This fucking thing was looking at its all-white body without a wisp, its long thin arms hunched over its side as it ran.

Its mouth trembled as it ran, its chin long underneath, and the bottom cocked again, like a hook to hook human life.

In just such a moment, the monitor felt a sudden aggravation behind him, only to feel the cold torrent reach his body from that hand at once.


This thought exploded in his mind in an instant, as long as he ran to the report, the rest of it was left alone, held on, just pull the report.

Finally, he had already touched the cold handle in his hand, and he clenched his teeth and pulled the handle down.


The report suddenly sounded, and the great foundation was on alert, but they didn’t know what was going on, and they hoped that the doctor would find a solution quickly.

“Amount..” The monitor has no breath of life, and is inserted into the throat eye by 096’s finger, killing him in one move.

“Uh-huh… Ahem..”

096 continued to hum, hands pulled on the sides, slowly returned to the same place, obediently sat down.

“Be on guard, stay in your own lab and don’t come out, and remember not to look out.”

After the announcement, the doctor’s voice spread.

What’s going on? It was even possible to initiate a first-level demonstration.

096 in just Xiao Fan’s alarmed the members of the southwest position, they are mainly responsible for 096’s containment work, this data has been kept in their hands.

But the members of other positions did not know much about 096, and the doctor continued: “The scp096 containment has failed, and has broken through the original closed blackboard single room, so don’t look at its face or actively attack its body.” ”

After that, the doctor sent the information about 096 to various laboratories, and there were no images of 096, all of them were text introductions.

The docile 096 continued to stay put, and the members who were still working all moved their work in the studio, isolate the outside distractions, and wait for the end of the game.

The Doctor re-sent someone to cover the now calm 96 with a black woven bag.

The six D-class personnel carefully held the woven bag together, carrying a long gun on their backs, slowed down their pace, and carried all the movements slowly, not wanting these actions to cause 096 to riot again.

All the time, 096 wakes up and kills him.

The six D-level personnel of “three, two, and one” saw the gesture and pounced on the black woven bag in their hands to 096.

“Oh yo, finally caught this guy, haha…”

“Ahaha… The guy is still crying and acting carefully. ”

Six D-level personnel successfully put 096 sets in the establishment. Block its face from being exposed to the outside to avoid a second attack.

[has successfully captured scp96, ready to transport.

This message is successfully sent awaiting the next wave of people on the mission.

“Fortunately, this 096 has this weakness, otherwise this shelter is really a thing.”

Successful containment is a good thing for the foundation, and it is the responsibility to avoid the damage of the SCP to the world.

In the distance came the sound of mechanical movements, and those present knew that the delivery vehicle was coming, waiting for the end of the last left link of the 096 successful containment work.

But things didn’t go in the planned direction, and the sudden change broke the calm water.

“Fast delivery, there is something strange underground, most likely an earthquake.”

The crowd didn’t care much, after all, the firmness of the foundation had been tested, and even earthquakes could not shake its foundations, and there were few earthquakes in the Eagle Sauce Country.

“The foundation’s solid system has reached its peak, and this does not have to be borne …”

This time, before anyone could finish speaking, everyone only felt their bodies shake and their pupils constrict rapidly, and today’s abnormality was very obvious.

This already shows that it is the change brought about by the earthquake, and no one knows what the next moment will look like.

“Emergency notice, there is a source of vibration two kilometers underground, and the 096 shelter work is proceeding rapidly.”

The doctor’s usual smooth speech speed is now faster.

The doctor is also afraid that 096 will break through the shackles of the foundation in the earthquake and endanger the human beings on the surface, and the number of people on the surface is definitely more than the foundation, and they are a group of ordinary people who have no ability to fight.

“Hurry up!”

D-Class members escorted 09 to the restored blackboard enclosed single room.

Dr. Neng personally spoke out about the problem and has expressed the seriousness of the matter.

And on the surface, young people live a nightlife, unaware of the crisis that is hidden and gradually erupting underground.

They are all addicted to the joy of the present, making it easier to take advantage of the danger.

[Here’s an urgent news: Area xx will face an earthquake at night, the level is still being surveyed, and it is not expected to be lower than level five.] 】

This news is automatically ignored by many people, who continue to play with their own time and leave everything behind.


People laughed and didn’t take the news for granted, and even if it was true, they continued to act as long as there was no danger to their lives.

Boom, boom.

In the sky, thunder and lightning suddenly flashed, splitting the night in half, and the wind whizzed and blew the trees several meters high to the east and west, and the people on the street were already untenable, prompting many people to start packing their bags and going home.

“This ghost weather, I could still play a night, forget it, or go home.”

The boy gritted his toothpick and kept complaining in his mouth that the weather interrupted his recreational life.

After saying goodbye to his friend, he buried half of his face in his collar and shook his body toward the way home.

Hey, how can you feel that your feet are shaking, are you drunk? The boy thought to himself, maybe this is the case, otherwise how could this ground crack a crack? Hey hey, it seems that I also have room for imagination, and I can imagine such a high-quality horror film.

The boy crouched down, his eyes fixed on the crack, hoping that something would really appear that would irritate him.

The people of Eagle Sauce Country have a self-provoking personality, and the boy wants to witness this unusual phenomenon and pulls out his mobile phone to prepare for the video.

“Doctor, no, the shaking of the earth source has begun, and this time it is likely to exceed the Foundation’s tolerance.”

The doctor listened to the information reported by his members, still thinking about 09, and did not finish taking it in for a moment, always feeling panicked.

Thinking of this, the doctor was even more worried, originally thought that the 096 set in the woven bag, everything will return to the original position now seems not so simple.

Then, the foundation began to shake violently, and the foundation could withstand the shaking. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, recommend

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