Meanwhile…… Outside the Thorn Cliff Asylum building, Catherine looked at the only 3% battery left on her phone, and she sipped her lips, which were slightly pale from exhaustion and thirst, and was doing a thought struggle inside.

After ten seconds of contemplation, she couldn’t help but say such a thing in the live broadcast room.

These words can actually be regarded as the “last words” she had long thought of…

It’s just that I don’t want to give up like this…

So, she didn’t say it before.

Until the phone battery is almost gone…

She finally couldn’t stand it.

After all, if you really die.

Not even a last word.

That’s a real shame!

“To be honest, I didn’t want to say such a depressing thing… But there’s very little battery left, and I don’t know if I’ll be able to survive tonight. So, there are some very necessary things that I still need to say. ”

Not saying the word “last word” may have been Catherine’s last stubbornness.

This means that in her heart now…

There is still a glimmer of hope…

There is a shred of luck.

“In fact, I did come to the Thorn Cliff Madhouse with the two very hot spirit detective anchors on the Internet. They had been persuaded to leave before, but unfortunately I stayed behind as a death, and then… And then there’s the look of embarrassment you see now. ”

Catherine smiled bitterly, a little eager to cry without tears, and her tone was very bitter: “If I had been given another chance, maybe I would not have died, and now I regret it very much.” ”

“To be honest… Since the scandal of the Thorn Cliff Madhouse began, I have been paying attention to this madhouse, and even tried my best to interview the director here, you can see my previous video… Fark, this interview video, two issues left unsent! ”

After a little spitting at herself, she continued, “Then I began to investigate everything about the Thorn Cliff Asylum until I found a person in a newspaper photo. ”

“It was a newspaper published by xx News Agency, and there was a candid photo of a person in the newspaper. If you compare it with Senator Charles Forey in the Six-Pointed Star Building, you will find that the two sides are 90% similar! ”

And the reporter who stole the picture, and the editor who published the article… So far there has been no news. ”

“Their families are always looking for them…”

“I don’t dare say much about what happened…”

“Maybe they’re dead…”

Either the conversation box is open, or you feel that you are dead tonight, so you open your eyes and are not afraid of anything…

Catherine confided everything she knew that she shouldn’t have said!

Especially there is the matter about “Charles Forey” MP.

Catherine talked a lot of things in a more focused way.

After all she felt this Charles Fury…

Is one of the leaders of certain events!

Why else would he appear in the photo? Otherwise, why is there no longer a word from the person who photographed him?

Those subconscious minds in the heart…

Clearly told Catherine…

Charles Fury has a problem!

There is a big problem!

“I… Well? Black screen? Scot, how did the battery run out so quickly? Just now there is still 3% of the electricity, only to say that in less than three minutes the power is gone? What is this broken phone? Obviously, I have only bought it for less than three months! Or is the spicy chicken fat pipe too power-hungry? ”

Watching the screen suddenly stop breathing, no matter how she pressed it indifferently, Catherine’s mentality almost did not explode.

I still want to say something to my family in California that has been hidden in my heart for a long time!

And you told me it was out of battery?!

Fark! What spicy chicken phone?

Spicy chicken rotten apple!!

Resisting the urge to drop the phone, Catherine took several deep breaths in a row, and finally calmed the almost explosive mentality a little, and the corners of her mouth could not help but bring a little bitter smile.

The cold temperature in the Thorn Cliff Madhouse made her shrink her neck.

The eerie atmosphere around…

It gave her a sense of powerlessness.





However, at this moment, a slight footstep made Catherine’s heart suddenly tighten, and she quickly turned her head to look in the direction where the sound came from, but because the foliage in the woods was too luxuriant, it was difficult for the moonlight to shine down, and the mobile phone was out of power.

She could only faintly see a figure, which at first glance was not very strong.

It’s not particularly tall, it seems to be as tall as yourself.

Seem…… Not the masked ghost!

But Catherine did not let her guard down, but involuntarily took a few steps backwards.

Because she knew inside the Thorn Cliff Lunatic Asylum…

It’s not just [Bloodface Killer] a ghost!

Like the wild ghosts before that…

That’s a dozen!

And some escaped!

How many ghosts know?

If this is a new ghost, wouldn’t he be playing GG tonight?

Just as Catherine was preparing to escape…

A slightly familiar voice…

Suddenly, it rang out…

“It’s you!”

It wasn’t strong or tall, it looked like a female figure, and it made Catherine’s familiar voice, sounding like an elderly woman, at least fifty years old.

Catherine’s movements could not help but pause slightly, and she stared suspiciously at the figure that came over.

And then…… She saw an acquaintance who was not very familiar.

“The courtyard … Ms. Dean?! ”

Catherine opened her mouth, a look of surprise appeared on her face, she looked at the director of the Thorn Cliff Asylum who came over, and for a moment she could not react: “You were not killed by those thugs?” ”

As soon as the voice fell, she realized that she had said the wrong thing and quickly apologized: “No, I’m sorry, I don’t mean that…”

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