After the live broadcast room opens… Li Xiaomo did not photograph the military vehicles, the soldiers, and the researchers.

After all, she didn’t know if this was a secret force, if it was, she had photographed the other party herself… Then the trouble is not the usual big!

Less than half a minute after the start of the live broadcast room, Li Xiaomo felt that the mobile phone seemed to be a bit stuck.

Because there are too many water lovers in the live broadcast room in one instant!

Fortunately…… Her phone is a customized product worth tens of thousands of dollars.

Performance far from all kinds of smartphones on the supermarket!

If it is replaced by the kind of mobile phone on the market…

I’m afraid it’s completely stuck now!

Taking a moment to look at the popularity value displayed on the screen, Li Xiaomo’s face was full of surprise.

Although I have long known that she and Xiao Lingzi’s live broadcast room, the popularity of weekdays is very hot.

At its peak, it even reached more than 80 million popularity!

This data is already close to the popularity value of breaking 100 million!

After all, rounding it up is a hundred million….

But that day is still more popular than it is today!

Because the live broadcast room has not been opened for half a minute….

The popularity value has reached more than 20 million!

What a concept this is….

That is to say, tonight….

The popularity of the Spirit Quest Room…

Probably can break 100 million!!

Although Li Xiaomo’s family is not short of money, her parents are only an only daughter of her, and she does not know how many hundreds of millions of family property will be inherited in the future.

For the money earned by live detectives, Li Xiaomo almost did not care much.

But it can be recognized by so many netizens.

This kind of spiritual enjoyment is completely different!

This is a pleasure that money cannot give!

Of course, this kind of thinking may only be what she has, if it is replaced by an ordinary person….

It is estimated that the ordinary person will choose money!

It’s a bit cheesy but very real!

Liu Xiaoling was preparing to take some photos outside the village with his camera in order to complete this mission.

She also explained some of the incidents of the closed door village to the water friends in the live broadcast room: “I don’t really know much about the closed door village, I only know that this is a very dangerous ghost village, so that this operation has to cooperate with the authorities.” ”

“Behind me are the soldiers who defend the country, but for the sake of secrecy, I can’t shoot them in the camera.” According to the information I got, the ghosts in the village of Closed Gate… The number will definitely not be lower than three digits! This is one of the most dangerous forbidden places in the territory! ”

“Most of these beings are very dangerous, and if there are no people who have the corresponding means, they must not easily try to touch them…”

“Games like those pen fairies and disc fairies are best not to play casually!”

“Good luck… Probably nothing will happen. ”

“But if you’re unlucky… That’s trouble! ”


Liu Xiaoling is not alarmist, because for ordinary people… Those ghosts who possess mysterious powers are evil spirits are indeed not something that ordinary people can handle.

The pen fairy game or the disc fairy game is not a game used to practice gall.

In Liu Xiaoling’s eyes… That kind of pen fairy game….

It’s a crazy game!

And the people who play this game….

Definitely a long life!

After all, in a truly ghosted world, if you play this kind of game… Not death or what?

At the same time, Liu Xiaoling also discovered that there were many things wrong in the Sealed Gate Village.

Not to mention the natural feeling of cold breath.

Just in front of the door of every house….

There is a black coffin in them…

It’s already terrifying!

Moreover, these black coffins are all wrapped with a blood-colored ink line, and the coffin cover is nailed to death with Xuan Iron!

Moreover, Liu Xiaoling was also surprised to find that the blood-colored ink lines made of thick steel wires …

Only a mysterious pattern spread out on the ground!

These ink threads are definitely made of special metals!

Otherwise, how can it not be damaged after such a long time?

“This is… A formation?! ”


“This is the ‘Thousand Coffins Lock Array’ of the Dragon and Tiger Mountain Sect, and I didn’t expect that in his lifetime, the poor Dao would be able to witness the legendary formation with his own eyes… It’s really worth the trip, it’s really exciting!! ”

Some distance away from Liu Xiaoling, Niki Michiko caressed a dark black coffin.

Especially when I touched those metal ink lines, my whole body trembled with excitement.

“This is… This is the best cloth ink line! Hiss…… That’s also too rich!!! ”

Nigi Michijo couldn’t wait to tear down all these ink threads and move them back to use them himself!

But he also knew that this was all arranged by the master.

Even if he wanted to tear it down… It is also absolutely not possible to dismantle!

Otherwise, it would be disrespectful to the owner!

This is what he himself does not allow!

Ichiki didn’t bother to pay attention to his brother, he frowned and swept around, muttering, “The ghosts of the village are fierce… However, most of them are sporadic ghosts with no offensive power, and some of them are one-star ghosts, which are not any threat to us. ”

“This big array… Presumably, it was the one who sealed the Ghost King’s colleague, and he never thought that a Daoist priest of the Maoshan Daoist Sect would actually become a colleague with a Ghost King, and things were unpredictable! ”


Xie Zhengang, who had not spoken much, said in a muffled voice, “Two Dao Chiefs, as long as we destroy the Great Array, we can release the Ghost King, right?” ”

Ichigi nodded and replied, “Exactly, but… We want to make sure no one is staring at us! ”

Xie Zhengang also understood that in their personal settings, they were all righteous people in a group of circles.

In case they destroy the big array, they are seen by the official people….

Then the “human design” of the three of them will collapse!

And yet at this very moment… The thick yin and resentment of the sealed gate village suddenly surged up!

The sudden change made the faces of the three people change!!

“Who destroyed the big array?!!”

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