Yasuda looked at the staff around her who looked a little timid, as well as several so-called male guests, and couldn’t help but sneer, but this expression she did not openly show.

After all, these people are strictly speaking… I am a colleague who has been getting along day and night for a long time.

If a relationship is accidentally stiffened a little.

Then all kinds of troubles may follow…

And Yasuda Kei, who is on the rise of his career…

The least favorite thing is trouble.

However, contempt is naturally also contempt, and the scorn that emerges in her heart is not what she pretends to be.

A woman of herself is so calm…

Instead, these usually feel self…

Seems to be a very good man…

How could it be so afraid…

Drop the chain at critical times…

It’s all these men!

Yasuda Hui silently glanced at Jin Pulie, who was still panicked, the corners of her mouth flickered, and then a pair of eyes casually looked around.

However, at this moment, the afterglow of her eyes seemed to see something strange.

It made her whole person can’t help but shake slightly.

The expression also stiffened slightly.

Surprised eyes looking in one direction…

Her eyebrows slowly rose…

She muttered, “Wrong? ”

The afterglow of Yasuda Kei’s eyes just now seemed to see a confused figure, that figure did not look big or small, not big, not petite, not like a man or a child…

It was more like a female figure, but when she turned her head to look, she saw nothing.

It was as if there were no people there.

It was as if I was hallucinating.

Is it really just an illusion?

Should…… Maybe I read it wrong?

After all, this program group is inside.

Women have only one of their own.

Oh yes… His own agent is also a woman, but it is a fat woman, it cannot be the figure just now, because when he gets the figure, he knows that it is very slim.

“Maybe it’s the reason why I often practice and rehearse in the past few days, and the spirit is too tense and there is a problem?”

Yasuda quickly thought of an “excuse” to comfort him.

Because she really can’t believe the dirty things…

She rubbed her eyes and temples.

However, when she just lowered her hands, the left corner of her eye was glowing… Once again, I caught a glimpse of a very slim, slightly delicate female figure!

This made her pupils shrink suddenly!

Hurriedly glanced in that direction —

As a result, the figure was gone!

Is…… Is it an illusion again?!

The first time could be an accident.

But this is the second time!

Was the second time a coincidence?

Rao is Yasuda Hui’s mood is relatively stable, but thinking of some miscellaneous things, she can’t help but start to have a little hair in her heart, and a creepy sense of immediacy comes to her heart.

Side…… The little fresh meat male guest noticed Yasuda’s strange reaction.

He couldn’t help but ask with some concern, “Sister An… Are you okay?! ”

Yasuda replied, took a deep breath, shook her head, and said, “It’s all right…”

At the same time, she silently added two words in her heart: should…

Because two consecutive “hallucinations” appeared…

It made her feel very wrong.

Jin Pulie’s strange reaction, as well as the strange slap marks on his body, had already made many staff members have a creepy feeling… The only one who was not afraid before was Yasuda Kei.

But now even Yasuda, the only one who was not afraid, saw something strange.

This makes the whole program team fall into a kind of …

A silent and eerie state of fear…

An emotion called “panic”…

Spread in the hearts of all people…

Gradually eroding sanity.

Gradually occupy the brain!

Suddenly! The lighting equipment in the haunted house, as if it were a short circuit, suddenly flashed.

The sudden change made several staff members who were already nervous and a little timid…

Involuntarily, he let out a scream that was sharper than a woman’s.

This scream is undoubtedly exacerbating the atmosphere.

Exacerbate the eerie atmosphere in which this fear spreads!

The flickering light fixture is like a boulder…

Smashed into everyone’s heart!

“Maybe there’s a problem with the line?”

Yasuda secretly swallowed a mouthful of spit, and she was also a little flustered, but she still found a more “reasonable” explanation for this phenomenon.

Her voice was in this state of silence…

Everyone can hear it…

One of the cameramen shook his head, and said in a slightly trembling voice, “It’s like… It seems that there is no problem with the wiring, the camera in my hand is battery-operated, but… But it just seemed to flicker a little, as if the electronic devices were all faulty. ”

“This sense of immediacy… This sense of immediacy is not like… Like the plot in the movie? ”


A few words from the cameraman made Yasuda feel like her hair was upside down.

She didn’t feel her face hurt because of the cameraman’s breaking…

After she heard the videographer’s explanatory statement…

On the contrary, my heart became more and more frightened…

If it is not a line problem…

So…… Hiss!!!

“How come all of a sudden it seems like everyone is shut down?” What are they talking about? Not a word can be heard. ”

“Speaking as if they had voices, you could understand the language of the Great Cosmic Empire.”

“…… Too real to understand what they were beeping. ”

“I can’t hear what I’m saying, but I always feel… The atmosphere is not quite right! ”

“There’s a sense of imminent sight when the mountain rain is coming.”

“The appraisal of the Oriental Power upstairs is complete!”

“Bullet Shield Level 1 Preparation!”

“Barrage is coming to protect the body!”


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