Team Zhao got the afternoon network monitoring.

Personally come to according to Xiao Liu’s network monitoring prompts, is these places.

One by one, they signed a letter of guarantee that they would not send it to anyone else in the future.

Of course, I also received all the videos in my own hands.

Just in case, the video in their hands also has that pop up thing.

The videos I collected on hand allowed me to watch for a whole night.

After watching so many videos, there were only nine left.

None of them appear in the video, is it wrong to read it?

Team Zhao couldn’t help but wonder if he was really wrong.

There are many people in such videos who stand at the same angle as themselves.

Luckily, I found it in a particularly short video.

That thing is simply the existence of an illusion.

The video stops to look at frame by frame, and it still looks like a phantom.

Blurred is not the same, can not see the other party is a person or something.

Compared with the fixed surveillance of the restaurant, the angle here also photographed the object.

It’s just a small horn.

Throw off the computer and destroy all videos that don’t have that figure.

This thing can drive to the number of frames that can evade the video, which is simply amazing.

But this thing is still on the side of justice, but it carries words for other purposes.

Now I don’t dare to search for this aimless white thing in a large area.

If the other party is angry, the safety of the citizens of the sea city will be in danger on this day.

Strange things and it will bring terrible destruction to Tianhai City.

The huge monster was still searching, but the other side was extremely fast, and the officials could not directly send helicopters to track it.

Even if it is sent, it cannot keep up with its speed.

I want to find some traces from the place where I fought before.

Looking at the big pit left by the huge strange thing under his feet, no, it should be said that it is a huge pit.

Although the dilapidated site has been partially cleared, the amount of work required for this huge pit is enormous.

Team Zhao crouched in front of the giant pit and looked inside, and the giant pit was as deep as the naked eye could see.

The black pressure inside the giant pit, what is inside?

A thought flashed through Team Zhao’s mind, and soon, there was no time to think about what that thought really was.

“I don’t want to, let’s go and investigate.” Team Zhao was just talking to himself.


[Team Zhao, the secretion of that strange thing doesn’t show exactly what we hold in our existing genetic collection.] 】

A short sentence made Zhao Team feel more and more that there was still a huge mouth slowly opening behind this matter.

When the human beings are caught off guard, there is an extremely terrifying attack.

Holding the mobile phone and contacting the person, the Zhao team applied for special power to enter the huge pit.

According to the surveillance, the strange guy suddenly appeared from underground.

The soil layer is so thick, and it is also said that the foundation of Tianhai City is extremely hard.

Where did it come from?

Is there a monster like it in that place, struggling to rush out and attack?

One question after another came to mind.

Soon, the authorities sent someone in the army who had cultivated the mysterious side power to attack.

Comprehensively track down the strange thing that suddenly appeared, although the identity of the strange thing is not yet known.

Go ahead and verify it, that’s all.

Ten heavily armed people, they still cultivated the mysterious side power, but they had not yet reached the point of pure fire.

This is a mine buried by the willow wind.

Can’t show too much about the mysterious side circle, but also let the official take the initiative to find Liu Xiaoling to cooperate.

Oxygen masks, bulletproof air cushions, detectors, etc. are prepared, and everyone present does not know what is underneath.

Watching the rope sink into the pit little by little, the hearts of the people rose to the throat eyes.

Wait for the information reminder given by the detector.

But, three hours later, there is still no news.

The red line on the total collection meter does not fluctuate at all.

“Why hasn’t it moved yet?”

“Did such a big movement actually alarm the team?”

“Shoot it down… Cough, as the anchor of me, everyone…”

“Let’s hope they’re okay, after all, the security of the country really needs their protection.”

“Let’s not squeeze any further, it’s dangerous ahead.”

Next to the huge pit, the sound of chirping, if there is no anti-cordon to block it, these people would be eager to get into this huge pit.

The Zhao team, which was originally in contemplation, heard the sound of the “ding” of the total collection instrument and quickly rushed up.

Look at the red lines that begin to fluctuate and change, and the green lines are always in a flat state.

The green line represents the safety of the lives of the ten men in full armor, while the red line indicates the changes below.

What this change is, but also needs to be transmitted by the people below.

Suddenly, the red line began to rise rapidly, and the line seemed very steep.

Team Zhao soothed Yin Xin, too excited.

Not happy excitement, but the scene below is not known, but… In the midst of this change.

The next second is completely unaware of what will happen.

“Team Zhao, they sent the video!”

“Open it up and see.”

Everyone put their eyes on the screen, and the black pressure finally had a little light.

As Team Zhao watched, he began to calculate in his heart.

This silvery piece of iron, I don’t know exactly what it does.

But it seems that it is not long gone.

It can’t be the garbage thrown by humans, and it has been guarded since yesterday and not allowed to be approached.

Subsequently, all ten people evacuated the huge pit.

Everyone was waiting for the silver iron to come.

Looking at the picture, the thing had been violently hit before, and the texture looked more sophisticated than what was now held in the treasury.

Soon, the waiting report sheet came out.

[Made of pure iron, it is part of a weapon.] 】

The ingredients are naturally not only iron, but all other messy things are listed, which is enough for hundreds of kinds.

When this thing appears, then it is naturally a weapon.

The people in the team could no longer continue to explore what was at the bottom of the hole, and it was still to be ascertained.

Strange things naturally do not use weapons, and they are originally a destructive body.

There is only one possibility, that is, there is still a force.

That white apparition was probably part of that power.

The calm truth behind it was excavated little by little, at least without the previous sense of powerlessness.


“Doctor, the scp-682 immortal lizard has broken through the soil and reached the ground, and it has produced a great catastrophe.”

“Doctor, the scp-682 immortal lizard is out of control, and for so long, it still does not choose to obey.”

“We need to send members of the Foundation to track?”

Some of the spirits contained in the SCP Foundation are intimate with humans, and some are always disobedient to humans.

Only by submitting them by violence can their destructive power be compressed in the shelter.

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