Xuantian Sect's work efficiency is still very high.

That afternoon someone came to ask Li Xiaojiao to take the assessment.

The assessment took place in the main hall of the sect. Qin Yu and Li Zhengtong escorted Li Xiaojiao outside the hall.

"Xiaojiao, don't be nervous. Just say whatever the elders ask you, but you can't be unreasonable, okay?"

"Don't worry!" Li Xiaojiao imitated an adult and said, "I have a sense of propriety!"


After less than a cup of tea, Li Xiaojiao walked out majestically.

"How is it?" Qin Yu and Li Zhengtong asked hurriedly.

Li Xiaojiao shook her head, "I don't know, it seems to have been successful!"

"What questions did the elders ask you?"

Li Xiaojiao said: "They just asked me a question, what will I do after I gain strength?"

"How did you answer?"

Li Xiaojiao said with a wicked smile: "Of course we must destroy all the righteous sects that bully us. No one will be left alive. Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

Because Li Xiaojiao has always believed that Wufeng Sect is an orthodox sect and is good since she was a child.

But what happened not long ago changed Li Xiaojiao's views, and she determined to get rid of all the orthodox sects that bullied them.

This is the answer we have now.

Li Zhengtong sat down on the ground.

"It's over."

Qin Yu asked: "Did the elders say anything?"

Li Xiaojiao thought for a while and said: "They were surprised at first, and then a young elder said, 'This child is really a natural seed of the demon sect. She must be allowed to stay in Xuantian Sect for transformation. If she is released, I don't know how many people will be harmed. '!"

"Then they let me stay!"

Li Zhengtong stood up for a moment, "This...can it still be like this?"

"Then will any elder accept you as a disciple?"

Upon hearing this, Li Xiaojiao immediately said proudly: "Because I am too good, those elders said they were unable to teach me, and they must be humble to each other."

"In the end, the person sitting in the middle asked me to go out first and discuss the matter later."

"Then let's talk about it later. Xiaojiao is still young anyway, so there's no need to worry!" Qin Yu said with a smile.

Not all disciples of the inner sect have masters, for example, Qin Yu and Li Zhengtong do not have masters. Of course, their nominal master is the master of the Formation Peak, but this kind of master is in name only.

Soon someone gave Li Xiaojiao an identity token and she became a student in the school.

Because Li Xiaojiao has not chosen which peak to join, she has not been assigned a cave for the time being. In this case, there is a temporary cave to live in, but Li Xiaojiao is still allowed to live in his brother's house.

Anyway, a cave has five rooms, and even two more Li Xiaojiao can accommodate them.

Everything is taken care of.

That night, Li Xiaojiao held the Xuantian Kung Fu book and began to practice it gropingly.

Fortunately, most of them are pictures, so even if you don’t know the words, it won’t affect your practice.

The top-grade spiritual root was indeed the top-grade spiritual root. In less than a stick of incense, Li Xiaojiao felt the spiritual energy and successfully absorbed it into her meridians for refining.

Li Zhengtong was stunned at this speed.

He immediately stepped up his practice, fearing that he would be surpassed by Li Xiaojiao.

Li Zhengtong didn't know that he also had a top-grade spiritual root, so he felt a lot of pressure on himself.

In fact, Xiaozhi is under the most pressure. He is already considering whether to move back.

This place is too intense.


It was dawn the next day.

Li Zhengtong gave Li Xiaojiao a Bigu Pill and planned to take him to school.

"Mom said I won't let you take Bigu Pills for me!" Li Xiaojiao said displeased.

Li Zhengtong: "This Bigu Pill is junk food, so Mom won't let me give it to you."

Li Xiaojiao did not hesitate, opened her mouth and swallowed it in one gulp, "Why does junk food not taste good? Hiccup!"

"Let's go to school!"

Even though Li Xiaojiao was reluctant in every possible way, she was still brought to the school by Li Zhengtong.

With Li Xiaojiao's cheerful personality, she quickly integrated into the school.


School is over in the afternoon!

Li Xiaojiao ran all the way home.

"Brother, come out quickly and follow me to take revenge. I was bullied!"

Li Zhengtong and Xiaozhi rushed out in a hurry.

"What's going on?"

Li Xiaojiao said with red eyes: "A boy hit my hand. It hurt me so much. Brother, go and avenge me!"

When Li Zhengtong heard this, he was furious.

My sister was bullied on her first day at school.

Isn't this proper school bullying?

Moreover, my sister has just started practicing, so this is a proper way to bully the weak.

It’s simply lawless!

He couldn't bear it, Xiaozhi couldn't bear it, and Qin Yu couldn't bear it even more.

Li Zhengtong and Xiaozhi immediately found Qin Yu with Li Xiaojiao. The four of them walked towards the school aggressively, and they were bound to ask the teacher for an explanation.

Halfway through, Li Xiaojiao suddenly pointed at the two people in front of him, one large and one small, and said, "Brother, brother Qin Yu, brother Xiaozhi, he is the one who bullied me. Go and beat them up!"

When Li Xiaojiao called out, the two people in front turned around.

I saw the little boy in front of me with red eyes and a small red palm mark on his face.

After seeing Li Xiaojiao, the little boy quickly hid behind the person next to him and said weakly: "Brother, she was the one who beat me."

Qin Yu was stunned for a second, then gritted his teeth and asked, "Li Xiaojiao, tell me what others used to hit your hand?"

Li Xiaojiao said weakly: "Use your face!"

Li Zhengtong: ".......Why didn't you tell me earlier!"

"You didn't ask earlier!"

"It's obvious that you bullied others, and you turned around to complain!"

"Brother, don't be afraid, there are four of us, and they are only two. Let's go up and teach them a lesson. That kid didn't recognize me as the boss, he deserves a beating!"

"You still want to fight!" Li Zhengtong scolded sternly: "If you are so disobedient again, I will send you home."

"Tsk!" Li Xiaojiao said fearlessly: "I have inquired in advance. Once you join Xuantian Sect, you can't go home for no reason. Do you think Xuantian Sect is opened by your family? If you want to send me back, send me back."

"Then I will punish you by not allowing you to eat tonight!" Li Zhengtong used what he thought was the most painful, severest and most effective punishment.

But Li Xiaojiao was not afraid.

Li Xiaojiao burped and said: "Since I ate that junk food, I am not hungry at all!"

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