Since scp-682 is not the first time to leave the SCP Foundation’s custody, and has even fled the SCP Foundation several times, it is not a stranger to the SCP Foundation’s Tianhai City Underground Base Structure.

So…… The scp-682 knows very well where to break the metal wall, it is easiest to escape from this ghost place!

It hates all living beings, whether human beings or others.

It possesses the level of intelligence of a highly intelligent human being.

Let it be grumpy but not too reckless…

So scp-682 was not at this time…

Choose to kill the security guards of the Foundation.

It chose to leave this ghost place as soon as possible.

Because only to leave this ghost place…

It has a lot more chances…

Do what it wants to do!

For this situation…

682 is clear!

The sharp claws slashed at the thick metal walls, making a very sharp and goosebumping sound, and sparks like welding burst from the metal walls.

Vicious cracks appeared on the walls, as if they had been slashed with an axe.

The scp-682 scratched the wall like crazy.

The metal walls were suddenly severely damaged.

So much so that the whole base sounded the alarm …

The piercing sirens went on and on…

It’s a bit of a nervous feeling.

“Dr. … 682’s present mental state is very unstable, and in the records of several times it has been out of custody, it has also been recorded that its mental state is unstable, it has become very violent and violent, and then it has the idea of leaving the shelter, and it has also put it into action. ”

The Tianhai City Branch of the SCP Foundation is a monitoring room where security measures are in place.

A researcher speaks to an old man about some documents.

Just listen to the researcher continue to say: “April 4, 1996, it was about 1:30 a.m. … SCP-682 has exhibited a series of negative emotions similar to anxiety, nervousness, irritability, and anger. And then less than half an hour passed… It starts the ‘jailbreak’! ”

“On June 12, 2004, it was about 10:23 a.m. … The scp-682 again showed all the above negative emotions, and then it once again ‘jailbroken’ and successfully escaped from the custody… At that time, it caused 6 deaths and 9 injuries to the research staff of the foundation! ”

The scientist looked solemn, flipped through the paper documents, and looked at the content written on it.

He continued: “On January 30, 2006, at about 7:36 a.m., the scp-682 was once again detached from the institution, resulting in the Foundation’s scientific staff and security personnel… 1 dead and 5 wounded. ”

“The rest… I have no access to know. Doctor, IMHO… The existence of scp682 is simply too dangerous to destroy it … May cause more losses! ”

“Now there are several D-class personnel in the foundation, who have died at the hands of the SCP-682.”

“Some of the security guards were seriously injured…”

“If this continues, it is very likely that it will once again be detached from the custody of the SCP Foundation!”


The old man, whom the researcher called “doctor”, shook his head expressionlessly, and the old voice sounded in the monitoring room: “If you can destroy the scp-682… the foundation has long been destroyed, and your authority is too low to know too many things.” ”

“SCP-682 is one of the most special SCPs within the Tianhai City Foundation, and we have destroyed it twenty-three times, and the result … Twenty-three times, all failed, none of them succeeded. ”

The doctor’s voice stunned the researchers, and there was a look of disbelief on their faces.

Twenty-three times of destruction of scp-682?

As a result, twenty-three processes all ended in failure?

This…… That’s unbelievable, isn’t it?!

It should be known that when the SCP Foundation decides to destroy a certain containment, the SCP Foundation will choose to destroy each other between the two dangerous containments.

That is, scp-682 has experienced containment destruction of each other more than once.

Did it end in failure every time?!

Hiss…… This scp—682 is also a bit …

A little too powerful, right?

“That… What about giving the scp-173 a try? Although this containment is Euclid, it should be less dangerous than scp-682, right? The damage that SCP-173 had done to the Foundation… It also seems to be very big. ”

The researcher secretly swallowed a mouthful of spit, and he made a suggestion in his heart.

Hearsay… The Doctor shook his head slightly again and sighed.

A pair of cloudy eyes stared at the screen, looking at the wreaking scp-682, and the doctor’s face was a little bleak.

“I’ve been studying 682 for many years, and I still can’t figure out a single reason, and as for the mutual destruction of 173 and 682, this is something that the Foundation did ten years ago.”

There were some memories on the doctor’s face, and he whispered, “The result is that scp-173 is seriously injured, and scp-682 is also seriously injured.” In the process of destroying each other… 682’s ability to adapt to it grows eyes on its body to cope with 173’s strange ability. ”

“If this time the Foundation is unable to carry out compulsory custody in time for Jiang Scp-682, once it is allowed to escape, the consequences will be unimaginable… After all, this is the information age. ”


Listening, the researcher next to him was silent, and he was digesting the amount of information contained in the doctor’s words.

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