After a brief understanding of the three countries, Qin Yu focused on Liang.

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There are 3,631 registered sects in Liang, large and small. Now that Wufeng Sect has been destroyed, there are only 3,630 left.

Among them, the Liang court has formulated 24 first-class sects based on the comprehensive strength of the sect, the strongest combat power, the level of disciples, and the influence on the surrounding areas. Now that Wufeng Sect has been destroyed, there are only 23 left.

Like the Baiyi Hall, Hehuan Sect, Riguan Tianxiang Sect, Royal Academy, Wangtie Sect, Bingxin Palace, Wanye Valley, etc. that Qin Yu often heard of, including Xuantian Sect and the former Wufeng Sect, are all first-class sects.

However, there are also differences between first-class sects. For example, Wangtie Sect is mainly engaged in casting, earning a lot of spiritual stones by relying on Baiqi Pavilion, and has a strong influence, so it is rated as a first-class sect.

Similar sects include Wanye Valley, which specializes in selling spiritual herbs, Baiyitang, which treats patients, Riguan Tianxiang Sect, and Hehuan Sect, which tell fortunes, etc. Their own combat power is not very strong, but their influence is huge.

In short, they are rich, so they become permanent guests of first-class sects.

And sects like Xuantian Sect, Royal Academy, Wufeng Sect, etc., rely on strength to speak, and have ancestors in the Crossing Tribulation Period, and they are all well-deserved first-class sects.

And there are also big differences between first-class sects.

For example, Xuantian Sect may not be able to count the Crossing Tribulation Period on one hand, while Wufeng Sect has only one old Crossing Tribulation Period ancestor struggling to support it.


In the martial arts world, these 24 first-class sects are divided into four major sects and 20 backup sects!

The four major sects are Xuantian Sect in the north, Jianzong in the south, Royal Academy in the center, and Changsheng Sect in the east!

Among them, Changsheng Sect is located on an overseas island. They only pursue the art of longevity and rarely deal with the outside world, so their influence is not great.

Even their disciples do not participate in the immortal foundation secret realm. It is the only sect among the twenty-four sects that escaped Qin Yu's poisonous hands.

But to be rated as one of the four major sects, its strength is definitely not to be underestimated!

As for Jianzong!

As the name suggests, it is Jianzong!

Everyone uses a sword, and the disciples are all sword cultivators. They advocate decisive killing, and attack is the best defense.

Every day they dream of killing one person in ten steps, and often run to other sects to challenge.

But they never challenge Xuantian Sect.

One reason is that the two sides are far away and it is inconvenient to travel.

Another reason is that they can't beat them.

In the immortal foundation secret realm, Qin Yu also met the Tianjiao disciples of Jianzong.

There were nine of them in total, second only to the Royal Academy and Xuantian Sect in terms of number. It can be said that they have a strong foundation and a constant flow of fresh blood.

Later, after entering the secret realm, they made great contributions to the Red Fire Ape Clan.

One person can pull the millstone to 1.25 people!

It can be said that they have made an indelible contribution!

After understanding the terrain and power distribution of Liang State.

Now, he is preparing to learn about some common spiritual plants, spiritual beasts, etc. in the world of immortal cultivation to enrich his common sense.

As an alchemist, this knowledge is also very important.

After learning the formation in the morning, Qin Yu went straight to the Xuantian Sect Sutra Pavilion.

The Sutra Pavilion was built at the outer gate, which is convenient for all disciples to enter and study, but for Qin Yu, the journey is a bit far.

If you rush at full speed, it will take an incense stick of time.

Now that Qin Yu has become an inner disciple, he can enter the second floor of the Sutra Pavilion for reference.

There are many differences between the second floor and the first floor.

For example, the second floor needs to climb stairs and the second floor is higher than the first floor. Such nonsense will not be discussed too much.

After Qin Yu spent some time on the second floor, he came to several conclusions.

First, compared with the first floor, the books on the second floor are more comprehensive and the content is more refined.

Like the previously discovered ‘Wang Dahe’ mixed book, there is not a single copy on the second floor.

Secondly, many small spells recorded on the second floor can be borrowed and studied at will.

You know, if outer disciples want to learn these spells, they have to spend contribution points.

The sect really takes good care of outer disciples in this regard.

Although they have few contribution points, they have many ways to spend them!

Unlike Qin Yu, who doesn’t know how to spend his contribution points!

Qin Yu looked up these spells a few days ago and took a fancy to several footworks.

This is also his shortcoming!

Qin Yu’s current attack methods include ‘mental attack’, enhancement methods include ‘power pills’, deceiving humans means include ‘disguise’, and speed pills, which seem to be very comprehensive.

But Qin Yu’s speed pill has a fatal flaw, that is, it can’t stop!

It is enough for running away and chasing the enemy, but it is too cumbersome when fighting with others.

You can't fight and run at the same time!

Or circle around the enemy like a fool.

So Qin Yu plans to learn a footwork to make up for this defect.

However, he has not decided which footwork to learn yet. He originally wanted to ask Elder Wang Yingjun to see the opinions of people who have experienced it.

But when he went to find Wang Yingjun, he heard that he went out to seek refuge.

Qin Yu originally thought that Elder Wang Yingjun was punished by the sect and couldn't bear it, so he went out to avoid it and came back after he became a fusion stage.

Later, after asking around, he learned that Elder Wang Yingjun didn't know where he ran away when washing clothes. The clothes were soaked in the basin for a night and faded!

The clothes were his wife's clothes. The fabric was very precious and could only be washed by hand, and they could not be soaked in water for a long time.

After returning home, Elder Wang Yingjun found the clothes in the basin and ran away in a hurry.

Qin Yu thought carefully and remembered that on the night they set out, Elder Wang Yingjun seemed to be washing clothes.

This made Qin Yu sigh that such a young man with great ambitions was persecuted by marriage!

This also caused Qin Yu's footwork to stagnate temporarily.

However, Qin Yu was not in a hurry. Anyway, he had a lot of tasks and could not be idle.

Qin Yu went to the second floor of the Sutra Pavilion and took a book on the spiritual plants of the Xiuxian world from the bookshelf to study!

The time of study always passed quickly, and it was dark in the blink of an eye.

Qin Yu put down the book and decided to eat some hawthorn later to promote digestion.

Digest and absorb the knowledge learned today as soon as possible.

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