The sect leader seemed to understand the thoughts of the leader of the Fantasy Dog Clan, and said calmly: "I know I can't control you, but I can control that boy named Qin Yu."

"If I find you leaving the sect without authorization again to cause trouble, I will forbid Qin Yu from making stinky tofu!"

The leader of the Fantasy Dog Clan jumped up.

"You are despicable, why do you restrict our dog's freedom!"

"Just because you got into trouble this time!"

The sect leader flicked his sleeves, turned around and left with the great elder.

Only a group of dream dogs are left to worry!

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝘁𝘄𝗸𝗮𝗻.𝗰𝗼𝗺]

The great elder glanced at the leader of the Fantasy Dog Clan proudly, then turned to ask the sect leader:

"Where are you taking me?"

"Go to the Imperial City and clean up the mess you made yourself!" the sect leader said angrily.

"Don't worry yet, the treasures picked up from Wufeng Sect are still with the leader of the Fantasy Dog Clan!"

The sect leader immediately stopped.

"I said why I always feel like I've forgotten something, but it turns out I've forgotten something serious!"

"Quickly, move the treasures to our Xuantian Sect's treasure house quickly, and have them all stamped with our Xuantian Sect's logo!"


Qin Yu was very calm here.

After the Wufeng Sect was destroyed, no one came to see them.

Qin Yu guessed that Elder Wang Yingjun should have shouldered everything alone.

Wang Yingjun is so loyal!

This afternoon, Qin Yu and Li Zhengtong are preparing to move!

"Hey, it's only been a few days since I moved here, and I'm about to move out. I'm still a little reluctant to leave here!"

Li Zhengtong came to see Xiao Zhifaner off the track.

Xiaozhi rolled his eyes at Li Zhengtong, "How about you stay here for a few more days?"

"That won't work!" Li Zhengtong shrugged helplessly: "The sect has stipulated that inner sect disciples are not allowed to live in the outer sect. I really envy you outer sect disciples for being able to live here."

"Unlike me, I can only live alone in the huge and luxurious cave of the inner disciples."

Xiaozhi: "...You are so inappropriate!"

As usual, Qin Yu called the leader of the Fantasy Dog Clan.

First, he put everything away, and then Qin Yu dug out all the buried fish and soil, preparing to take them to the inner door to bury them.

As soon as the iron bar went down, a rotten smell rushed straight to his forehead.

Qin Yu immediately held his breath and asked the leader of the Fantasy Dog Clan to quickly take the fish into another space.

For his own stinky tofu, the leader of the Fantasy Dog Clan had no choice but to bite the bullet and reopen a small space.

After putting the fish away, Qin Yu found a long green strip of jade in the pit, about the size of an adult's little finger.

"What's this?"

Qin Yu first controlled the water flow to rinse the jade, and then took it into his hand to play with.

Li Zhengtong, Xiaozhi and the leader of the Fantasy Dog Clan all came together.

"Brother Yu, what kind of treasure is this?"

"I don't know!"

The leader of the Fantasy Dog Clan sniffed it and said, "There are no spiritual energy fluctuations, it's not a treasure!"

Qin Yu suddenly lost interest, "It must have been thrown here randomly before, but it was dug out this time. It's of no use."

"Wait, it seems to be empty in here!"

Qin Yu pinched both ends of the jade stone and pulled hard.

The jade stone was neatly separated from the middle, and there was a piece of parchment inside.

"What's this?"

Qin Yu took out the parchment, stretched it out, and found that it was blank and there was nothing on it.

"Damn, it couldn't be someone playing a prank!" Xiaozhi said.

Qin Yu looked up and down the parchment, but couldn't find any clues.

The leader of the Fantasy Dog Clan also came over and took a look, but didn't say anything.

"It could be a prank!"

Qin Yu put the parchment back into the jade, then threw it into the Qiankun bag to eat the ashes.

"Let's go to the inner gate!"


If the luxury of the cave where the handyman disciples lived was defined as a star!

The outer disciple's cave is three stars!

And the inner disciple's cave has one hundred stars!

After seeing the caves, Qin Yu understood that the caves in the outer gate could only be regarded as habitable, and the caves in the inner gate could be called home.

The inner gate cave mansions are not built together like the outer gate cave mansions. Instead, they are scattered, with one here and one there, just like villas on the mountain.

This is not to prevent neighbor disputes, but because the inner gate cave is too big to be built together!

Neimen Cave Mansion covers an area of ​​1,000 square meters and has five rooms, three halls and two courtyards.

There are flowers and plants in the front yard, and there is a rockery and a small lake in the back.

Especially suitable for hiding corpses after murder and arson.

There is a spirit gathering formation in the southeast, northwest, and southeast, which makes the aura in the courtyard so rich that people are a little uncomfortable.

Qin Yu couldn't help but sigh: "This is the cave, this is the cultivation of immortals!"

Because the Neimen Cave Mansion did not have a 666 number, Qin Yu asked the person in charge for one.

Cave No. 66 happened to be free, so Qin Yu moved in directly.

"By the way, why did the former owner of this cave go away?"

The person in charge smiled and said: "This former owner is quite extraordinary. He has become an elder."

"And he is also one of the youngest and most promising elders of Xuantian Sect. I heard a few days ago that he is going to attack the integration stage. I don't know if it will be successful!"

Qin Yu: "...The former owner couldn't be Elder Wang Yingjun!"

"Yes, have you heard of Elder Wang Yingjun's name?"

Qin Yu: "More than just heard of it!"

"Oh, this sect is really small!"

The last time I went to Wang Yingjun's house, I was in a hurry, and it was very late and I didn't look carefully. Looking back now, Qin Yu felt that Wang Yingjun's house seemed more luxurious than this cave.

Xiaozhi turned around with envy, looking back and forth.

Unless invited by the inner disciples or under special circumstances, the outer disciples are not allowed to enter the living area of ​​the inner disciples. The sect is probably afraid that the outer disciples will become mentally unbalanced after seeing them.

So this is the first time Xiaozhi has seen such a luxurious cave.

"Brother Yu, your cave is just like a park, it's so awesome."

"If you like it, just move in together. Anyway, there are so many rooms here that not even one person can fit in."

"Yes, Xiaozhi, you can come and stay at my place!" Li Zhengtong also invited.

"Really, can I come and stay?" Xiaozhi was suddenly moved.

He is now an outer sect disciple and does not need to work. He lives in the outer sect and has to travel back and forth to attend classes.

If you live in the inner gate, it will not only be convenient, but also have a high concentration of spiritual energy, and your cultivation will improve quickly.

Xiaozhi just wanted to accept Qin Yu. After all, it was Qin Yu who invited him first. If he accepted Li Zhengtong, Qin Yu would be embarrassed.

But Xiaozhi suddenly thought of something.

Being with Brother Yu, I'm afraid he will become a ready-made drug testing tool.

Xiaozhi shivered, his life was still at stake!

(Thanks to ‘Gu Hengshan who loves shrimp hot pot’ for the great recognition. I wish my boss that he won’t have to do homework when school starts)

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