuantian Sect to solve your problems."

"Everyone should actively cooperate with the two Taoist friends!"

The villagers cheered: "Great, the disciples of Xuantian Sect are here to help us solve the problem."

"These two people are so young, are they reliable?"

"What do you know? Xuantian Sect is the largest sect in our Liang State. Everyone in it knows immortal magic. It's not difficult to deal with a vengeful spirit. Simple and easy."

"That's right. Don't look at the young age of these two children. They are not simple at first glance."

"But I feel that the little fat boy is quite simple?"

"Shut up. You angered the two adults and left. Go deal with the vengeful spirits!"

Qin Yu pressed his hands and took over the right to speak: "Everyone be quiet. Let the manager come and tell me the whole story. I want to understand the situation first!"

"This time we come here not only to deal with the vengeful spirits, but also to find out why the vengeful spirits were born here. You can tell us what you know to avoid such situations from happening again in the future!"

Everyone looked at each other, some at a loss, and some even had some panic in their eyes.

'Something is wrong!'

Qin Yu narrowed his eyes slightly.

In theory, finding out the cause of the appearance of the vengeful spirits and preventing them from appearing again in the future is a good thing for the villagers anyway.

These villagers are not only unhappy, but also a little panicked.

And there is only one reason for their panic, that is, they have a guilty conscience.

Qin Yu looked around, trying to get some information from the villagers' expressions, but everyone looked down and avoided his gaze.

Just as Qin Yu was about to catch a villager for interrogation, an old man stood up and said:

"Little kid, why do you care how those vengeful spirits appeared? They have already become vengeful spirits, so just kill them quickly. Those vengeful spirits can kill people!"

Qin Yu explained: "Sorry, grandpa, understanding the reason for the birth of vengeful spirits is also one of the means to deal with them. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle!"

At this time, a woman walked out of the crowd:

"Why don't you let me tell you!"

Qin Yu turned his head and saw that the woman had a plain appearance and red and swollen eyes, as if she had been crying for a long time.

"Are you a relative of the dead family of three?"

"No, I'm the village chief's wife."

"Okay, then tell me what you know. I also have a few questions to ask you. Find out everything as soon as possible so that I can avenge your husband."


"My two friends, I have something to do today..." Captain Yuan said.

"Leave it to me, Captain Yuan, you can go and do it!"

After Captain Yuan left, the village chief's wife told the story.

The story was consistent with what Captain Yuan said. The man in the family of three was addicted to alcohol. He was drunk in the pub every day. The originally wealthy family gradually declined because of the man's alcoholism.

That day, the man fell into the lake after getting drunk. The woman shouted for help. When the villagers rushed out, they found that the family of three had all fallen into the lake.

Qin Yu asked: "Didn't you save them? It's reasonable that a person wouldn't drown so quickly, right?"

At this time, an old man in the village stood up and said: "Sir, it's not that we don't want to save him, but there is a water ghost in the lake. It dragged all three of them down. Whoever goes over will be dragged down."

"That's right. When I walk at night, I would rather take a detour than walk by the lake. Who dares to save this person who fell in!"

"If he is dragged down by a water ghost, he can't be saved at all!"

"Is there a real water ghost or a fake one?" Qin Yu was a little confused for a while.

It stands to reason that in the world of cultivating immortals, resentful spirits have appeared, so it is normal to have water ghosts.

And if there are water spirit beasts with strong aggressiveness living in the water, they may be mistaken for water ghosts by the villagers.

"Sir, there must be a water ghost, otherwise how could the little kid fall into the lake?"

"His mother went to save his father, and the little kid must be waiting on the shore!"

Qin Yu nodded. He did have this doubt before.

Why did the child fall in as well?

If the villagers explained it this way, it would barely work.

"Who of you came out of the house first? Did you hear any movement in the lake?"

The village chief's wife cried and said, "My husband was the first to come out. He said that when he just came out, he heard two splashes of water in the lake. After he took two steps forward, the sound stopped abruptly. He wanted to save people, but was persuaded by the neighbors who came out later."

"That family of three must have become vengeful spirits to harm my husband because my husband didn't save them!"

The village chief's wife started crying again.

Qin Yu sighed.

He had nothing to say about this, and the village chief was not obliged to risk his life to save others.

But... is it really so easy to give birth to a vengeful spirit?

Just because others didn't save him, he became a vengeful spirit out of resentment?

According to Captain Yuan, he has never seen a vengeful spirit in all his years in office, which shows that vengeful spirits are not so easy to be born.

If vengeful spirits can only become vengeful spirits when others don't save them when their lives are in danger, then vengeful spirits must not be so rare.

"Who are the relatives of that family of three? Come here, I have something to ask."

No one answered!

The village chief's wife explained: "That family of three moved here from other places and has no relatives in the village."

'Moved here from other places? '

'Is it because there is something special about this family of three that the vengeful spirits were born? '

'For example, is it related to the Demon Cult? '

"That's right!" Qin Yu suddenly remembered a very important question.

"Did all three of the family become vengeful spirits, or was there only one vengeful spirit?"

"We don't know that!"

"We have never seen a vengeful spirit, and those who have seen a vengeful spirit are dead!"

"I'm afraid only the village chief has seen a vengeful spirit!"

Qin Yu moved his eyes to the village chief's wife again.

"Auntie, can you tell me what the village chief looked like that day?"

The village chief's wife covered her face and cried, "My husband's face was black and purple, as if he was suffocated to death. His face was distorted and his eyes were bulging, as if he saw something particularly terrifying."

"Then when did you find out that the village chief was dead?"

"In the morning, after the cock crowed!"

"Then you didn't hear any noise at night?"

"No, I don't know why, I slept very soundly that night."

"You shouldn't cremate the village chief immediately. If you can let Captain Yuan take a look, maybe you can have a general understanding of the vengeful spirit."

"We didn't think too much at the time. It looked scary at the time, so we hurried to..."

"Wait!" Qin Yu suddenly thought of a question, "When did you fish out the bodies of the family of three and burn them?"

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