“Rush over on the left, besiege it, and don’t let them break through the encirclement.” The captain of the mobile task force arranged in an orderly manner, taking into account the overall situation, and took all the dynamic changes in his hands.

The second team is mainly responsible for the siege, and the first and third teams are mainly responsible for attacking these replicants and 068s, and now their numbers have rushed up again, and the difficulty of encircling has increased.

“One and three teams attack quickly and try to avoid buildings.”

Liu Feng looked at the scene on the system panel and smiled, this seems to be too simple, but how can he let 068 be taken in so quickly, or how to see the horror scene.

Most of the people in the clinic will not die, but some will die, and the reason for death is that they are hurt by 068’s brain waves, but this is only the surface.

Liu Feng will not let good people die, most of the things they are afraid of in their hearts are afraid of flipping and finding them, how can this say that they are innocent.

However, the scope of terror this time is not as good as that brought by 096, and the growth rate of the shock point is not fast, but the dream in the later period will make the growth rate of the shock point come up, but whether the people of the Eagle Sauce Country can bear it is one thing, after all, it is an individual shock.

Liu Feng wiped his fingers over his lips, continued to smile at the system panel in front of him, and naturally heard Liu Xiaoling’s movements behind him.

The reaction speed of the four-star order is very fast, and the body is as stable as Tarzan, waiting for his sister to scare himself.


Liu Xiaoling quickly slapped his hand on Liu Feng’s left shoulder, thinking of scaring his brother, but the other party was not at all intimidated by himself, but turned around and would frighten Liu Xiaoling.

Liu Xiaoling beckoned Li Xiaomo to sit down, then ate the banana and asked vaguely: “Brother, have you heard?” ”

Liu Feng did not say a word, waiting for Liu Xiaoling to take the initiative to finish.

“It’s that Eagle Sauce Country thing.”

Liu Feng nodded, then asked, “What’s wrong?” ”

“I’m very confused now, isn’t the SCP Foundation underground in Tianhai City, how did those sps get to the Eagle Sauce Country?”

Liu Xiaoling has always been unable to think clearly about this question, a few days ago to see the elder brother closed for two days, today finally saw him naturally want to ask clearly.

Liu Feng smiled and asked, “Who gave you the confidence to say that the SCP Foundation only has in Tianhai City?” ”

He was sure that the branch Tianhai City SCP Foundation definitely did not say anything about the number of foundations or whether it was exclusive, this is probably the speculation of these two little girls, Liu Feng knew it in his heart.

Liu Xiaoling turned his head and looked at Li Xiaomo: “I… We guessed. ”

Li Xiaomo recalled the situation at that time: “Xiao Ling, it seems that it is true, that person has never said anything about whether the SCP Foundation is exclusive. ”


“So the SCP Foundation Mystery Side Circle is like a sibling!”


Liu Feng did not have words to refute his sister’s description, as if he was reasonable.

“How did you pay attention to the Eagle Sauce Country?”

Liu Feng didn’t understand the brain circuits of the two of them, and it was actually from the early days to the Yu Ying Sauce Country that it was better to have a leisure time than to cultivate.

“No, look at this.”

Liu Xiaoling shoved the mobile phone into Liu Feng’s clear shooting.

“Well, the phone pixels are good.”

Liu Feng only said such a sentence, and there is no matter about 068.

Li Xiaomo pressed Liu Xiaoling’s hand and then said, “Big Brother Liu, do you know what this is?” ”

“Isn’t this the SCP? Must have escaped from the foundation. ”

These two little girls actually put their own words together, but this kind of ambiguous words will not be overturned much later.


Liu Xiaoling continued to ask, “Is there anything else?” ”

Liu Feng shook his head, then rolled up the book in his hand and gently patted his sister’s hand: “How are you two cultivating?” ”

Didn’t hear the answer they wanted, the two people were not very interested, originally thought that Liu Feng also knew about the foundation, but now it seems that he also knows the same.

“The amount … That big brother willow we have a thing. ”

“Dude, we’re leaving, ahaha.”

The two of them left in a hurry, because they had been watching the videos of 096 and 068, and they had not paid much attention to cultivation, and now when Liu Feng asked, the two of them were ashamed.

Liu Feng looked at the hurried figures of the two people, shook his head, and said lowly, “I can’t cure you two yet?” ”

After Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo left, Liu Feng once again revealed the system panel.

068 broke through the circle, when Liu Feng was originally set, he did not intend to let the foundation so easily take in the fleeing SCP not specifically to grind these people, anyway, they seemed quite happy.

When danger does not come to them, these people just look at these horrific scenes with curiosity, even if they are afraid, there will be no fear of the parties.


Willow Wind let 068 break through the enclosure, that is, to let it move freely and pull more people through the horror scene.

The 068 quickly escaped from the encirclement, taking all the replicants behind him, they were so fast that neither the mobile task force nor the official team could stop them.


Dozens of adult figures ran, the sound of metal colliding with them, all headed towards the center of prosperity, that is, the place where there were many people, where the metal material was the most.

068 while running while emitting waves, how can these effects be limited to one piece.

“My head… Yes!! ”

“Blood? No, what the hell is this, haha…”

“Help, save me…”


068 after the big wave as long as 068 more excited, then the fluctuations of the brain wave more and more large, the beginning of the metal material is not as much as here, 068 did not show much excitement, now there are so many metal materials, countless.


068 jumped up in the adult heart, and the replicants behind it also jumped up, and the replicants had reached a hundred, gathered together to jump, and the “clucking” sound it made sounded more and more strange.

The replicants in 068 waved their hands and directed the replicants to begin to act separately, while 068 continued to emit waves, allowing more people to enter the nightmare, into the scene that made them afraid, and earned scary points for Willow Wind.

“Did you find it?”

“In the center.”

The center, isn’t this making it more difficult to contain, the center is prosperous, the flow of people is also very large, if you force them to evacuate, I am afraid it will be too late.

The leader of the mobile task force broke through the predicament with one word: “Lead it away.” ”

The only thing that can drive 068 is the metal material, as long as there is more metal material than the center or the material that is easier to become a wire villain.

“Go where the metal material melts, run.”

Originally, I wanted 068 to be trapped in Sang Street and let the metal materials of where they were consumed, but I did not expect to let 068 get out of the siege circle. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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