I let you cultivate immortality, not bring harm to the immortal cultivation world!

Chapter 24 The disciples of the Beast Taming Peak are in big trouble (Part 1)

The two elders come to Maple Leaf Square for a few days every year to enjoy the cool autumn breeze, watch the maple leaves dancing with the autumn wind, and enjoy the unique atmosphere of autumn.

Make a cup of tea under the maple tree and feel a moment of tranquility in this remote corner of the sect.

The Ninth Elder's nose twitched and said, "Third Sister, do you smell a stink?"

The third elder didn't pay attention, "It should be some wild little spirit beast urinating and urinating at will. This place is a bit remote, so it's normal for wild spirit beasts to appear."


But as the two got closer, the stench in the air became stronger and stronger.

The third elder used the Turtle Breath Technique to stop breathing, while the ninth elder held up a barrier to isolate the turbid air.

The two elders are both people who have experienced big storms, and trivial matters do not affect their leisure mood.

But this feeling disappeared without a trace until we turned the last corner.

"Ye... Where's Ye Zi?"

"Jiu Mei, are we in the wrong place?"

The third elder was stunned when he looked at the bare maple tree without a single leaf in front of him and the foul smelling filth under the maple tree.

This was completely different from the scenery she had imagined.

The Ninth Elder pointed to a sign not far away, which had the four characters "Maple Leaf Square" written on it.

"Third Sister, are we in an illusion?"

The third elder shook her head, she was an expert in the realm of illusion.

It was impossible for anyone in the entire Xuantian Sect to let her fall into an illusion without realizing it.

"Since it's not an illusion, what about the maple leaves on the maple tree? What's under the maple tree?"

"Why has the beautiful scenery turned into this? Is this still the Xuantian Sect that I am familiar with?"

"Aren't there two young disciples over there? Let's go over and ask and we'll find out!"

The third elder teleported directly over, followed closely by the ninth elder.

Qin Yu and Li Zhengtong were a little tired from working, so they sat next to Maple Leaf Square to rest for a while.

Qin Yu was telling Li Zhengtong dirty jokes when two beautiful women suddenly appeared next to him, scaring Qin Yu into shutting up immediately.

The third elder spoke first: "Let me ask you two, why are the maple trees in Maple Leaf Square so bare? Where are the maple leaves on them?"

"Two seniors, this year a cold air came and made the maple trees tremble. With this tremor, all the maple leaves fell down."

Li Zhengtong started talking nonsense seriously, which Qin Yu taught him to fool others.

Qin Yu put his hands on his forehead with a look of despair on his face.

‘Brother, even if you fool someone, you’ll get hurt! ’

‘Although these two people have no coercion around them, they are definitely not ordinary people who can suddenly appear in front of us. If you fool them, aren’t you seeking death? ’

Sure enough, after listening to Li Zhengtong's words, the third elder and the ninth elder both looked at them with strange eyes.

That look seemed to say: "Are you a fool, or do you think we are fools?"

Qin Yu hurriedly jumped out to save the situation.

"Senior, have you ever seen such a young senior? If my guess is correct, Qin, you two must be inner sect sisters!"

The corners of the Ninth Elder's mouth turned up slightly, "You are really glib."

Both elders recognized Qin Yu.

They were all deeply impressed by the boy who liked to play with shit when he was recruited.

Suddenly, the two elders turned their heads together, looked at the mess on the ground in Maple Leaf Square, and then looked back at Qin Yu.

‘Third sister, I think the sect master’s decision must be wrong. Even if this guy is just a handyman disciple, his power cannot be underestimated. Fortunately, the second brother said that this guy is a good young man, but his talent is a bit lacking. ’ The ninth elder sent a message to the third elder.

‘Don’t jump to conclusions yet, listen to what he has to say first. ’

The third elder asked Qin Yu: "What's going on with the maple leaves here?"

Qin Yu said truthfully: "Two senior sisters, we knocked down all the maple leaves on this tree with wooden sticks."

‘Third sister, he is indeed a little trouble, all these good maple leaves have been destroyed by him! ’ The Ninth Elder immediately sent a message.

The two elders looked a little sulky, especially the third elder, who felt like he was going to go crazy the next moment.

Qin Yu was not worried about this. On the contrary, this was exactly the effect he wanted.

The angrier these two people are, the easier this matter will be handled.

Qin Yu used his acting skills from asking for leave in front of his teacher in his previous life and started his own one-man show.

"Two senior sisters, you don't know something!"

"There are reasons why we do this."

Qin Yu looked embarrassed.

"Look at the filth on the floor of Maple Leaf Plaza. We have to clean it twice a day, and we have to clean it until late at night."

"If maple leaves continue to fall from the trees, it will not only be more difficult to clean, but it will also make the ground worse."

"As a last resort, we made this wrong decision and actually used that cold long stick to make these beautiful, agile, and dancing 'elves' return to their roots early."

“But we regretted it after we did it.”

"Whenever I see those senior brothers and sisters who came to see Maple Leaf but came back disappointed, I feel extremely painful in my heart."

"Why am I such a bastard that I am willing to attack that beautiful maple leaf?"

"It doesn't matter if we are tired and can spend a few more hours cleaning. But losing these beautiful maple leaves will have a huge impact on Maple Leaf Square and what a loss it will be to Xuantian Sect."

"Because of my selfish desires, I destroyed the beautiful scenery here. I am really too selfish."

Qin Yu said it sincerely, so he only needed a few drops of eye drops to match it.

"Stop acting!"

Seeing Qin Yu's exaggerated acting skills and disgusting lines, the third elder was speechless.

However, Qin Yu's words touched the Ninth Elder's heart, especially Qin Yu's comparison of maple leaves to 'elves dancing in the wind', which directly awakened her girlish heart.

"You mean, it was because of these filthy things on the ground that you had to knock down the maple leaves?"

When Qin Yu heard that there was something going on, he quickly calmed down his expression and said, "Two senior sisters, yes!"

"Then where do these filthy things come from?"

Qin Yu: "It's a long story! It starts when we first entered the sect..."

Third Elder: "Long story short!"

"Okay! It was the outer disciples of the Beast Control Peak who brought the spirit beast here to pull it."

"Not only do they do it in Maple Leaf Plaza, but any place where the handyman disciples clean it is the toilet of their spirit beasts."

The third elder asked: "These outer disciples are really lawless. When did they start?"

"It's always been like this!"

"You didn't stop them?"

Qin Yu shrugged: "I stopped him, I was scolded, and my brother was beaten directly."

"Two senior sisters, we are just small handyman disciples, how dare we care about their outer disciples!"

The third elder had bulging veins on his forehead.

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