No one can catch the whereabouts of the SCP Foundation, Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo are no exception, even if they have cooperated with the SCP Foundation, they still do not have the information of the SCP Foundation.

Li Xiaomo looked at the night outside the window, it was already dark, and tomorrow he was going to get up and go to the central city to start a formal task: “Sleep first!” ”

“Good night!”

“Good night.”

Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo were dreamless all night, sleeping until dawn, but the official people of Mao Guo did not have such a good mentality, especially the people in the central city, always worried about whether the two large hole birds would suddenly attack where they were, and then open their mouths to wrap their bodies in their large mouths, and then chew and chew and swallow.

Spartan and the man in leather boots were waiting outside the door of the room where Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo were in the morning, and when they and Liu Xiaoling went out, they suddenly saw two tall men standing on both sides and were shocked.

Although Li Xiaomo knew that the two men were more anxious to let Liu Xiaoling and himself go to the central city to solve the difficulties there, Li Xiaomo only wanted to tease them: “Why are you here?” So early, not sleepy? ”

“Xiao Mo, don’t tease us…”

Sparta smiled and said that she felt that Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo were also temperamental, and did not care about those small details at that time.

Liu Xiaoling looked at the three of them and then said, “Okay, let’s go!” ”

A group of four boarded a flight to the central city, which was now facing two large hole-making birds, one left and one right, constantly jumping around the central city, but the ultimate goal was nothing more than to gather the prey to fill the stomach.


The male hole makes the bird still open the way in front, the female hole makes the bird follow behind, the large hole makes the bird sweep its two wings wide, cutting off the buildings on both sides, the two buildings that were originally standing on the ground are all in half, and the other half of the building that touches the surface remains intact, while the upper part of the floor, with the large hole making the bird’s wings displaced, and finally falls to the ground with gravity.




The large hole makes the bird reach the place where the crowd gathers, and the keen sense of smell allows it to perceive it and not let its search for prey be lost.

Buildings were destroyed by large holes and birds destroyed half of the floor, all fell on the ground, the collision of stones and the surface made a thudding sound, at the moment of landing, these floors instantly burst into small stones, spreading its power around.

“Get them out!!”

“What about the people in the clinic? Don’t know if you need people here? ”

“What about rescue, what about support, what about the people who support it?”


The detachment watched as buildings were destroyed, but these men could not stop the movement of the large Kong Ling birds, and even the gun attack could not temporarily stop the two of them.

The large hole made the bird brave the flames, and its mouth opened wide towards the humans on the broken floor, who felt the danger approaching them and hurried from where they were before to the downstairs.

“Help… Call the official number!! ”

“Still official? Hurry up and run, by the time they come here they will be flattened. ”

“My legs… Help, Lala me, please, I have money, I really have money, I give it to you, as long as you can save me. ”

“Yuck… Money? Good I saved you, your bank card to me… Give me the password, hurry up, or I’ll go…”

The man took a sip of phlegm, this time to pay back the money? Of course, money is king, although this time is a time of danger of life and death, but if you can really survive, is this money not your own?


“Well, I’ll give you a good time, you almost got me out of the way, or I’ll make you feel bad if I go out!!”

Hey, stinky woman, actually threatened me, birds died for food, people died for money, and the man decisively chose to help the woman who fell to the ground and was crushed by the stone.

The man moved the large stone on the surface little by little, the stone was too big, and the man used all his strength before lifting it slightly a little, little by little to the east, and evacuating the legs of the woman in the west.

“My mother, I’m exhausted!!”

“Stinky mother-in-law, if the bank card password is wrong, I will kill you!!”

Just forgot to ask, how much money is in the bank card? Now think about how stupid I am, after saving him, I don’t know how much money is in the bank card: “How much money is in this bank card?” ”

“The amount … There are more than a million in the bank card, I don’t know the specifics, I only know that it is more than a million. ”

The woman did not know whether this amount could satisfy the man in front of her, looking at his uh cong look, lest it drag itself here again, if she secretly glanced at the man, looked at the disappointment without showing a disappointed look, and exhaled a big breath.

“Well, a million is very good, let’s go, hurry up and let me go!!”

It was very dangerous for her to push the woman in front of her and make her run forward to this building, not knowing when she would be attacked by that large beast, but in time it was not known, who knew who the next target would be?

If the money in this bank card is not his own standard line, then press the stone next to him on the woman’s feet and let him die here.

Men shake the bank card in their hands, this bank card is from the woman who is preparing to climb up, after he is a millionaire, the heart is very beautiful, this is more than a million, he has to work hard for a long time, maybe it is a lifetime to have more than a million.

I didn’t expect that the woman in front of me was still a rich woman, the man secretly looked at her, I really couldn’t think of the existence of millionaires in this place, usually in this community are small and medium-sized class living, and this rich woman has more than a million in a bank card, what about other cards?

If he took him out, when would he be grateful to himself and give himself another one?

I’m really smart! Do it!

Thinking like this, the man sped up the movement of his hand, put the woman on his back, and then said slowly: “Save you, you will repay me.” ”

“How do you want me to repay you?”

“Like your bank card!”

The man is in love with the woman’s bank card, do not believe that she only has this bank card in her name, otherwise she can give the balance of this bank card to a stranger in such a large amount?

Obviously, the man did not believe it, in fact he already felt it, because he had the woman on his back, and he himself felt the vibration under his feet.

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