“Also, the SCP Foundation and the SCP-682 Immortal Lizard are preceded by the SCP, and I think this organization is dedicated to the Scp-682 Immortal Lizard.” Li Xiaomo said everything he had in mind.

I hadn’t thought about it so much before, but it doesn’t mean that everything happened meant a coincidence.

Once or twice it was ok, but this is the third time.

“Let’s wait for the SCP Foundation to take the initiative to find us.” Liu Xiaoling now just wanted to take off the wet clothes on his body.

Wet clothes on the outside, and such a messy appearance must not let their brothers know.

After thinking about it, I decided to go to my girlfriend’s house to hide.

[Brother, tonight I slept with Xiaomo at their house.] 】

[Good. 】

Looking at the elder brother’s rapid reply, maybe he is also resting because of the power outage now.

“Okay, let’s change the wet clothes on our bodies, it’s too bad.” Liu Xiaoling took his clothes and handed them to Liu Xiaoling, who was about the same size as himself.

“Hey, but why do you say that the SCP Foundation is so calm, it’s all over the time, and you haven’t contacted us?” The two said that they were completely sure, but that didn’t mean there were no accidents.

“Don’t be in a hurry, maybe the SCP Foundation is really talking about how to contact us?” Or discuss countermeasures. Li Xiaomo analyzed.

The Scp Foundation doesn’t want humans to know their whereabouts, and it’s a bit difficult for the live stream to follow.

Do you have to explain to the water friends that this is an air match? It feels funny to think about it.

“Doctor, it was too cunning to bring back the Scp-682 Immortal Lizard.” The team sent by the SCP Foundation is a mobile task force from the SCP Foundation and is one of the main combat forces of the Foundation.

The successive failures of their great strength, if not their mistakes, are enough to show that they need to change direction.

Even if this continues, things will not progress.

Looking at the screen in front of me, there were suddenly members of the SCP Foundation and the two girls fighting against the Scp-682 Immortal Lizard.

“The two of them, maybe they can work together.” The doctor pointed to Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo in the video.

“Doctor, they? They are ordinary human beings, and we are still in the details of the two of them…” The leader of the mobile task force was still trying to say something, but was interrupted by the doctor, “Their family is definitely not ordinary people.” ”

Ordinary people looked at that scene, and it was too late to hide, how could they send their lives forward.

“Okay, you go and contact them, and remember not to leak our information.” Dr. Doctor is particularly concerned about the leakage of information about the SCP Foundation.

Since the establishment of the SCP Foundation, there has been no mistake, and this time there has been such a big mistake.

It is absolutely impossible to let the upper echelons of Tianhai City know the location of the SCP Foundation, otherwise their exploration of this place one by one will adversely affect the work of the SCP Foundation.

Li Xiaomo guessed correctly, this dark night, the SCP Foundation checked the information of the two people clearly, and even their hobbies were all on the electronic version of the screen.

Two energetic girls?

The Scp Foundation is a bit unconvinced, and has not been specially trained, such people can work directly together?

I don’t know, it’s all a bet.

Boom, boom.

The thunder never stopped, and the whole night of Tianhai City was like bad news, and dark clouds kept hanging over the sky.

From time to time, there are crows with no long eyes crying blood, and in the quiet night, it is like the scene of the ancient ghost king.

The wind whizzed and the whole wind rolled everywhere like a swarm of ghosts.


“Gaha: Gaha..”

“Whew, huh”

All kinds of strange sounds filled people’s ears, torturing them for a long time.

“Get out, shit, I haven’t done anything bad.”

“Help, it wasn’t me who killed her, it was she who chose to commit suicide, it’s not my fault, I can only blame her for her incompetence.”

“Hurry as a law, demons and ghosts are leaving, how can Er’s miscellaneous things enter the land of saints like me?”

“Oh God, who is going to save me, this Lao Tzu is to kill Lao Tzu?”

The place where the crow stops is a place of horror.

Several pairs of scarlet eyes had been clanging outside the window, mixed with the eerie sounds of the occasion, and more and more people began to howl.

There was also a pair of cold eyes, occasionally emitting a low roar, like a wounded beast releasing the resentment in its heart.

In conjunction with the dark night, everything is covered with black, and even the sound is crowned with a sneaky atmosphere.

He began to ask himself whether he had done anything bad with his conscience, and one by one he began to kneel in his home, waiting for the sun to appear tomorrow morning.

The storm outside, even the sound of people struggling for forgiveness was isolated outside Liu Xiaoling’s villa.

No matter how noisy it was outside, it was still very quiet.

People who have not slept all night, the sun that awaits finally rises.

Touch your face and realize that you are really alive.

It’s good to be alive, it’s really great!

The whole sky was like a wash, very clear, and it was completely impossible to see that last night was a gloomy wind and rain field.

“Little Healer, Xiao Ling, read this news.” As soon as he woke up, Li Xiaomo saw a message on his mobile phone.

【Miss Li Xiaomo Li, Hello, we are the SCP Foundation, please participate in this round of SCP Foundation Exhibition】

The source didn’t know and didn’t even show the number.

However, just by looking at the content of the messages they sent, you know who sent them, and I have to say that their vigilance is so strong, and the details are handled cleanly.

“Xiao Mo, ahaha, I received the same news.” Liu Xiaoling also felt yesterday that the other party may really have forgotten, it turned out that it would be sent in the morning.

“But how do we and the SCP Foundation meet?” This is what Liu Xiaoling wants to know most at the moment.

The other party is too mysterious, just like now, the other party did not mention how to meet, even where the exhibition in their mouths is, when the slightest news is not known.

Do you have to wait for their news? This has to be really passive.

“Wait, I’m sure soon.” Li Xiaomo said.

Li Xiaomo suddenly felt a little nervous, his heart was pounding, and the feeling of wanting to come out made him a little breathless.

The first mission!

“Little foam, it’s not common.” Liu Xiaoling looked at Li Xiaomo’s expression sarcastically, and naturally knew what reason Xiaomo was in such a situation.

“Don’t make a fuss, I’m really excited, I feel very excited.”

“It’s all like this, the first time I’m like this, I don’t say I’m nervous, but my heart is both nervous and excited.” Liu Xiaoling said comfortingly.

The two men waited for the notification from the SCP Foundation, and after waiting for two hours, the SCP Foundation sent a video.

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