This is Qin Yu's first time to visit the Baiyitang sect.

It is different from the Xuantian Sect and Wufeng Sect. Baiyitang is hidden deep in the mountains and forests, giving the feeling of a hidden sect.

Elder Wang Yingjun also gave an explanation for this.

"Before, the Hundred Doctors Hall was built in a conspicuous place, surrounded by patients every day, and one wave came after another."

"The key is that those patients did not have serious illnesses. Many of them had headaches and fevers, which could be cured by any doctor in the city."

"Because the Hundred Doctors Hall offered free medical treatment at that time, the people around came here to see a doctor."

"This not only made the disciples of the Hundred Doctors Hall have no time to practice, and the elders had no time to go out for patrols and consultations, but also made the doctors in nearby cities unemployed."

Qin Yu said: "Then wouldn't it be okay to change it to charge for medical treatment?"

"It was changed, and then the reputation of the Hundred Doctors Hall dropped sharply during that period, and many people scolded it. Their disciples did not dare to reveal their identities when they went out."

"After that, the head of the Hundred Doctors Hall at that time gritted his teeth and moved the sect to the deep mountains."

After hearing this, Qin Yu could only sigh that people's hearts are unpredictable.

No wonder the major sects are so high and mighty, and there is a gap between them and the people. This must be a factor in this regard.

Before the flying boat landed, Qin Yu saw Li Zihao and the head of the Baiyi Hall below, and many Baiyi Hall disciples were standing around.

‘I didn’t expect that I was so famous that the head of the Baiyi Hall would personally welcome me! ’ Qin Yu was a little complacent!

As soon as the flying boat landed, the old and young master and apprentice rushed up enthusiastically.

Li Zihao: “Brother Qin, I missed you so much after not seeing you for a long time. Have you developed any new elixirs recently?”

The head of the Baiyi Hall: “Brother Gou, I didn’t expect you to be willing to leave Xuantian Sect. You must leave more dog hair when you come here this time!”

Qin Yu was dumbfounded. The head of the Baiyi Hall actually came to welcome the leader of the Huanmeng Dog Clan.

Seeing Qin Yu's confusion, Li Zihao explained: "The hair of the Huanmeng Dog Tribe is a kind of medicinal material that can treat mental illnesses."

"And the chief of the Huanmeng Dog Tribe has the highest cultivation level, so its dog hair is the most useful."

"In the past, my master went to Xuantian Sect to ask for it, but Xuantian Sect directly refused. This time, I heard that the chief of the Huanmeng Dog Tribe was coming, so I wanted to ask for some in person."

Qin Yu asked: "Is the hair of the chief of the Huanmeng Dog Tribe very valuable?"

"Wait... How did your master know that the chief of the Huanmeng Dog Tribe was coming? I didn't tell you about this?"

Li Zihao: "I'll answer your first question first!"

"The hair of the chief of the Huanmeng Dog Tribe is very precious. It is in short supply and cannot be measured by spirit stones!"

'If you are short of spirit stones in the future, you can exchange stinky tofu for dog hair and sell it to Baiyitang! ' Qin Yu thought to himself.

"Now I'm answering your second question. I don't know."

Qin Yu: "..."

"My "I don't know" has two meanings. The first is that I don't know the answer to your second question. The second is that I don't know that the leader of the Dream Dog Clan is coming!"

Qin Yu said with a fake smile: "...Brother Li, I feel relieved to see that your mental state is still so good!"

"You didn't rest well during this period!"

"Rest?" Li Zihao and the head of the Hundred Doctors Hall who was asking for dog hair stood up at the same time and said loudly: "Only those who are useless to the world of cultivation will rest. Nowadays, diseases are everywhere. , the health of the patients is in danger, it is the critical moment for a medical genius/giant like me to take on the heavy responsibility, how can I rest? "

Qin Yu: "Rest, rest, rest!"

"Rest? Only those who are useless to the world of immortal cultivation will rest..."

Before the slogan was finished, Qin Yu shouted to the disciples of the Hundred Medical Hall who were watching the excitement around him: "No, no, no!"

"No? How can a doctor say no? Nowadays, diseases are everywhere and the health of patients is in danger. It is the critical moment for a medical genius/ordinary disciple/manual disciple like me to shine. How can I say no? "

Qin Yu nodded with satisfaction.

He has found the fatal weakness of the Hundred Medical Hall.

He now feels that he is so powerful that he only needs to join forces with Elder Wang Yingjun to destroy the Hundred Medical Hall.


After shouting the slogan, the master and apprentice were busy again.

"Brother Qin, I have conducted detailed tests on the new elixir you have been researching recently, but no matter how hard I researched, I didn't come up with any useful theories."

"Why does your luminous pill make people glow all over? What is the principle of luminescence? Where does it glow from?"

"And your recovery pill is even more magical."

"It is incredible that the injury of one part can be transferred to another part instantly. My master has studied it for a long time and has not figured out the rules of the elixir."

"But unfortunately, it is only useful for cultivators below the Jindan stage. People above the Jindan stage can easily offset the effect of the medicine by circulating spiritual power."

After a moment of silence, Li Zihao said as if he understood:

"I feel that your elixir seems to have different principles and rules, as if it is not bound by the rules of elixir in the world of cultivation!"

Qin Yu's heart was shocked, and this sentence reminded him.

'Is my elixir so strange because I am a traverser, and the elixir I refine is not restricted by the rules of this world? '

Qin Yu just thought about it casually, and this matter would definitely not be proved in a short time.

At present, although the effects of his elixirs are messy, they are absolutely effective, and in many cases they still have surprising effects.

Ordinary elixirs can be bought with money, but his special elixirs are not available even if you want to buy them.

Qin Yu's original purpose of refining elixirs was to earn spirit stones, but now the special elixirs have made him a lot of money.

So even if he didn't understand the reason, Qin Yu didn't care much.


On the other side!

The head of the Hundred Medical Hall lay beside the chief of the Dream Dog Clan, with a greedy smile on his face:

"Senior Goudan, just give me some of your dog hair!"

The chief of the Dream Dog Clan glared at the head of the Hundred Medical Hall.

'Damn, Goudan still wants dog hair, do you really think I'm a dog! ’

“Old male, please call me Lord Scar!”

The head of the Hundred Doctors Hall: “Scar? Where is the scar? I have a special ointment for scars. Do you want to exchange your dog hair for some?”

The leader of the Dream Dog Tribe: “…”

“If you want dog hair, exchange it for stinky tofu!”

“Stinky tofu? What is stinky tofu? Is it just stinky tofu?”

The leader of the Dream Dog Tribe said disdainfully: “You country bumpkin who has never seen the world, go away and find out for yourself!”

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