These two large things must be solved, otherwise this rescue work will be very difficult to do, Zhang this building people are all rescued, but what about the other buildings?

So many buildings, one by one to rescue, and then all of them placed in the official team training camp, how much ability to accommodate them.

These are all questions, and after thinking about it again, he said to the team behind him: “One team attack!” ”

In the process of rescue, it is necessary to continue to block the attack of these two big bear things, counting their attention, so that the rescue ship can always be in a safe state.

The last detachment of 1 person, the cat waded into the water into the corridor, they want to go the opposite way, join the old grass to attack the two Kong Ling birds in the front.

This is the first frontal attack, the effect is not yet known, this is just an attempt.

“0.01, rush to ask for support!”

The detachment said to the walkie-talkie that they would always hang the walkie-talkie on their travel missions so that there was an emergency.

“How much support is needed?”

The detachment pondered for a moment and then said, “Five detachments, six ships.” ”

I don’t know if these things can be done to myself, in the end, someone has to rescue them, and there are always people who want to attack.

Just listen to the other person say a word received, and then the walkie-talkie has stopped.

It was a person who listened to the news of his own dispatch of the detachment on the intercom, divided his mind to see the progress of the rescue, and the two-pronged approach, the detachment somewhat collapsed.

After the first team entered the corridor, they quickly climbed and entered the second floor and the third floor, and they refused to enter the elevator, although the elevator was usually very fast, but in this case, the elevator was simply a guy who died.


The leader of the detachment gestured to the members of the team, and finally crawled forward one by one, and they did not know what was waiting for them in front of them.

But the order dictates that they must move forward regardless of the outcome.

And there are so many people piled up downstairs, waiting for rescue, and their steps are more powerful.

This is my personal complaint that when I reached the tenth floor, I felt a little dizzy, and it was the vibration caused by these two dinosaur birds that kept the building in a quiet state.

If these people hadn’t been specially trained, they would have fainted a long time ago.

“Everybody get ready!”

At the sound of an order, everyone breathed two floors, here is about to arrive at the scene of the accident, what kind of situation on it, these fifteen people have almost been able to guess.

After a pause, the men quickly reached the 13th floor, with serial guns in their hands ready to assault each other, and had already pinpointed the positions of the two large animals when they were outside.

Yesterday was able to directly find the door of the female anchor’s house, and then kicked open the door, one by one the cat went in, in the corner position, these people quickly stopped working, a little bit of movement, their heads, looking at the window sill.

The two huge heads that entered the eyes, the crimson eyes that leaked their anger to the fullest, they hit the wall from time to time, arching their bodies up and down to enter the building.

These 15 people really couldn’t figure out why these two large animals could come here and enter this floor, they didn’t look very distressed.

But this was not the time for them to find out, it seemed that they were still inferior, and the fifteen men quickly turned into a platoon and shot at the two huge heads with the serial guns in their hands.

Originally, I thought that the blood in the skull would splash, and then it would be these two large things, losing their breath of life, but this was just their prediction, who could have imagined that these two large things would stare at them idly after being attacked by the serial gun.

It seemed that the other party was very excited, making a rattling sound, and the bullets that were fired were also bounced off the skin of the two of them, which had no effect on them at all, but slowly entered the room because they found these 15 people standing in front of them hitting the wall more intensely.

The female Kong Ling bird’s body is only a little bit left to enter the room, but it is not in a hurry, waiting for the success of the male Kong Ling bird, and the two birds Kiki will proceed to obtain food.

Yes, these 15 members of the team are food for them, perhaps the appearance of these 15 people has stimulated the male Kong Ling bird, which slaps much harder than before, and the body slowly enters the room.

The people on the first floor who were waiting for news of their success heard only the thudding gunshots and the sound of the male hole making the bird slap the wall, all of which were frightening movements.

But after the gunshot, the detachment did not make any sound, so the people downstairs were very anxious, did not know whether what was happening upstairs, there was no sound after the gunshot, what was the reason.

The captain contacted them urgently, but the other party did not make a sound.

Upstairs, it was because the male hole made the bird enter the room, and the female hole made the bird enter the room quickly, but their two huge bodies had connected the two houses together.

The two Kong Ling Birds had not yet gotten up, they had already caused such a tragic appearance, and he did not know whether their heads would break through the 14th floor after they stood up.

The 15 people looked at the destruction scene in front of them in amazement, as if in a dream, even if they were members of the special card sparring team in the official team, they had never seen such a situation.

Usually only against criminals, now against this unknown enemy, the serial gun is useless to them.


The leaders of the squad all gave the order again, and it was the guns of the five men that sounded again, only this time they aimed at the eyes of Kong Lingbird.

It is said that the eyes are the most fragile, can not this hole make the bird’s eyes can also be strong enough to rebound bullets?

In the past, those bullets were scattered on the ground, all because the bullets hit their bodies, and there were probably some bulletproof or hardcore things on the body, and the eyes would never have them.

These were exactly what they had in mind, and through the eyes of the team leader, these people had a tacit understanding of punching the eyes of the birds.

The bird was constantly moving now, but its amplitude was very small, after all, because the room was so small, for it.

It’s just that these two holes make the bird quickly close its eyes, and these bullets fall on their eyelids one after another, and then click down, and the sound of the shell shell falling to the ground.

“Fuck, this guy fucking really is!!”

One of the team members could not suppress the mania in his heart and scolded the anger in his heart.

The leader of the squad glanced at him and then said slowly, “Back off!” “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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