The eyes of the large monster stared for a moment at the workers running in a southeasterly direction, spreading their wings and leaping into the air, immediately answering the air above those who wanted to escape, and opening their mouths from the air to catch the moving crowd.

The monster’s mouth was so big that it could push both of the two people into its own mouth in one bite, and without the slightest hesitation, it swallowed the two people directly into its stomach.

This time he didn’t even chew, he swallowed the jujube into his stomach, and then he put the target on the ground, and the crowd of people who ran away, the poisonous eyes kept staring at them, these were its dishes of food.


This monster was too excited, he had been sealed by this hell gate for a long time, he had never entered this delicious meat, and under the hell gate he ate that pure gold and filled his stomach, but the strange thing was that this monster had no excrement, although this monster ate pure gold for the first half of the year, there was still a lot of pure gold in this deep pit.

Seeing the meat running on the ground, the monster had already screamed at the sky without really speaking, and then lowered its head, stared at the people on the ground, opened its mouth and concentrated on the crowded place to continue to catch it, and the flying impact even the wind in the air could not stop the monster’s flight.



“Get down!”


During the time of their escape, these people had forgotten their initial target, and the crowd heard the sound of the man lying down, and their heads did not have time to think, and their bodies were already lying on the ground with the sound falling.

His head was buried tightly in his chest, his hands covered the back of his head, his eyes were tightly closed, and he was afraid that his life was threatened.

They only hope that the monsters circling in the sky can let themselves go, they want to look up to see the danger, how close they are to themselves, but they are afraid that their observations will make the other party keenly discover, and more targeted to eat themselves.

Bai Putun followed the workers to lie on the ground in large groups, at first he was not afraid of this thing, but seeing that the monster had eaten the life of the man, and his eyes did not even blink, Bai Putun was afraid.

Don’t eat me, don’t eat me!

Bai Pudun thought wildly in his heart, afraid that the monster that had gone to the pit was coming towards him, his hands were tightly clasped, and Jiang Yijing pressed deeply in the heart of his throat to prevent himself from making a sharp cry.

This heart thumped against his throat, and Bai Pudun bit the flesh on the wall of his teeth fiercely, and the feeling of raw pain made his consciousness gradually return.

Just now he even felt his own soul, ready to pull away from his body and float into the air, and the last sting made him gradually wake up.

“Whoops… Fantastic Stay”

The monster was still circling above, following them all the time, watching their jokes from above, and not seeing the desire it had to come down, did he let himself go

Some people felt that after waiting for such a long time, maybe the other party had let go of a horse, and when they were about to look up, they saw the monster spreading its wings, and the sharp thing was a pair of cold eyes, and a momentum of hurried momentum rushed to the heart, hitting the hearts of these people, making their slightly slightly hearted hang up again.

These people didn’t care if they were lying on the ground, they just got up on the ground and ran away in a hurry, how fortunate they were before and how messed up they were now, the monster was obviously playing with them.

I obviously already knew about it, but they still dared to be angry and afraid that their words would force the other party to rush again, and then they would end up in a tragic death.

No, no, this is not what they want, they are here to explore the pure gold in the deep pit, through special means, to transport it out of the pit to sell it on the black market, and to make a profit from it.

But now facing the danger of life and death, who remembers the previous instruments.

The monster once again succeeded in carrying two people from the ground into the air, one person on one foot, hanging in the air, so that they were devastated by the wind, and the monster flew high for a while and then low, completely ignoring the two people staring at their feet.

The dark clouds constantly oppressed the ground, shrinking the entire space of heaven and earth, and the strong wind was still blowing towards the ground one by one, and there were still high and low hills on the ground, blocking the wind, and the two people in the high sky had been blown east and west by the wind.





The mouths of the two of them were washed away by the wind, and they could no longer connect a word, but only a word by word bytes popped out, just like the trepidation in their hearts, one high and one low constantly surging.

Looking down at such a high distance, falling down must be a mess, but how to struggle can not open the monster’s claws, can only be bound by him again, the man’s head is facing down, the eyes are dead, the distance is very high from the ground, the double layer of lights in the air, want to grasp something, support their bodies.

Just where in the air could make them attached, the monster also let the two people they found scream and struggle, did not put them down, did not eat them, let them howl freely.

It seems that the monster saw something, originally flying in a southeasterly direction, and turned into a southwesterly direction, much faster than before.

And the fierce wind was blowing from the northwest, and the two workers had already sensed that their faces were not their own, and that the wind was already mixed with small stones and hit their faces.

Hitting their faces was very painful, their hands covered their own faces, but they felt that their necks were very painful, and their hands were facing their necks in the afternoon, and finally the hands remembered the body after a while, but there was no egg.


The monster finally let go of his palm and threw the two men in his claws straight down as he saw something more interested in himself.

There was another monster surging in the pit, and the two monsters were of the same species, but one male and one female.

They were Kong Ling birds, their age had reached hundreds of years, but they had been blocked by the Gates of Hell, and they could not go out of the pit for many years, and the two of them snuggled up on the first floor of the Gates of Hell.

Now this deep pit coincides with the arrival of the solar eclipse, the female hole makes the bird wake up more than the male, and the male hole makes the bird fly rapidly in the direction of deep space.

The two workers who were thrown down were thrown to the ground in the direction of the wind, thousands of meters high, and the blood splashed on the ground after the two fell. _

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