"No, don't attack the formation, we will come out on our own!"

Seeing how ferocious everyone was, the group of Beast Controlling Peak disciples suddenly became intimidated.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→ᴛᴡᴋᴀɴ.ᴄᴏᴍ]

If the formation is destroyed, you have to spend your own contribution points to repair it.

"We can come out on our own, but we must die clearly. Why do you attack us?"

"If we can't give a reasonable explanation, we will meet with the law enforcement team."

After hearing this, everyone sneered.

"You damn duck has a tough mouth. You don't get any points for what you did, right?"

"Don't they want to explain? Take them to the market and give them a good explanation."

The crowd escorted the Yushou Peak disciples and returned to the market in a mighty manner.

On the way, I met many outer disciples. When they heard that it was the disciples from Yushou Peak, they all went back to greet their friends.

One pass to ten, ten to a hundred!

After hearing the news, countless disciples came and surrounded the market.

Along the way, the disciples at Yushou Peak almost cried.

What the hell have we done to deserve such outrageous treatment?

Each of them carefully examined what bad things they had done in the past few days. Looking back carefully, they found that they had not done anything inappropriate.

Then why do these people want to arrest themselves?

Thinking of this, everyone's eyes turned to Kong Tianjiao.

‘This group of people shouted Kong Tianjiao’s name as soon as they arrived. They came for Kong Tianjiao. ’

‘He must have done something bad to cause everyone to suffer along with him. ’

At this time, Kong Tianjiao almost collapsed.

He was tied up and raised above his head, like a monkey on display in a zoo.

The key is that his face is covered with talismans, which is very embarrassing.

Everyone came to the market and pushed the people from Yushou Peak to the front.

"Look at the good deeds you did last night and how much damage you caused to a good market. How can we still do business?"

Someone added: "The central square is also so messed up that I can't walk."

Looking at the filthy street, the disciples of Yushou Peak were stunned.

"I did this?"

"Why didn't I know?"

"No, I didn't do this. Someone is framing us."

"You idiots, you can't even tell that we have been framed. Look at this pile of excrement. The left half is the excrement of the iron-eating beast, and the right half is the excrement of the flying rat. It seems that someone has forged it."

Xiaozhi: "Damn it, you still dare to quibble when the evidence is right in front of you!"

Li Zhengtong: "This thing was not pulled by your spirit beasts. It could have just appeared out of thin air."

Qin Yu: "Damn it, he ruined our market, and he called us fools. Brothers, beat him up!"

The crowd was so angry that they rolled up their sleeves and prepared to fast forward to the last step.

Finish typing first and then talk.

"Wait, wait, don't do it yet!"

The disciples of Yushou Peak retreated continuously, and some people fell directly into the dung pile because they were so panicked.

"Everyone, please calm down. We admit that these were pulled by our spiritual beasts, but there is absolutely no way our spiritual beasts could pull them here."

Li Zhengtong: "If it wasn't pulled here, how could it be that this thing ran here on its own?"

Qin Yu: "Just admit that it was you spirit beasts who pulled it, brothers, beat him up."

"Wait, don't fight yet, there must be some misunderstanding!"

"I misunderstood you. Kong Tianjiao hasn't said a word until now. It seems that he has already acquiesced."

Kong Tianjiao: “Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh...” (How can I speak if you stick a talisman on me?)

The people from Yushou Peak hurriedly released the rope for Kong Tianjiao.

But under Qin Yu's instigation, a group of people had already rushed up.

The people behind are scrambling for the first place, fearing that they will be missed if they are a step slower.

The people in front rushed forward, while the brothers behind kept shouting:

"Brothers in front, please hurry up. We have agreed to go one by one, and there is still a queue behind us."

Others booed.

"Does anyone want to buy scalper tickets? You only need to spend five contribution points to give priority to the disciples of the Beast Control Peak."

"I'll pay for it. I want to punch Tianjiao."

Scalper: "Kong Tianjiao is a different price, ten contribution points."

Shopkeepers are always watching what's going on outside.

"I will call three two one later, and you will rush out and beat them violently. The target of the attack is mainly on the legs. It is best to beat them until they can't get out of bed for several months. Remember to come back before the law enforcement team arrives."

"Okay, shopkeeper!"

"The store clerks are holding iron bars, eager to try!"

The disciple of Yushou Peak who was running slowly was pinned to the ground and beaten.

After Kong Tianjiao was untied by his good brothers, he ran forward desperately.

"Where's the law enforcement team? Why haven't they come yet?"

Kong Tianjiao still had some hope.

But this matter was such a big deal that the law enforcement team had arrived long ago.

Everyone was aware of this and gave them a chance to escape.

There was absolutely no way they could escape anyway.

When ancient nobles hunted, they preferred to let their prey run. The more fierce the prey struggled, the stronger the sense of satisfaction brought by hunting.

Kong Tianjiao is the top disciple of the outer sect of Yushou Peak. Although his character is not good, his strength is still beyond doubt.

At this moment, Kong Tianjiao used all his strength to circulate the spiritual energy in his body, letting go of Yazi and speeding on the dirty road.

The disciples chasing behind him had to avoid the "landmines" on the road at all times, and the distance between them and Kong Tianjiao was getting farther and farther.

"Hahahaha, you want to beat me with your strength!" Kong Tianjiao laughed loudly.

At this moment, a large number of shop assistants suddenly rushed out of the shops on both sides, blocking Kong Tianjiao's way.

Kong Tianjiao hurriedly stopped.

"What should I do?"

He looked at the shop assistants and shopkeepers in front of him who were ready to fight, and then looked at the disciples who were clenching their fists in the back, and was a little at a loss.

"Kong Tianjiao, you have done so many bad things, and now you can't escape."

Kong Tianjiao gritted his teeth, glared at the people in front and behind, and shouted:

"None of you can touch me!"

After saying that, Kong Tianjiao closed his eyes, made up his mind, and plunged into the feces of the earth-shaking dragon elephant, and rolled in it.

This explosive scene rushed straight into the soul and stunned everyone.

Qin Yu felt that his cerebellum was wretched when he saw this scene. This was too cruel!

Even those who were beating the other disciples of the Beast Taming Peak stopped what they were doing and looked at this side in horror.

The disciples of the Beast Taming Peak who were being beaten and screaming stopped screaming. They stretched their necks and looked at this scene in disbelief.

The whole market seemed to have stopped in time. Only Kong Tianjiao came out of the feces and roared at everyone.

"Come on!"

"Come and hit me again!"

"Hit me, if you have the guts!"

Every time Kong Tianjiao took a step forward, everyone took a step back in horror.

Kong Tianjiao went from a sheep that was at the mercy of others to a tiger covered in feces.

'This man is really a warrior! '

Even Qin Yu couldn't help but admire him in his heart.

Qin Yu reminded everyone: "Don't be afraid, attack him with long-range spells!"

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