"Have you found the spells I asked you to find?" Qin Yu asked.

"Of course I have, but..." The head of the Dream Dog Tribe thought for a moment, "I didn't know you had the Fire Spiritual Root, so I have to remodel it so that it can be more powerful."

"What spells did you bring me?"

Qin Yu was still looking forward to it. Even Su Lingfeng couldn't stand the last "mental attack", which helped Qin Yu a lot.

If the spells this time can also have the strength of "mental attack", Qin Yu will be very happy.

The head of the Dream Dog Tribe said proudly: "Hehe, I looked up more than 20 related spells for the fist and palm techniques this time, and finally took all the essence and added your advantages and characteristics to create them."

"Is the last mental attack also created in this way?" Qin Yu asked.

"Mental attack?" The head of the Dream Dog Tribe was a little confused.

"It is the exclusive spell of the handsome Scar, the greatest patriarch of the super invincible Dream Dog Clan!"

The Dream Dog Clan leader suddenly realized: "It turns out to be super invincible..."

Qin Yu interrupted hurriedly: "You don't need to describe, just answer my question directly!"

"That was also created by me, but I am an expert in spiritual aspects, and I don't need to refer to other spells. Unlike this time, I have to study many spells to create a spell of the same level."

Qin Yu was a little surprised. He thought that this was the top spell that the Dream Dog Clan leader stole from somewhere.

Unexpectedly, it was created by himself.

Qin Yu couldn't help thinking in his heart:

'Fake golden fingers: System - check talents, copy talents, synthesize talents! '

'Real golden fingers: Dream Dog Clan leader - available at any time, can destroy the sect, create spells, good-looking, never lose the chain, emotionally loyal and only loves stinky tofu! ’

“Since you’ve worked so hard this time, I’ll make you a few more stinky tofu!”

The chief of the Huanmeng Dog Clan looked at Wangcai in ecstasy.

Wangcai gave him a ‘determined’ look in return.

On the way here, Wangcai told the chief of the Huanmeng Dog Clan to show his difficulty so that he could get more stinky tofu.

Now that he tried it, the effect was indeed remarkable.

‘Sang Biao, this kid, has always been smart! ’

Qin Yu didn’t know that he was fooled by the two dogs. He happily set up the pot and poured oil on it.

Because he was happy today, the oil Qin Yu used was all bright yellow and clean oil.

Today’s stinky tofu is absolutely clean, delicious and hygienic!

In the interval of frying stinky tofu, Qin Yu asked tentatively: "Senior Huanmeng Dog, do you have any way to cover up the characteristics of my spiritual roots? I don't want others to know for the time being."

The Huanmeng Dog tribe leader said affirmatively: "Don't worry, no one in the entire Xuantian Sect can see the changes in your spiritual roots."

"I can see it because I'm not a human!"

"Really?" Qin Yu was very happy, and unconsciously added two pieces of stinky tofu to the oil pan.

The Huanmeng Dog tribe leader said happily: "That must be true, lying is a puppy!"

Qin Yu: "..."

After eating the stinky tofu, the Huanmeng Dog tribe leader also completed the transformation of the two spells.

Just like last time.

The Huanmeng Dog tribe leader directly passed the created skills to Qin Yu's mind, and then took Wangcai to the river to rinse his mouth.

Back to the island, if other Huanmeng Dogs smelled the stinky tofu in their mouths, it would be difficult to explain.

Although these stinky tofu were obtained by their strength, it was still a bad influence.

As the greatest and most handsome patriarch of the Dream Dog Clan, he must set an example and be fair and just.

It would be bad if other dogs gossiped behind his back.

After the Dream Dog Clan leader left, Qin Yu couldn't wait to check the two spells in his mind.

One was a fist technique and the other was a palm technique. Unfortunately, there was no sword technique that Qin Yu wanted the most.

The fist technique was named 'Super Invincible Dream Dog Clan's Greatest Clan Leader, Handsome Scar's Exclusive Fist Technique'!

The palm technique was named in the same way, without any creativity.

Because both the fist technique and the palm technique were created for Qin Yu, they perfectly fit Qin Yu's fire spirit root.

When they were performed, flames would rise.

Therefore, Qin Yu gave these two spells two mighty and domineering names.

'Flame Fist! '

'Flame Palm! '

Niu Bi's spells only needed the simplest naming method.

The spells created by the Dream Dog Clan leader were all very simple, or it might be because they were spells tailored for Qin Yu. Anyway, for Qin Yu, it was very simple to learn.

By the evening, Qin Yu was able to perform it in a proper manner.

"Flame Palm!"

Qin Yu's palm emitted a blazing flame, and with a palm strike, a palm formed by flames flew out and hit the wall of the cave.

However, the formation on the wall did not even have a ripple.

It was not as powerful as Qin Yu's full-strength punch.

However, Qin Yu was not discouraged. He had just learned it and could not even exert half of its power.

At that time, the "spiritual attack" could not even knock Li Zhengtong unconscious, but didn't he kill Su Lingfeng in one move later?

As long as you keep practicing, once you are familiar with the laws of the operation of spiritual energy, the power will naturally increase.

When Qin Yu was about to take a break, Li Zhengtong ran over.

"Brother Yu, I have found a lot of knowledge about resentful spirits."

"Okay, come in and talk!"

Li Zhengtong brought dinner with him this time. Qin Yu ate dinner while listening to Li Zhengtong say:

"When a person dies with great resentment or extreme anger, the resentment affects the surrounding spiritual energy, thus forming a resentful spirit."

"The strength of the resentful spirit is related to the mental strength and hatred of the person before his death. They are cruel and bloodthirsty, but they will also retain some of their memories before their death and will actively seek revenge on their enemies."

"After killing all the enemies, the resentful spirit will stay in the place where it was born and no longer wander around. As long as no one approaches, there will be no great danger."

Qin Yu nodded. Li Zhengtong said these things. He had read some of them when he read the encyclopedia of the world of cultivation before.

"Then do you know how to deal with the resentful spirit?"

"I know. I bought a lot of treasures!"

Li Zhengtong happily took out a bunch of things from the Qiankun bag.

"Ghosts are yin, so if you want to deal with them, you have to use something extremely yang!"

"This is a talisman specifically for dealing with ghosts, and this is a one-time magic weapon specifically for dealing with ghosts!"

"There are also boy's urine, black donkey hooves, black dog blood, glutinous rice..."

Qin Yu: "???"

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