I know this ancient god

Chapter 363 The second episode of the night: [The Ancient] is coming!

"Ah! What did you do?!"

"Here comes someone!"

"Something happened to the elder!"

"The elder's son killed the elder!"


The old men in white robes ran away in fear, fearing that Tang Xuan would also punch them in the throat. It can be seen from here that the belief cultivated by the man in red, Willistan, here is very abnormal. Believers only care about gods and not about anything else, even if the elder is beaten to death.

Tang Xuan ignored them because the man responsible for guarding the altar was coming. The man's spear was so accurate that he was killed dozens of times in the game. If he couldn't get it done before he came, he would be dead.

Time was running out, Tang Xuan quickly picked up the small porcelain plate on the table and knocked it hard on the corner of the table.


With a cracking sound, a piece of the porcelain plate broke off, revealing a sharp fracture.

Tang Xuan leaned down and used a porcelain plate to cut a slit on the neck of the man in red. The man in red twitched, and then a large stream of bright red blood gushed out. Tang Xuan dipped his fingers in the blood of the man in red and drew a vertical pupil - the symbol of Willisten - on his forehead based on his feeling.

It's a novel experience to dip your forehead in someone else's blood. Tang Xuan estimated that his painting was very crooked, but perhaps due to luck or destiny, he got it right the first time.

At the moment when the logo was officially formed, Tang Xuan felt his brain buzzing, and an indescribable feeling arose in his heart, as if he was connected to something.

He gently raised his hand, only to see a black mist emerge from his palm and slowly rotate around his body, as if it was smelling his scent.

When the vicious man heard the screams of the old men in white robes, he immediately rushed around the corner with his spear and ran anxiously in the hope of rescuing the man in red. This was the only person qualified and knowledgeable to preside over sacrifices!

However, as soon as he turned the corner, he saw the man in red lying in a pool of blood. With his hunting experience, he could tell at a glance that the man in red was hopeless. Even a wild boar can't hold back so much blood, let alone a human?

So. The elder is dead!

He was shocked. If the elder is dead, who will perform the sacrifice? How can the gods descend if there is no one to conduct the sacrifice? Will God think that we are deliberately teasing Him and punish us?

He thought twice in his mind: It's over! It’s over!

He tightened his grip on the spear and cast his eyes angrily at Tang Xuan, who was standing next to the man in red. He was surprised to find that Tang Xuan was surrounded by an ominous black mist full of strange aura.

This black mist is

Tang Xuan slowly turned around and showed the man the vertical pupil pattern painted with blood on his forehead. Not only did he not panic at all, his expression was even very serious. He ordered in a tone that could not be refuted: "The gods have blessed me and decided to let me preside over this sacrifice. Go and ask them to bring up the animals."

The murderer of the elder, still stained with blood on his body, gave orders to the guards protecting the elder. This scene was extremely inconsistent. But after the man stared at the black mist on Tang Xuan's body, he turned around and left without saying anything.

Everyone in the village is a fanatical believer. Under the influence of the gods they believe in, they have become extremely evil. For them, only the god Willistan is irreplaceable. As for the elders? They don't care about the life or death of the elders, as long as someone can continue to conduct sacrifices.

From the man's perspective, Tang Xuan was surrounded by black mist, which meant that he was obviously favored by God, and Tang Xuan offered to host the sacrifice. In this case, he had no choice but to let Tang Xuan perform the sacrifice instead of the elder.

However, he would never know that the god they believed in was actually the elder lying in a pool of blood, and Tang Xuan, who seemed to be favored by the god, was actually a thug who killed the god.

After the man left, Tang Xuan breathed a sigh of relief. Although everything that happens is the same as in the game, the game is a game and reality is reality, and the two cannot be confused. If the man had just rushed up and stabbed him to death without any explanation, then no matter how powerful he was, he could only play GG.

Fortunately, he didn't, so the most dangerous part was successfully passed. Next, just pretend to go up and read a few words, and [Jigu] will be born.

Although he doesn't know the specific principle of stealing divine power, but when it comes to the link closely related to the birth of [Jigu], [Jigu]'s own power will definitely come into play, so he doesn't need to worry about it anymore.

Tang Xuan listened quietly to the movements on the altar. When he heard the sounds of livestock struggling, he knew it was time for him to appear. He bent down and pulled out the knife from the waist of the man in red. At this time, the man in red was completely dead.

In silence, he strode up to the altar, the black mist making him look like a devil. He stood in the center, raised his arms and shouted: "Believers of Willistan!"

"Today is the last sacrifice!"

"The great god Willistan will rise from his long sleep!"

"And you!"

"Awaken the great god!"

"You will gain eternal life in the land under the care of the gods!"

Tang Xuan paused slightly here. For him, who came from a later generation, this speech was extremely shameful. He took a deep breath and continued: "Willistan is His name! The vertical pupils under the mist are His symbol! Let us complete this sacrifice! Summon the great god Willistan to come!"

These lines were supposed to be spoken by the man in red, but when the believers saw the black mist surrounding Tang Xuan, not only did they not show the slightest doubt, but they became even more fanatical.

What is black mist?


They saw the miracle with their own eyes. This was God's way of telling them that He liked their dedication. Is there anything more glorious than this?

The believers shouted wildly: "Willistan!!!"

Tang Xuan held the knife and killed the animals one by one, and finally cut his own palm open. His blood mixed with the blood of animals flowed into the chute in front of the altar, flowing slowly between the delicate lines, and gradually outlined a lifelike vertical pupil exuding an evil aura.

The clouds in the sky also flow with the flow of blood. The clouds were getting lower and lower, and getting darker and darker. At the moment when the vertical pupil formed, a gap emitting scarlet light appeared in the middle of the clouds.




The believers shouted hysterically.


The wind rose from the flat ground, and black mist emerged from the void, spinning happily around Tang Xuan, like puppies wagging their tails. As the vertical pupils in the chute became more solid, more and more black mist emerged from the void, and soon completely enveloped Tang Xuan's body.

Tang Xuan gradually lost control of his body, and then his consciousness gradually became drowsy until he was completely unconscious.

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