"Senior, I actually have another piece of news."

"Tell me now!"

"That is... when we were rescuing people, we used too much force and accidentally destroyed the Wufeng Sect!"

The head of the Baiyi Hall: "???"

Li Zihao froze in his place when he heard this, "No, the Wufeng Sect was destroyed by you. Why didn't you call me for such a good thing?"

The head of the Baiyi Hall slapped his apprentice, and then looked at Qin Yu with disbelief.

"You said you destroyed the Wufeng Sect?"

At this time, the head of the Huanmeng Dog Clan popped his head and said, "It's all my credit!"

The head of the Baiyi Hall's eyes lit up: "Dog hair!"

The head of the Huanmeng Dog Clan immediately shrank his neck and disappeared on the spot.

Qin Yu explained with a smile: "Senior Huanmeng Dog is too powerful. He almost destroyed the entire Wufeng Sect with the power of a dog!"

"You guys are really lawless. You just destroyed such a big sect!" The head of Baiyi Hall glared at Wang Yingjun and scolded him: "They are children who don't know anything. You, an elder, are fooling around with them. Don't you know the impact of the sudden destruction of a first-class sect?"

Elder Wang Yingjun shrugged helplessly.

When he saw thousands of Huanmeng Dogs rushing out of the void, he knew that this matter was no longer under his control.

Li Zhengtong was dissatisfied and said, "The Wufeng Sect is no different from the Demon Sect. Its destruction is also to eliminate harm for the people!"

"Although you rescued Xiao Hu from the prison of the Wufeng Sect, it cannot directly prove that the Wufeng Sect is the force that destroyed the Xiaoshan Sect."

"Even if he destroyed the Xiaoshan Sect, it should be handled by the court and the major sects after consultation, instead of you taking dogs to the mountain and killing people without any reason!"

"The Wufeng Sect not only slaughtered the Xiaoshan Sect, they kidnapped my mother and wanted to wipe out the entire Li family. Their disciples don't take mortals seriously at all, and their elders..."

Li Zhengtong listed the crimes of the Wufeng Sect one by one.

He was a little angry in his heart, feeling that the head of the Baiyi Hall was speaking for the Wufeng Sect everywhere, and it seemed that the Wufeng Sect didn't kidnap your mother.

If there weren't so many people nearby, Li Zhengtong would have complained to Brother Yu.

'This old thing doesn't look like a good person! '

After listening to Li Zhengtong's words, the head of the Baiyi Hall fell silent.

Li Zhengtong misunderstood the other party. It was not that the head of Baiyitang spoke for Wufengzong.

Rather, Wufengzong, as the local leader, would bring great turmoil if it suddenly disappeared.

As the saying goes, when a whale falls, all things will be born!

After all things are born, conflicts will inevitably arise, with big forces eating small forces, and finally new whales will be born.

In the absence of external interference, the battle will not stop before new whales are born.

Of course, the Liang court will definitely not sit idly by in this situation, but the major forces in this area will definitely continue to conflict.

The idea of ​​the head of Baiyitang is to support a new force in the local area to replace the influence of Wufengzong, and then destroy Wufengzong.

Or only punish some people in Wufengzong instead of directly making Wufengzong disappear.

This will minimize the loss.

Moreover, the sudden destruction of Wufengzong will not only affect that area.

All major sects will worry about themselves. If Wufengzong is destroyed one day, will they also be suddenly destroyed?

Just like when Xiaoshanzong disappeared overnight, all sects will be afraid of enemies.

If nothing unexpected happens, the head of the Hundred Doctors Hall thinks that he will start another large-scale operation to eliminate the demon sect to relax all the sects and forces.

Although the impact is great, it has been done, and the head of the Hundred Doctors Hall is too lazy to say anything.

Anyway, it is not his disciples who are in trouble.

Let the head of the Xuantian Sect worry about it. Anyway, the Xuantian Sect is a big family and can withstand the toss.

The head of the Hundred Doctors Hall said with a smile: "I have heard that the Xuantian Sect's guardian beast, the Dream Dog, has reached a terrifying level of strength. Among them, their patriarch is even more unfathomable. It is said that his strength is even higher than that of the Xuantian Sect's patriarch. It is really well-deserved!"

The head of the Dream Dog tribe heard this and just wanted to brag.

But he heard the head of the Hundred Doctors Hall mutter: "The healing effect of the pills made from such strong dog hair must be so strong!"

The head of the Dream Dog tribe immediately retracted his neck.

At this time, Hao Ri, who had been silent all the time, came out and said seriously:

"In fact, the strength of the Grand Elder of Xuantian Sect is still higher than that of the Chief of Huanmeng Dog Clan. The Grand Elder of Xuantian Sect is the No. 1 expert of Xuantian Sect!"

When the Chief of Huanmeng Dog Clan heard this, he was immediately dissatisfied.

But when he saw his dense and smooth black hair, he resisted the urge to go out.

He would teach Hao Ri a lesson after returning to the sect.

The Chief of Huanmeng Dog Clan was very smart.

He knew that Qin Yu needed the head of Baiyi Hall to treat his patients. In this case, as long as the head of Baiyi Hall insisted on asking for dog hair, Qin Yu would definitely give it.

Therefore, the Chief of Huanmeng Dog Clan simply did not show his head.

"Cough cough cough..."

At this time, the 'corpse' on the ground suddenly coughed.

As if to remind everyone, stop talking nonsense, I will die if you continue talking!

"Quick, quick, treat Xiao Hu first!"

The head of Baiyi Hall immediately took Xiao Hu into a room full of formations and closed the door.

After a while, the head of Baiyitang came out and said:

"Who is the patient's family member?"

Everyone: "......."

"Sorry, I'm used to saying that!" The head of the Hundred Doctors Hall laughed awkwardly and continued:

"I just checked Xiao Hu. Many of his injuries have existed for more than ten years. Basically, new injuries appear every once in a while. All five senses are lost, and his limbs are shattered!"

"But these injuries are minor injuries. As long as Xiao Hu recovers some of his cultivation, these injuries will heal!"

"But the problem now is that Xiao Hu's meridians are completely damaged, his spirit has suffered a great blow, and there are no less than ten kinds of poisons in his body. If it weren't for the fact that Xiaoshan Sect's skills are mainly based on body training, he wouldn't have been able to hold on until now."

Qin Yu frowned.

He didn't understand why the head of the Hundred Doctors Hall said this to him.

Xiao Hu is not from their Xuantian Sect, and his injuries have nothing to do with him.

It's a great favor to save him. Do you have to pay for his medical expenses?

Qin Yu said bluntly: "If it really can't be cured, then bury it!"

Xiao Hu: "......."

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