The great powers of the East are known to everyone, and everyone knows them. All kinds of beautiful scenery, ghostly craftsmanship, can be called the world’s best, this is not, it is not easy to wait for a big seven days of small long holiday, Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo plan to go to the legendary “strange village” adventure, of course, Liu Feng will definitely not join in the fun.


[Zimu Linghuan] did not want Liu Xiaoling to take a vacation, perhaps it can be said that Liu Feng did not want this tool man’s sister to take a vacation.

[Search for Strange Village: Someone on the mysterious side got reliable information, Strange Village is real, there are many humans with super powers or mutants in the village, and this mission is to cooperate with the CP Foundation to find those strange people. 】

“Xiao Mo, the mission is coming, looking for the strange village, I can’t think of going with me.” Liu Xiaoling’s tone of voice at this time was tinged with a hint of pride.

“Mighty, prophet!” Li Xiaomo echoed Liu Xiaoling.

The [Zimu Ling Ring] shook again, and it turned out that the [Zimu Ling Ring] had brought a map to the Strange Village this time.

Liu Xiaoling opened the strange village adventure map he bought at a high price in the antique market, and compared the two pictures, “Oh I go, I spent so much money to buy the adventure map, what is this, if we follow this map to find the strange village, we will have lost our way.” ”

Li Xiaomo smiled, “The stalls are not credible.” ”

The two men set off, through the dense primeval forest, over the swamp full of sludge, when what appeared in front of Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo was a rushing river.

Liu Xiaoling opened the map of the Zimu Ling Ring, “Xiao Mo, the map shows that if we go down this river, we can find that strange village.” ”

“Okay, when I inflate the cushion bed in my bag, let’s take this hovercraft down the river.”

Saying that Li Xiaomo took out the hovercraft he was carrying in his bag, Liu Xiaoling began to pump the hovercraft, and after a long time, the hovercraft’s gas was finally washed up.

“Go!” The two men pushed the hovercraft into the river with infinite longing and beautiful fantasies.

Along the way, chopping waves, waiting for the boat to come to the calm place of Pingshui, Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo found that it was full of lotus flowers, saying that it was strange, these lotus flowers had all colors, they had only seen pink before, or crimson and white, but here, Liu Xiaoling actually saw blue green lotuses.

“Little Ling, how come the lotus flowers here are colorful?”

“I think these lotus flowers may be mutated, that strange village should not be far from here, if the people in the strange village are mutants, it may also affect the lotus flowers here.” Liu Xiaoling said.

But in fact, Liu Xiaoling didn’t know why these lotus flowers were colorful.

I don’t know how long it took, the fog gradually opened on the surface of the water, the faint fog gradually became thicker, and Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo went to the depths of the lotus flower.

“Little foam, wait, I see that we have to turn around.”

“What, U-turn?” I feel that we have been going around in circles, are we lost? ”

“Yes, yes, these lotus flowers don’t grow much, here are some lotus flowers and lotus leaves can’t see the road ahead, we have to find a way to make a marker, otherwise if we go on like this, even if there is a map, we can’t go out.”

“Why not tie the iconic straps?”

“Tape, where do we go to find it?” Liu Xiaoling asked.

Only to see Li Xiaomo open her school bag, she took out a red dress from inside, and then cut out many strips of cloth with scissors, “Just use this red dress, this color is conspicuous.” ”

“That’s a good idea, it’s to sacrifice your beautiful dress.”

“It doesn’t matter if we sacrifice it, if we can’t find the way, then it’s over.”

Liu Xiaoling looked at the map to lead the way, Li Xiaomo rowed the boat, every few meters out Liu Xiaoling tied a red cloth strip, and when the night fell, Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo actually found that the lotus flowers here were tied with red cloth strips by them.

“Xiao Ling, you see there are red strips of cloth here, it seems that we really can’t get around.”

Liu Feng in the Tianhai City Villa had already guessed that they would get lost in the depths of the lotus flower.

“Water ghost, this searchlight is held, go and take Liu Xiaoling to find their way to the strange village and get ashore as soon as possible.”

“Do as you are told, master.”

It was already the dark night when they couldn’t see their five fingers, and Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo were still there in circles.

A beam of light attracted Liu Xiaoling’s special attention, and at this moment, that beam of light became a life-saving straw for Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo to walk out of the depths of this lotus flower.

“Little Healer, you see, there is a beam of light.” Li Xiaomo said in surprise.

“Xiao Mo, let’s keep up, maybe we are also explorers like us.”

The two of them had an instantaneous burst of strength, they rowed faster and faster, they wanted to catch up with the light as soon as possible, but they went a little further, and the light moved forward a little.

“Xiao Mo, the two of us work harder, I can’t believe I can’t catch up with the light.”


All that was heard” Duang heard the hovercraft docking. The strange thing was that the light also disappeared. The water ghost completed the task, and naturally went back to his life.

On the shore, Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo could still feel a gloomy fog or cold air lingering, and this eerie feeling seemed to be more intense than before in the closed gate village.

Liu Xiaoling took a flashlight to shine around, and when she didn’t take a good photo, she was shocked, and wherever her light went, those little grasses that were still tender and green one second were curled and withered the next second. Liu Xiaoling couldn’t help but hit a nerve, this feeling was really not good.

Finally, the two men set up a simple tent, and the two men planned to sleep here today.

Outside the tent, what they didn’t know was that the ghosts were quietly approaching. At the moment of crisis, Liu Feng appeared, he first made a boundary for Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo’s tent, and then he summoned all the ghosts in the Seven Seals to start fighting with the ghosts of the swamp, and Liu Feng himself went out on horseback.

Inside the tent, the two girls fell asleep, and outside the tent, Liu Feng and his ghost servants fought with those fierce ghosts. To tell the truth, Liu Feng, as an older brother, has paid a lot for the tool man sister silently, and he will give up his life for Liu Xiaoling.

The fight continued until the sky lit up with fish belly white, the sun gradually rose from the horizon, and those swamp ghosts naturally could not see the light, and when they saw the sun come out, they immediately disappeared. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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