And from time to time in the deep pit there were heavy sighs, one after another, like a man and like a beast, and then mixed with the painful sound of burning fire, as if the man was suffering from torment.

A moment later, a loud crashing sound was emitted from the deep pit, and the thunder and lightning from the top down gathered in the air and fell into the deep pit, and the sighs and cries of pain in the deep pit became more intense with the stimulation of the deep pit.

“Uh-huh… Yes!!! ”

With this scream, black smoke had already risen from the deep pit, and the black rock had been rising upwards, spreading out continuously, wave after wave over the city.

Cheng, who had already been devastated, was once again covered with a black smoke, which was very choking, and these people could not get up when they smelled the cough, but they did not expect that it was the cause of the air.

Also thinking that these people were infected with the disease, this nose quickly fled the scene and rushed to the clinic for treatment, but the more he went outside, the louder the cough became, and the coughing was unbearable and the lungs that were about to be degraded coughed out.

This sudden change made everyone puzzled.

What’s going on?

The Maoguo officials had already sensed the changes in the city, and they had thought it was just a meteorological change, but after so long, the weather was so bad.

“Can you please stop walking around?” You see you’re in a hurry, isn’t this just a weather change? ”

“What weather is bad and you didn’t listen to what was said on the phone?” The water in the central city has reached the thigh, and you tell me that this is the weather reason? What is the climate of Mao? Don’t you know? ”

The man was intimidated by Sparta and did not dare to speak, but what he said was not unreasonable, and he had never seen such a scene in Germany.

The awkward atmosphere of tranquility was shattered by a ringing of the telephone, and Sparta quickly stepped forward to receive the call, and then heard the other party coughing and talking all the time.

“You cough now, then you let the person next to you speak!”

Sparta was very emotional now, but had to answer the call, after all, this phone call is only a few special events, resulting in a direct call.

“Cough cough… I cough… Me~”

“Send a message!”

Sparta couldn’t stand the grind for so long, and I chose to have the other person send a message to tell them, urgent things.

When he saw the message sent by the other party, his already blue face turned black.

“What’s wrong?”

The man seemed to be unable to see the black face of the mouth, the clothes were wandering and asking, and the second spartans just looked at her and said slowly: “The deep pit city in the northwest direction seems to be floating in the air with something, making them cough non-stop?” ”

Deep pits?

The man heard the word pit and jerked up from his chair, waiting for Sparta to continue.

The term deep pit has always been a word avoided in the official circle, and if it can not be said, it will not be said, and there has been a strict order on the back not to mention this matter again.

Now there is a strange time to think of it again, when it was the work of the well exploration project, the development of the deep pit city, the project was officially invested a lot of money, but it was later ordered to stop digging.

People on the outside don’t know what the situation is, people inside know very well, but they have signed a secret agreement and have to keep this secret.

If this is the change brought about by the deep pit, then the secret of the year will be revealed, it has been kept for so long, and now we must always be vigilant against its openness.

Sparta pondered a little, and the man never gave up, and asked Sparta: “We are a good gangster, why don’t you tell me?” ”

“You can shut up, I don’t know what’s going on there, if someone needs to be sent to lie down, he knows what’s going on there.”

Hearing this, the man instantly put away the appearance of Hang Er Lang Dang, and he knew that Sparta said this, which already showed that this matter was very serious.

“I’ll go!”

The two men had already taken this issue very seriously, but Sparta frowned: “Ruan Man, you must know the seriousness of this matter, you must be careful.” ”

And for which has not been working together for a long time to complete a thing, and now the time has come, the misunderstanding before the two acting, directly into the theme.

Ruan Man said, “Have you found any relevant air indicators today?” ”

Listening to the phone, they can’t stop coughing, that is, it is related to air quality! Otherwise, it would not have been possible to make these people cough all the time so quickly.

“They have already identified that there is more of a black particle in the air, and the number is extremely large, and they can be seen in the price of Xiaomei’s shop.”

“Do they know the source of this black particle?” Do they know the composition of black particles? ”

Sparta shook his head, and just when he asked them, the other party had not answered, and you don’t know if there was something wrong over there.

Ruan Man said methodically: “The matter is more urgent, you are guarding the central city, and I will take a helicopter to the deep pit city.” ”

Of course, he has already equipped his equipment in the car, and the black particles in the air do not know anything, so he can only use an oxygen shield to protect his respiratory tract, and do not erode his lungs in the black particles.

The vehicle waded through the deep water to the deep pit city, there was an inexplicable nervousness in the heart, that was the deep pit, was it a rumor before, Ruan Man unconsciously shivered.

Scared to be afraid, it was still a long way to go to the deep pit city to investigate the black particle incident, which involved too many people to have to be listed as an emergency.

When he had reached the deep pit city, he looked up at the sky and realized that the black particles in the air could be seen with the naked eye, and I was afraid that some of them were not particles, but blocks.

The bystander handed him the report instantly, and Ruan Man looked at the report slip in his hand, and he knew that the black particles came from the deep pit.

Deep pits? Is that secret going to be torn apart?

If it is torn open, the secret inside will be known to people and will cause people to panic.


He patted the report slip in his hand: “What happened to these people?” ”

Ruan Man pointed to the people in the photo who were choking on the black particles, and the other party quickly took the report sent by the clinic: “These people have gradually recovered, but the black particles in the air are increasing, and they are really afraid of any more accidents.” ”

Although the wind is blowing in the southwest, and the southeast direction is mostly urban gathering places, if the black particles are scattered in the direction over other cities, it will not be chaotic.

“Take me to the pit!”

Ruan Man felt that he could not be discovered, and added: “Act in secret.” ”

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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