That night, many people in the city saw that outside the suburban wilderness, the soaring fire and explosion sounded, and accompanied by a terrifying shock wave, the glass of the houses closer to the suburbs was shaken out of the cracks by this shock wave.

Many people don’t know what happened and think that some place is blowing up mines.

After all, there really seem to be a few mines in xx City, and the mine production is still very large!

But the water friends who watched the live broadcast in the Spirit Detective Live Room that night.

It was clear what had happened that night.

They also know exactly why the explosion ended up.

It is also because it is clear what the reason is…

So they were all very scared!

Because…… Last night’s events confirmed that modern missiles have no effect on the ghosts of the wronged!!

The ghost king of the sealed gate village…

It has not been eliminated!

However, what even those water lovers don’t know is that there is a three-star grade prop called [Karmic Measuring Scale].

It is no longer stuck in a small closed village, but integrated into the whole xx city!

Cooperate with hundreds of unjust spirits and powerful ghosts that have fled in all directions.

The city will be plunged into endless panic!

Of course, it is precisely because of the [Karmic Barrier Measuring Scale]…

So there is no need to worry about hurting the innocent.

As for the future… Will someone suddenly feel that they have not done anything bad, are they not afraid of ghosts?

However, this kind of thinking, no one will have, unless… They have a God perspective!

It’s as if [the ruler of karmic obstacles] condemns his sins to be damned…

Or a person who is judged to accept a certain degree of punishment…

Who among ordinary people knows that those people will be found by the ghosts of the wronged because they have committed an accident?

Those who can be found by wronged spirits and powerful ghosts.

These are all people who have not been caught by the authorities.

Everyone didn’t know that they had committed a crime, only that they had been found by a wronged ghost or a powerful ghost.

Because of this, there is no need to worry that some people feel that they have not done bad things, they will not be knocked on by ghosts in the middle of the night, and they do not know the existence of [karmic obstacles measuring scale] without God’s perspective… How can you think of such a knowledge blind spot?

Even if a few people thought of it, how did they confirm their guesses?

Officials have not been able to find evidence of those people committing crimes for so many years.

With so many ordinary people… Is it comparable to the official decades of hard reconnaissance?

I don’t write that in a novel!

After all, this is too much outrageous!

This evening… I don’t know how many people can’t sleep; I don’t know how many people can’t turn off the lights and sleep; I don’t know how many people dare not go to the toilet by themselves; I still don’t know how many people dare not work the night shift in the company in the middle of the night.

After all, the ghosts and ghosts that fled in all directions, and the [white-browed ghost king] who had disappeared.

Given to countless people… Very heavy psychological pressure!

An emotion called “panic” is deeply rooted…

And it is still gradually spreading…

Infected like a virus…

Last night, Liu Xiaoling and Li Xiaomo’s soul detection live broadcast room, because of various explosive factors, so that the popularity of the two live broadcast room, at the peak of the time, that is, the time of the final official shot… It has already broken through the super mark of 200 million!

At that time, the peak popularity of the live broadcast room… It even reached 215.35 million!

What kind of concept is this? That is to say, a fraction of the popularity of the live broadcast room…

That’s enough for a person to earn thousands of dollars a month!

The total amount of rewards they received last night…

As many as thirty million… RMB!!!

What a terrifying number?

The most important thing is… It’s not the operation of a studio, nor is it the operation of a website.

This money is not a face-to-face data, and it will not be returned to those rich and powerful financial owners.

The money… Nor is it the official childcare tipping money.

The total amount of this tip of more than 30 million yuan…

It’s all real money!

You can get your hands on it!

Last night, Liu Xiaoling started broadcasting to the end of this time period, it was only two or three hours.

Not even three hours!

It’s about two and a half hours or so…

Two and a half hours…

More than thirty million in income…

Even if it is divided into platforms …

You can also get eight figures!

The inheritance left by the unexpectedly deceased parents to Liu Xiaoling and Liu Feng is about eight billion yuan, and if Liu Xiaoling can take half of it, then her net worth is actually more than four hundred million.

In just two and a half hours, I earned a few tenths of my full worth.

This has to make many people’s eyes red, making people sour like lemon!

Of course…… These incomes are not Liu Xiaoling’s alone.

She was going to split it with Li Xiaomo.

Although they are sisters like girlfriends…

But clear accounting is definitely needed.

And with the living example of “Fighting Shark Fist Brother”, those red-eyed and jealous lemon essences will also think carefully about the consequences and fate of risking the wind to rub the heat!

This matter is also in a live broadcast platform… Almost no one dares to go live to probe anymore!

Even some anchors who play horror games live do not dare to broadcast live in their own homes.

Only in a place with a large number of people like Internet cafes do they dare to broadcast live.

After all…… This kind of thing is something that everyone will be afraid of!

Not to mention that they don’t know how to exorcise ghosts!



ps: Although I rarely talk in the book review area, I will read the suggestions in the book reviews, and I have listened to good suggestions, such as the suggestions of several book friends, I think I am still wide, I added it.

Of course…… Even if the suggestion is too complicated, the author’s current word count of code words a day is 14,000 to 18,000 words, that is, 7 to 9 chapters a day, so that the liver is bursting, too complicated advice, I can’t write it!

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