Far away from the Eagle Sauce Country, I don’t know how far away the Oriental Great Country, in the villa area of Tianhai City, and a few games to play, after playing a few games… Willow Wind went offline. He opened the cat’s tooth live broadcast platform and clicked into Liu Xiaoling’s soul detection live broadcast room.

Liu Xiaoling They are still in the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum, according to the time difference between the Eagle Sauce Country and the Eastern Powers…

The current Eagle Sauce Country is probably approaching nine o’clock in the evening, this time period, right?

The screen in the live broadcast room is still as dim as ever.

After all, the current Eagle Sauce Country is at the time of the big night.

A faint gasp could still be faintly heard, and without guessing, I knew that this was probably Li Xiaomo’s wheezing, after all, the physical fitness level of Li Xiaomo and Liu Xiaoling had been reversed.

Liu Xiaoling’s physical fitness is much stronger than Li Xiaomo’s, and Li Xiaomo’s under normal circumstances…

She had always been the one who took pictures with her phone.

Only a few times are Liu Xiaoling shooting.

Liu Feng watched the content in the live broadcast room… While perceiving the situation of the Thorn Cliff Madhouse.

When I saw the corpses all over the ground…

He couldn’t help but “sigh” slightly…

Watching the development of events from a “God perspective”, Liu Feng could see through all the personnel of the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum from more aspects, so that any secret could not be hidden in his perception!

The shock point messages that kept popping up in his mind made his shock point balance skyrocket again.

This time the balance exceeded 10 million, it is estimated that it is not a big problem.

Because now the people who are live streaming… In addition to Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo, these two little girls.

There’s also a up lord named Catherine Jerome!

This is a up master on tubing!

Liu Feng went over the wall to the YouTube web page, searched for the English name of “Catherine”, and sure enough, he searched for the tubing… Catherine Jerome has two million followers.

Yes, Catherine’s current number of fans is no longer more than a million, but more than two million!

In less than an hour since she turned on the live broadcast, she has grown to hundreds of thousands of fans.

And these fans don’t spend money to brush up…

Not what so-called zombie powder …

These fans are active fans!

Her popularity in the live broadcast room has now risen to several millions, and it is not far from breaking the popularity of tens of millions.

After all anything on the web…

It’s all spread very fast!

One pass ten ten pass hundred…

Hundreds of thousands of passes…

Countless bullet screens are frantically brushing the screen, but Catherine is obviously not looking at the bullet screen.

Because…… This scale of bullet screen, if she opens it to look at it, the mobile phone in her hand that has only 19% of the power left, I am afraid that it will be directly stuck!!

“No wonder the increase in the shock point has increased significantly… She actually started a live broadcast, but it seems to be normal, in the absence of time to write a suicide note, and the writing may also be destroyed, it is normal to use live broadcasting to convey her situation. ”

Liu Feng was not surprised by what Catherine was doing now, it was like a person who knew a lot of secrets.

But these secrets were enough to take the man’s life.

Whether that person chooses to tell the secret or not…

Or choose to keep this secret…

None of this is of any use…

Because I know the secret of all people…

You’re going to die anyway!!

Going forward is also death, going backward is also death, in addition to sitting and waiting to die, that is, the fish died and the net broke.

What Catherine is doing now…

Apparently the latter!

Direct fish dead net broken!

This is also the reason why Charles Forey has so much murderous desire for her, because her live broadcast has leaked the secrets of the Thorny Cliff Lunatic Asylum, especially the monsters in the cave, once the public is known, the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum is greeted by the investigation of all parties and the fishing ships of society.

In this case, the filth of the Fury chaebol … It is estimated that it will not be long before it will be announced to the public!

Then, that is the end of the Forre chaebol, a chaebol that becomes the target of the world.

Unless this chaebol has the power to change the world…

Otherwise, it waits to be eaten by all sides!

Obviously, the Fury chaebol…

There is no such power.

“Is this Fury chaebol giving me a perfect assist?” It’s just a pity that you are not a good bird, and I will receive the assist… As for the other things, that’s your business, and I don’t know how long this chaebol can hold out before it is eaten by all sides. ”

Liu Feng laughed helplessly, which was beyond his expectations, after all, he was not a god who expected things to be like gods.

However, the people of the Fury Chaebol actually wanted to kill everyone in the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum…

This touches one of the bottom lines of Liu Feng.

Because inside all the people in the Thorn Cliff Madhouse…

But it includes Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo!

If it weren’t for [Nun Evil Spirit], [Bloodface Killer], and [White Brow Ghost King], these three powerful ghosts would have attacked, at Liu Xiaoling’s level, it is estimated that they would have died under the muzzle of the “thug”, after all, the threat of guns to them is still very large.

So, Liu Feng gave [the White Brow Ghost King] a command, an instruction that must be completed within a week!

– Kill the helmsman of the Fury chaebol, as well as the former helmsman!

Anyway, whether it’s the current helmsman of the Fray Chaebol…

Or former helmsman Charles Fury…

Neither of these are good birds!

And [the White Brow Ghost King] also followed Liu Feng’s orders, first quickly disposing of the leaders of those “thugs” and destroying the organizations where those “thugs” were, and the remaining “thugs” were all turned into dry corpses, which is estimated to become an urban legend.

Moreover, after doing this, [the White Brow Ghost King] did not stop.

It is at the fastest speed…

Head to the capital of Eagle Sauce Country!



ps: There should be four more chapters next, don’t worry, cold code words, it is really a little uncomfortable.

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