‘It’s coming, it’s coming! ’

Qin Yu frowned and became energetic instantly.

‘Am I going to get the treatment I deserve as a protagonist, and something will happen wherever I go? ’

‘And no one can fix this except me! ’

In an instant, Qin Yu had already thought of all the possible poses after pretending to be cool.

‘When the time comes, I will wear a cloak, strode out of the city gate, look forward, wave my hands indifferently, and disappear into the distance under the adoring eyes of countless people. ’

‘Although I have left, my legend is everywhere in this city! ’

‘No, I have to buy a cloak quickly! ’

Just when Qin Yu was having wild thoughts, he heard Li's father shouting at the top of his voice to a small room next to the door.

"Old Wang!"

"Master, what do you want from me?" A little old man emerged from the small room. He looked to be in his seventies.

"You forgot to open the door again today!"

"Ah? Master, what are you saying? I can't hear you!"

Father Li: "...It's okay!"

"Okay, Master, don't call me blindly next time if you have nothing to do!"

"Old man Wang, the gatekeeper, is old, hard of hearing, and a little confused. He often forgets to open the gate!" Mother Li explained at the side.

Qin Yu: "..."

‘What a waste of feelings! ’


"Xiaotong, hurry up and take Xiaoyu to the house to rest. You haven't eaten yet. I'll cook myself and make some delicious food for you. What do you want to eat?"

When they heard that Li's mother was going to cook in person, everyone in the Li family felt like they were facing an enemy.

"Auntie, we just ate outside!"

Li Zhengtong also nodded repeatedly, "Mom, please don't cook yourself, just let the kitchen do it!"

"We've all eaten it. That's such a pity!" Mother Li sighed, a little disappointed!

Father Li sighed, relieved.

"After eating, go to the house and take a rest. I just want to tell Xiaoyu something!"

"Okay, then I'll find someone to clean up a guest room for Xiaoyu. Later, Xiaotong, you take Xiaoyu to visit our Li's house, and have a good time in Wusheng City these days!"

"Thank you, aunt!"

After Li's mother left, Li's father took Qin Yu and others into his main room.

The Li family covers a large area. After entering the gate, you can see some older buildings, such as the Li family's ancestral hall, school, etc. These buildings belong to the Li family and are public buildings.

In addition to these public buildings, the remaining area was divided into many areas and distributed to children of different families to form new families.

Just like many Lijia Villages in previous lives, a big family gets together, but each has its own small family. When there is no big event, they live their own lives without disturbing each other!

As the patriarch of the clan, Father Li's yard is at the front, closest to the Li family's gate!

Entering the main room, Qin Yu found a place to sit down. Li Zhengtong made a pot of tea and poured it for Li's father and Qin Yu.

"That Xiaoyu, uncle, there's something I haven't quite understood yet!" Father Li took a sip of tea and said.

"Uncle, tell me!"

"Xiaoyu, you just saw the front door of my Li family, right?"

Qin Yu nodded and commented objectively: "This gate is subtle and restrained, and has a historical atmosphere!"

"Tongzi told me about the gate. I feel that uncle, you... have great wisdom!"

When Father Li heard this, he was immediately happy.

Since the gate was built, people around me have complained about why the gate is getting worse and worse. They feel that the gate has embarrassed the Li family.

He also harbored regrets for many years and fell into deep self-doubt.

Now someone can understand his painstaking efforts!

"Now that you know everything, why haven't there been any businessmen coming to discuss business since the gate was repaired?" Father Li expressed the doubt that had puzzled him for a long time.

"Uncle, first of all, you have to understand that you have done nothing wrong. This is definitely not your problem!"

Father Li smiled and nodded. Qin Yu's words were very applicable to him!

Li Zhengtong rubbed his head and asked curiously: "Why isn't it my father's problem?"

He felt that this was obviously a problem of his father's poor decision-making.

I saw Qin Yu saying extremely seriously: "Because the head of the family can't be wrong!"

In fact, what Qin Yu wants to say is that he and Li's father have the same view, because he is not wrong, so this matter is definitely not Li's father's problem.

But Qin Yu felt that it was a bit impolite to say this. Although it was true, saying it made people feel a little too crazy.

It’s better to be more tactful!

Qin Yu now finally understands why the protagonists in those novels hide their strength.

It’s really not just to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger, but the ‘humility’ engraved in the bones is causing trouble!

Li Zhengtong let out a confused sound.

Father Li slammed the table excitedly, raised his thumb high, and said excitedly: "What you said is so good. You see, one or two of you are questioning me, where is the dignity of me as the head of the family!"

Li Xiaojiao: "What does questioning mean?"

Li Zhengtong glanced at Li's father who had regained his glory, and suddenly felt something was wrong.

To be honest, at this moment, he regretted taking Qin Yu home because he was afraid that Brother Yu would have to talk to his father if he had a few words with him. With his father's character, he might have to take advantage of Brother Yu.

Li Zhengtong felt a little frightened when he thought about how everyone would discuss things in their own way.

‘Do you want to remind dad in advance that he is the head of the Li family, so he should pay attention to his identity and don’t just pick anyone to take over, let alone compete with his own son for a brother! ’


After Li's father finished laughing, he asked Qin Yu: "Xiaoyu, you said this matter is not my problem, then whose problem is it?"

"Since it's not your problem, uncle, then it must be someone else's problem!"

Father Li: "..."

"Xiaoyu, can you be more specific about this 'other person'?"

Qin Yu shook his head, "Sorry, I'm afraid that won't work!"

Father Li quickly asked: "Why?"

"Because I don't know either!"

Father Li: "..."

"But don't worry, uncle, this is definitely not your problem!"

"You have to be confident as a person. As long as you don't admit problems, it means there are no problems!"

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