Soon, Li Zhengtong took down the dismantled wooden boards one by one.

Qin Yu put the wooden board under the fish meat and lit it, and then kept turning the sizzling sword to evenly roast the fish meat.

"Brother Yu, I still have seasonings here!"

Li Zhengtong turned into a treasure chest at this moment, taking out one seasoning after another from the Qiankun bag.

Salt, cumin, chili...

Qin Yu was dumbfounded, "Do you use your Qiankun bag to store food?"

"No, don't you still have talismans? That thing doesn't take up space!"

Qin Yu: "..."

Fortunately, the talismans don't take up space, otherwise he might have to drill wood to make fire today.

With the addition of seasonings, the tender white fish meat becomes more delicious.

A stream of rich aroma floated out, circling around the noses of the two, and even suppressed the smell of stinky tofu.

The black eyebrowed black fish is worthy of being a spiritual beast. Its meat is very firm and difficult to cook.

Although it had been struck by lightning and was 70% cooked, Qin Yu still roasted it over a high fire for a long time.

"It's almost done!"

Qin Yu looked at the fish meat and saw that it was already soft and rotten, so he looked at Li Zhengtong and asked seriously:

"Let me confirm it one last time. Is this fish really the black fish you mentioned? Is it really edible?"

Li Zhengtong patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, Brother Yu, I can never be wrong about eating it."

"The man at the auction house said that this fish tastes extremely delicious. I have been craving it until now. I have seen it countless times in my dreams. I would recognize this fish even if it turned into ashes."

"And the energy of the black fish is very gentle, just like spring rain moistening the earth. Many children from wealthy families who have not yet started to cultivate immortals can eat it to lay the foundation."


Seeing Li Zhengtong's confidence, Qin Yu took a piece of fish meat and handed it to him. Anyway, they were all cultivators, so they were not afraid of the heat.

Li Zhengtong took the fish meat and felt like he had found a treasure.

Gently peel off the fish skin, blow on the fish meat that is still steaming inside, and then can't wait to stuff the fish meat into his mouth.

Qin Yu didn't eat it, but planned to let Li Zhengtong explore the way first.

Li Zhengtong has the talent of "surviving a disaster", but he doesn't, so he can't follow Li Zhengtong.

If Li Zhengtong recognizes the wrong fish, he will be finished here.

It's better to be careful when living in the world of immortal cultivation.

Li Zhengtong chewed the delicious fish meat in his mouth with a happy face, "It's so delicious, but I think this fish should be more delicious for stewing soup, add vinegar, beat a few eggs..."

Qin Yu sighed, "If the black fish is not made into pickled fish, this black fish will die in vain!"

"Pickled fish, what is that?"

"Nothing, just eat yours!"


After swallowing the fish meat in one mouthful, Li Zhengtong's face suddenly changed, and then he covered his throat and coughed painfully.

"What's wrong?" Qin Yu was shocked, "This fish meat won't be poisonous!"


Li Zhengtong spit out a fish bone from his mouth, "It's okay, Brother Yu, it's just stuck by the fish bone!"

Qin Yu: "...Next time you do this again, I'll knock your head off!"

"Brother Yu!" Li Zhengtong stuffed the fish meat into his mouth carelessly, chewing it and saying, "Don't worry, this fish is definitely not poisonous. How could the black eyebrowed black fish be poisonous? This is a treasure that countless people spend a lot of money to buy but can't buy. It is a tonic. Just eat it with confidence!"

After a while, a large piece of fish meat entered Li Zhengtong's stomach.

"Brother Yu, give me another piece. I feel warm now. Maybe I can break through after eating a few more pieces."

Seeing that there was no problem, Qin Yu was relieved.

He took a piece of fish meat for Li Zhengtong and another piece of fish meat for himself.

When Qin Yu was about to eat, he suddenly felt dazed.

'By the way, why did I forget Wangcai? ’

‘When I fell on the pine tree, why didn’t I think of going directly to the Soul Sea to ask for help from Wangcai? ’

Qin Yu looked up at the empty cave, then looked down at the black fish in his hand, and countless information gathered in his mind.

‘Li Zihao, who used to reply at any time, has not sent any message this time, and I forgot about Wangcai who must have responded. ’

‘And the pine tree can’t bear the power of the two of us for a long time, so I can only grab the protruding rock wall to share the weight, and I will definitely find this cave. ’

‘Plus the sudden and powerful lightning that struck us off the cliff and fell on the pine tree...all this seems too coincidental. ’

‘It’s as if it was designed by someone, and we will definitely enter this cave and eat this black fish. ’

‘’s Li Zhengtong who ate the black fish. After Li Zhengtong just finished eating, the power that affected us disappeared, and I suddenly remembered Wangcai. ’

Qin Yu felt that the talent of ‘Thousand Hammers and Hundred Refinements’ was really terrible.

I want to give you benefits, you can't refuse it!

And I am here purely to take advantage of the opportunity... No, I may be here because of the influence of the talent of "surviving a disaster", and I am used to rescue Li Zhengtong.

'Damn, I am a traverser, system owner, and plane protagonist, and I can't beat the influence of Li Zhengtong's two A-level talents? '

'It is also possible that this matter is also good for me, so the system tacitly agreed to it. '

Qin Yu can only guess about the arrangement in the dark.

But knowing this, Qin Yu can eat fish meat with confidence, because this opportunity was sent to Li Zhengtong after so much trouble.

It's a waste if you don't eat it!

But before eating, Qin Yu still greeted Wangcai first.

Qin Yu entered his soul sea.



Qin Yu poked the little black ball that was curled up in the corner and sleeping.

"Sang Biao!"

Wangcai: "Wangwang~"

"If I don't call you Sang Biao, you will pretend not to hear it, right!"

Wangcai tilted his head and pretended not to understand: "╭(⊙o⊙)╮"

"Forget it!" Qin Yu was too lazy to bother with this guy, "You go to the Law Enforcement Peak now and find the elder to tell him that I fell under the cliff of the Law Enforcement Peak and am trapped in a cave. Please ask him to send someone to rescue me!"

Qin Yu felt that the elder should be more reliable than the Dream Dog Clan.

"Woof woof!" Wangcai nodded and fell into a deep sleep.

Qin Yu left the soul sea and began to taste the delicious grilled fish.

When the fish meat entered his mouth, an extreme deliciousness rushed straight to his taste buds.

In his two lives, Qin Yu had never eaten such delicious food. The sweetness of fish meat only needed a few ingredients to match, and the taste reached its peak.

It was a desire from the depths of the heart, a taste that made the soul tremble.

Qin Yu took back what he said before when making pickled fish. If too many ingredients were added to such delicious fish meat, it would destroy its original taste.

Original flavor may be the best way to cook this fish.

In two or three bites, Qin Yu ate a whole piece of fish meat.

After eating the fish meat on the sizzling sword, Qin Yu skewered three pieces of fish meat again and grilled them on the fire.

"Let's not add seasoning this time, just sprinkle some salt and try it. I feel that this may be more delicious."

"Okay... Brother Yu, I'll listen to you!"

"What's wrong with you?" Qin Yu felt that Li Zhengtong was a little bit wrong. Looking over in the light of the fire, Qin Yu found that Li Zhengtong's face was a little red and scary.

Just like a cooked prawn.

At first, Qin Yu thought it was due to the reflection of the fire, but when he saw Li Zhengtong's expression, he realized that something was wrong.

"Tongzi, are you okay?"

"Brother Yu...Brother Yu, I feel like I'm going to...explode!"

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