Qin Yu realized that he had underestimated alchemy.

It was so easy to watch Jiao Xiaoxiao's demonstration at the time, but when Qin Yu practiced it himself, he realized how difficult it was.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→ᴛᴡᴋᴀɴ.ᴄᴏᴍ]

There are no measuring tools in this world. To achieve the right temperature, you can only rely on experience and feeling.

Qin Yu guessed that even the 500 degrees written on the elixir prescription was probably just the approximate temperature estimated by the alchemist.

When the temperature is low, input more spiritual energy; when the temperature is high, input less spiritual energy.

You can only try this method over and over again.

Qin Yu gradually increased the amount of spiritual energy input, and when the temperature stabilized, he added two more beef tendon flowers.

"The temperature is still low!"

It is extremely difficult to control the amount of Reiki input.

Qin Yu practiced too quickly before. Although he had a lot of spiritual energy in his body, he didn't know how to use it at all.

Whenever something happens, he directly uses all the spiritual energy in his body, and all the spiritual energy will be exhausted in a short time.

This method of use is extremely inefficient.

Now that he started refining alchemy, Qin Yu's shortcomings in this area were completely exposed.

Alchemy has extremely strict requirements on the degree of control of the alchemist's own spiritual energy. A slight deviation will affect the quality of the elixir and even cause the alchemy to fail.

And this ability to control spiritual energy depends on the alchemist's mental power.

Spiritual power is a very mysterious force. It can not only help cultivators better control the spiritual energy in the body, but also help cultivators feel the outside world more clearly.

Even if some powerful people close their eyes, they can still clearly feel the flowers, trees, plants and trees around them with their mental power!


"Cool the temperature!"


Beads of sweat as big as peas kept sliding down Qin Yu's forehead, and his clothes were all soaked.

Although the weather has become slightly cooler, the surrounding temperature can reach forty or fifty degrees under the continuous heat of the stove!

If Qin Yu hadn't reached the second level of Qi Refining, he might have been in a coma from heatstroke by now.

Even practitioners at the second level of Qi Refining will still feel uncomfortable if they stay under such high temperatures for a long time.

But at this moment, Qin Yu was wholeheartedly feeling the flames in the alchemy furnace, completely forgetting the burning sensation coming from his skin.

Unknowingly, Qin Yu entered a mysterious state.

He could clearly feel the flames jumping up and down in the alchemy furnace, and feel the slightest change in the beef tendon flowers in the alchemy furnace.

Qin Yu's mental power is working and getting stronger bit by bit.

‘A little lower, a little lower! ’

Qin Yu tried his best to control the last bit of spiritual energy in his body, changing the temperature in the furnace little by little.


Qin Yu quickly threw two beef tendon flowers into the stove.

This time, the beef tendon flower did not burn instantly, and the petals did not curl, but stretched naturally, as if they were blooming.

There are bursts of white mist emitting from the flowers, which is the water vapor in the beef tendon flowers being discharged.


Qin Yu no longer had the strength to control the alchemy furnace and sat down on the ground.

Only then did he realize that the sun was already hanging in the south and it was already noon.

And all the spiritual energy in Qin Yu's body has been exhausted, not a drop left.

His head also felt dizzy, which was due to the excessive consumption of mental energy.

The beef tendons in the alchemy furnace lost the support of spiritual energy and fell directly to the bottom of the furnace, losing their value in refining medicine.

Qin Yu wiped the sweat from his face and counted the materials before realizing that this was his fifteenth attempt.

"I have the D-level alchemy talent of 'Fan the Fire Boy', and I tried fifteen times before I succeeded. It's hard to imagine how many times those without talent had to try!"

A total of thirty pieces of materials were purchased, and fifteen pieces of beef tendon flowers have been scrapped.

But Qin Yu didn't feel bad, it was all worth it.

The benefit of improving his mental power alone is no longer comparable to a single contribution point.

Qin Yu first went to take a shower, changed into clean clothes, and then started to use Xuan Tian Gong to restore the spiritual energy in his body.

After practicing for about fifteen minutes, Qin Yu's spiritual energy returned to the same level as before, even a little more than this morning.

‘It seems that alchemy can indeed increase cultivation, but I don’t know how fast it is! ’

Qin Yu opened his personal panel.

[Name: Qin Yu]

[Talent: Middle-grade spiritual root (C level), Fire boy (D level)]

[Progress: 2% (Note: When the progress reaches 100%, you will get a chance to copy the talent!)]

Since the progress bar does not display numbers after the decimal point, Qin Yu cannot determine the specific increase.

But Qin Yu estimated that the progress of one night's practice should be around 1.5%.

This time, after half a day of alchemy, it should have increased by 0.5%. If I used it to refine alchemy during the day, it would have increased by 1%, which is about 0.5% slower than pure cultivation.

But the benefits brought by alchemy are much stronger than this 0.5%.

‘Alchemy is indeed the right choice. ’

Although his spiritual energy was abundant, Qin Yu still felt very tired.

‘You have to take a break! ’

Qin Yu rubbed his head, fell on the bed and fell asleep after a while.

Sleep is the fastest way to restore mental strength.

About half an hour later, Qin Yu woke up, feeling energetic and energetic.

After washing his face, Qin Yu continued to make elixirs.

This time he only tried twice and successfully refined the beef tendon flowers.

"Next, lower the temperature to 300 degrees, crush the leaves of the Broken Bone Tree, add them to the furnace and mix them with the Beef Tendon Flower."

With previous experience, Qin Yu also had a certain concept of the temperature in the furnace.

But this time Qin Yu encountered a new problem, that is, how to blend the Beef Tendon Flower and the Broken Bone Tree Leaves together.

Qin Yu carefully recalled the skills explained by Jiao Xiaoxiao.

'Under high-temperature combustion, use spiritual energy to squeeze the Beef Tendon Flower and the Broken Bone Tree Leaves little by little, mix them together, fully integrate them, and make you have me and I have you. '

Qin Yu imagined his spiritual energy as a pair of big hands, constantly kneading the two kinds of spiritual herbs.

At first, Qin Yu was not used to it. He had to control the temperature in the furnace and twist the two kinds of spiritual herbs. This kind of two-tasking was very difficult for him.

But gradually Qin Yu also found the skills.

After repeated failures, Qin Yu became more and more proficient in controlling the spiritual energy.

Just after the thirteenth attempt failed, Qin Yu finally...

Finally used up the spiritual herb of Beef Tendon Flower.

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