I just don’t know if 096’s quotient is similar to humans, it roared all the way to follow the D-class personnel who ran all the way.

Its big long legs are two meters away in one step, killing scp096-01 one by one.

Scp096-01 is a species that has seen 096’s face, as long as it is alive, seeing 096’s face, whether you are SCP or an animal or a human, will be listed by it as its own attack range.


A startled voice resounded through the cloister, and 096 was not at all yelled at by the members, even if they were in reverse order, in 096’s mind, only the chronological order prompted it to follow the rules of who saw his face first and who died first.

Look, the containment 096 blackboard closed air is less than a hundred meters away, insist on ah!

Gritting his teeth, the speed of running on his legs increased, but 096 directly killed everyone present this time, instantly losing his soul-supported body and lying softly on the ground.

The skin of his face, torn off by 096’s fingernails, was thrown to the ground, and the whole ground was stained red with blood.

“Uh-huh… Hmmm…”

096 sat back down again, wrapped his arms around his body, half-covered his face in his arms, and made unbearable crying noises from time to time.

Walking slowly in the cloister of the first floor of the foundation, there is no previous tyranny, but the hidden violence has not dissipated.

096 is like a ghost walking on a person, constantly adsorbing the life of the living, killing everything in its own world.

Suddenly, 096 finally lifted, the eyeballs kept rolling in the eye sockets, and in less than a moment, his hands covered his face, and the panicked voice of the madman emanated from 096’s mouth.

It hadn’t seen its face, but it had begun to shift toward a state of tyranny, not knowing what it was going to do in a moment.

Looking at the empty cloister in front of him, 096 ran quickly around the corners, trying to find the exit and rush out of the foundation.

The area of the foundation is huge, 096 directly tears the obstruction of the wall with both hands, does not know what is in front of it, as long as it can be broken, 096 has been moving forward to destroy the things that stand in his footsteps.

“Doctor, 096 has prepared to escape from the foundation.”

“Mobile Task Force Dispatch!”

The doctor watched the vibration at the source of the earth, and watched the earthquake gradually subside, this earthquake that had lasted for four hours, the life on the strata was probably chaotic.

I am afraid that 096 is really going to the layer, so that more and more things will be involved, even if 096 was not deliberately released at the beginning, the disaster caused by it will have to be borne by someone to bear the consequences.

He pinched the bridge of his nose and began to plan his next move.

It was impossible to sit still, originally thought that 096 would obediently return to the enclosed space of the blackboard, who knew what madness it had, and even tried to rush out of the foundation.

“Dr. 096 has been taken out of the foundation, and the members of the foundation have gone out to track it.”

It didn’t take long for the lab to sound again.

096 body is long, running fast, the base in the absence of special devices, can not follow the figure of 096

096 to reflexively will be they this is not the result they want to see.

Just tracking, 096 is not equipped with a tracker, I don’t know how long the effective tracking of the members of the foundation can last.

“Special filters for them to bring!”

The doctor said affirmatively, the tone was very excited, the special filter was originally specially developed for 096, only two experiments, both times were successful, but it does not mean that everything is error-free.

The special filter is able to automatically remove the mosaic of 096’s face, as long as you don’t see its face, you can complete the next step of containment work.

Less than a last resort, this special filter is impossible to come out, this time it is urgent.

And there is only one special filter, in case of damage, this previous effort is equivalent to turning around and doing it again.

This is the first solution that the doctor can think of so far, the special filter material is very rare, even if it is exhausting financial resources, it is not necessarily possible to find this rare special effect material.

“Let’s hope it works, and don’t make any more mistakes.”

The doctor looked at the information about 096 again, and the thought of 096 killing so many foundation members was heartbreaking!

Strata, the mobile task force that was trying to track 096 began to chase 096’s figure at great speed by bringing the special filter that had only been tested twice.

The guy had rushed out of the ground. Fortunately, the scope of its activities has always been in the desert land, the human footprints are rare, and there are many troublesome things.

Above the desert land, two special combat planes circled, starting to lower their altitude from above, constantly pushing the distance between them and 096.

The special combat aircraft monitored the 096’s actions in the air, only to see it squatting in place, crying and still ringing.

“Fark, this guy is just a brainless guy.”

The mobile task force members saw its location through a special filter, and its face had been mosaicized.

“Target Discovery!”

“Prepare for a shell attack.”

“Three, two, one.”

Bang Bang Bang!

The special fighters had fired a series of shells, and because the surface was a desert land, a mushroom cloud suddenly surged from below to top, hiding the 096 in this fog.

Waiting for the mushroom cloud to dissipate, the target did not know whether it was hit or not.

“Hit the target!”

Hearing this voice, the team members in their hearts compared to a yay, not long after, the walkie-talkie came again with a voice.

“The target survives.”

Sleeper! Fuck, what species is this?

Although it was a scp, I had seen its information before, except that it was a little strange in length, and it was not much different from people, and the flesh body was not afraid of cold shell attacks.


The team member added his teeth with the tip of his tongue and prepared for the next attack.

The angry team members raised their clenched fists with both hands, trying to vent the depression in their hearts, and the next moment they thought of their task, turning their fists into palms and slapping their legs.

The 096 shell attack is on top, although it will not be damaged, but it does not mean that it continues to stay in place, waiting for the stack to continue to attack itself.

“Ahh… Woohoo”

In addition to the sound of special combat aircraft spinning in the air, there is also the roar of 096 in pain, and the mood has been fluctuated, fluctuating up and down, that is, 096 may be about to trigger its own tyrannical factor.

The special fighters mediated in the air, waiting for 096’s mood to calm down a little before continuing the next attack.

There was no SCP Foundation data before, and there was no record of whether 096 could go to heaven, perhaps it had always chased and killed SP096-01 by running.

Bang Bang Bang!

The second attack began, pinning all hope on this one, and the firepower has been increased, from eight shells per second to fifteen shells.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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