I let you cultivate immortality, not bring harm to the immortal cultivation world!

Chapter 127: Even cultivating immortals requires doing math problems

Li Zhengtong smiled at the teacher: "I can solve such a simple problem at any time!"

With that said, Li Zhengtong casually dropped the dragon elephant and began to arrange formations around it.

Unfortunately, the dragon elephant could not stand firmly and fell down.

It hurriedly got up, looked around with its little eyes, and found that everyone's eyes were on Li Zhengtong, so it tiptoed outside.

He didn't want to stay in this place for a moment.

When I gave the spiritual grass before, didn't I agree that I would just stand on the boat for a while?

After it came, we discussed how to cut it into pieces, and then carried it around.

I regret that since birth, Dragon Elephant has only been able to carry others. When has he ever been carried like this?

Don’t we, the Dragon Elephant Clan, have no respect for face?

I really regret that Earth Dragon Elephant is so easy to bully. Just one piece of spiritual grass wants me to sacrifice so much. Now it’s a different price!

Unfortunately, the dragon elephant had just taken two steps when his way was suddenly blocked by Qin Yu.

"What do you want to do?" Qin Yu said with a smile.

Unfortunately, the dragon elephant didn't say a word, suddenly flashed its big ears, turned around and was about to run away.

"I think you want to have a full meal. You will be full for three days!"

Regrettably, Long Xiang was stunned for a moment. He had only heard of one full meal before, so what does three full days mean?

Seeing the little confusion flashing in the eyes of the land dragon elephant, Qin Yu compassionately explained to it: "Before killing you, I will give you a full meal, and then after killing you, your meat can help us Eat enough for three days!”

Regrettably, the dragon elephant paused for a moment, turned around silently, and returned to the original place.

‘Just carry it, you won’t lose a piece of meat, what’s the big deal! ’


Li Zhengtong continued to draw strange symbols on the ground, and there were faint fluctuations of spiritual energy flickering on them.

The onlookers looked at this scene with curiosity and admiration. Their dream was to become immortal cultivators like Li Zhengtong.

Soon, a simple formation was formed!

Li Zhengtong put a talisman on the eye of the formation, and the entire formation suddenly surged with spiritual energy. Everyone in the formation felt their bodies suddenly light.

The formation arranged by Li Zhengtong was the first formation he mastered, called anti-gravity formation.

All objects within the formation can reduce their weight by more than 90%!

"This time, the scale will do!"

Under the dumbfounded gaze of Mr. Li, Li Zhengtong directly carried the honest and humble Xiangdilongxiang and jumped onto the scale with a slight jump!

The final weighing was 163 pounds!

Mr. Xuetang quickly caught the loophole and continued: "What I request is the real weight of the Dragon Elephant, not the weight after using the formation!"

"Your methods of cultivating immortals are not practical here!"

"That's wrong!" Qin Yu took a step forward and took over the topic.

Li Zhengtong has finished pretending, and now it's Qin Yu's home court.

"Sir, 163 pounds only requires a simple mathematical conversion to get the true weight of Xiang Dilong Xiang!"

Qin Yu asked Li Zhengtong to put down the dragon elephant and weigh 12 pounds on the scale!

Then the formation was cancelled, and Li Zhengtong's real weight was 145 kilograms!

"This is a very simple arithmetic problem!" Qin Yu took a branch and wrote on the ground.

The school teachers and students all came together.

"Now, let's sort out the known information. It is known that Li Zhengtong's weight in the formation is 12 kilograms, Li Zhengtong's real weight is 145 kilograms, and the combined weight of Li Zhengtong and Xandi Longxiang in the formation is It’s 163 pounds. What’s the real weight of Dilong Xiang?”

"Before we solve this problem, we must first complete the crucial first step. Please note that if you forget this step, this problem may not be solved!"

"The first step is to write the word 'solution' in the upper left corner!"

"Let's assume that the combined true weight of Li Zhengtong and Xiang Dilongxiang is X!"

"Then, Li Zhengtong's real weight of 145 divided by the weight in the formation of 12 is equal to X divided by 163!"

"In the end, it was concluded that

"It can also be concluded that the formation can reduce the weight of an object by 91.7%!"

"Do you understand?"

Everyone was silent, and only Li Xiaojiao said sadly, "I understand!"

Qin Yu: "What do you understand?"

"I understand that after cultivating immortality, you also have to do arithmetic problems!"

The tall image of the world of immortality suddenly collapsed in Li Xiaojiao's immature heart.

Qin Yu: "..."

Mr. Xuetang frowned and thought. The equation used by Qin Yu was the same as the principle of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Mr. Xuetang naturally knew that this was correct.

‘If this problem is solved using multiplication and division, it not only requires many steps, but is also a bit complicated. A disciple like Li Xiaojiao needs to be taught for at least a year to be sure that the other party will not be able to learn it! ’

'But if you use this exquisite arithmetic method, there is no need to turn around, it is simple and clear, and the answer can be obtained with just one formula. If you use more techniques, maybe even Li Xiaojiao can master this method. ’

‘How wonderful! Why didn't I think of this simple method before? ’

"Sir, is his method correct?" a student asked.

The school teacher coughed and said, "I wonder how he can attend this class if he is disturbed like this!" ’

"Does it have something to do with you, right? Those are the methods of immortal cultivators. Are you a cultivator of immortality?"

"Can you lift such a big Earthshaking Dragon Elephant?"

"As ordinary people, we should use ordinary people's methods to get the answers we want!"

"Come on, let's measure the weight of the Earthshaking Dragon Elephant by ourselves according to the method Li Xiaojiao said."

This activity has the effect of improving students' hands-on ability, so Mr. Xuetang still intends to get the activity back on track and take the students to operate it by themselves!

The Earthshaking Dragon Elephant hummed unhappily.

'What the hell, I have to stand on the boat in the end! '

"Okay, sir!" Li Xiaojiao ran away.

"Where are you going?"

Li Xiaojiao: "I'm going to get a machete. Isn't it time to cut off the useless parts of the Earthshaking Dragon Elephant first?"

Earthshaking Dragon Elephant: 'What? '

"Come back, I'm talking about the second method!" Mr. Xuetang said angrily.

"Ah?" Li Xiaojiao was a little disappointed.

Earthshaking Dragon Elephant: 'What the hell are you disappointed about? It turns out that it's not you who is being cut, right? ’

The Han Di Long Xiang suddenly felt that it would be nice to stand on the boat.

With the cooperation of everyone and the extreme cooperation of the Han Di Long Xiang, the Han Di Long Xiang finally stood on the wooden boat.

But before he could draw a line on the wooden boat, the wooden boat broke into two halves due to disrepair, and the Han Di Long Xiang fell down with a plop.

The Han Di Long Xiang: ‘I hate humans, gurgle gurgle gurgle gurgle…’

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