Is this still a woman?

Looking at Li Xiaomo, who is still spinning in the air in the live broadcast, I have to say that she is very sassy now, and she thought that this was a soft girl before, and now it seems that people cannot be disguised, and the sea is incomparable!

Li Xiaomo felt that it was not a way to hang like this, constantly tightening the distance with the beast, constantly tightening the lasso whip in his hands, and then constantly moving his hands forward.

Almost there…

And a little bit!

Everyone exclaimed, this girl dared to continue to lean on the type beast, the scene of Nana’s true appearance had already made these people marvel at her courage, and now that she wanted to continue to approach the type beast, it was not simply to die.

Just those small stones have let these people know that this large beast is not a simple beast, and I look a little like a miniature version of a strange beast.

When approaching half of his body, Li Xiaomo quickly withdrew his body, and then violently raised his legs that were previously dangling in the air and stomped towards the rotating beast.


This sound, although it did not cause the beast to fall to the ground, was enough for it to stumble.

As expected, the type beast was stomped forward by Li Xiaomo,

Almost lying on the ground, the beast quickly turned around and stared at the culprit who had just almost stomped himself to the ground.

Li Xiaomo quickly hit the lock whip in his hand on the beast’s body again, at that time, it could not be given a chance to breathe, otherwise it would take advantage of this time period to launch its own attack.

Subsequently, Liu Xiaoling followed closely behind and began to attack the beast, she did not dare to get close to the beast now, for fear that if this guy was angry, if it was not pleasing to the eye, it would launch another attack of small stones, or it would turn itself into a meat sieve.

Silently communicating with the current ring on his hand, he felt a burst of electricity start to emit from his mobile phone, and then Liu Xiaoling pointed his arm with the current ring in the direction of the beast.

The blue light quickly attacked in multiple directions towards the type beast, not as strong as the lightning, and the faint blue light intermittently formed a line in the air, crackling towards the attack.

“I rub, the little spirit can actually fire lightning?”

“It doesn’t feel like lightning, it’s more like an electric current, is it because the physique is born with this?”

“She wouldn’t have been sent by Heaven to rescue the world, she was born with this physique.”

“Oh my God, look at it!!”


Liu Xiaoling’s electric current emission stimulated the type beast, constantly impacting the type beast in the air that would look at Li Xiaomo angrily.

“Uh uh uh…”

The beast trembled all over his body, and only felt that his back was hit by something, and his whole body trembled uncontrollably.

Perhaps a little caught off guard, the type beast was directly attacked by the current ring, but the power of the current ring was still relatively weak, which could only make the type beast tremble and return to its original state again in less than half a minute.

The beast took a few steps back, fiercely attacking Li Xiaomo and Liu Xiaoling, afraid that what they were holding would attack it again.

Li Xiaomo looked at the current medium in Liu Xiaoling’s hand, emitting a blue current, and looked at the scene in front of him with a surprised face: “Xiao Ling? ”

Although I have learned that my girlfriend has reached the first star level and can reach a consensus with the current ring, I did not expect that the current ring was so amazing when it emitted power.

“Xiao Mo, I succeeded!”

Hearing Li Xiaomo’s voice, Liu Xiaoling turned his head to look at Li Xiaomo, and then said with surprise.

I hadn’t tried the power of the current ring before, and now that I used it for the first time, I could feel that it was emitted with a weak current, but it was already a pleasant surprise.

In this surprise but not the type beast, looking at the two people in front of them in surprise, and then roaring loudly, Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo quickly fell to the ground.

Not letting the small stone attack on himself, Li Xiaomo looked at the type beast that was already on the verge of anger, and the lasso whip in his hand quickly turned back in the hands of the type beast, and then went towards the lasso of the type beast’s neck.

The mouth of this beast seems to be a little unpleasant, and from time to time it spews out the wind and blows small stones to attack, so let it close its mouth.

Seeing that the lasso whip was about to rush to the neck of the type beast, Li Xiaomo actually felt a little nervous, and the money he had just set up was also affected, otherwise he would not have felt this way from time to time.

Putting on… Be sure to put it on!!

Li Xiaomo watched the lasso whip in her hand bend away, and she herself did not dare to be sure of the result?

Soon, that’s it!!

But the reality is that the lasso whip fell short, just happened to avoid the body of the type beast, it should be said that the type beast avoided the lasso whip, Li Xiaomo did not know, before the type of beast could not completely avoid its own attack, and now it can completely dodge.

Why is that?

Li Xiaomo stared at the face of the beast, constantly thinking back to the scene just now, what is the difference, when the lasso whip is waved, the whip body will become shadowless, that is to say, he can’t see that it is a whip,

Why does this let it know where it is going?

Now he was successfully evading the attack of Li Xiaomo’s lasso whip, and then began to attack in another way of attacking, quickly running to Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo, in the process the body of the beast had become infinitely larger, until his body knew the maximum, stretched out those hands in one direction towards Li Xiaomo and Liu Xiaoling, and grabbed the necks of the two people hard.

Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo did not react, they were already caught in the hands of the type beast.

“Cough cough cough…”

“Cough cough…”

The two people slapped the arms of the type beast for a while, but there was no use, no oxygen entered the lungs, which had made the two of their faces gradually turn red, and then become pig liver color, at first Li Xiaomo still thought of shaking the lock whip in his hand, but the strength of the type beast was too great, so that she had no time to take care of the lasso whip in her hand.

Liu Xiaoling slapped the beast’s arm hard, and his mind was constantly looking for the consciousness of the current ring, but Liu Xiaoling’s consciousness was gradually weakening.

Then collided with the consciousness of the current cut-off and the slow talent, but in the end, it also collided with the real one, and Liu Xiaoling and his current ring finally agreed to succeed and shot at the body of the type beast, this time it was also a close shot.

Because the blue light shot out with Liu Xiaoling’s arm again, this time the current went directly along the arm of the type beast and hit its heart.

Perhaps the power of the current ring is too great, so that the type beast can’t help but throw the two people far away, and then forcefully cover his heart, but he doesn’t know whether this type of beast is covering his heart or not.

Although Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo fell to the ground and were very painful, they couldn’t see where the beast was going now, and their hearts were also a lot more balanced. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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