I know this ancient god

Chapter 316 Untitled (Twenty-five)

problem occurs!

The man who had just ran out to chase Tang Xuan looked back and found that a teammate had fallen. His heart skipped a beat. He knew that Tang Qianji was difficult to deal with, but he didn't expect that the three-on-two team could be reduced in such a short period of time.

He forgot that cooperation between masters is often 1+1\u003e2.

In the past, Tang Qianji and the general were able to fight one against two when they fought separately, but now they can naturally exert greater strength together. Moreover, the general has a shield and can create attack opportunities for Tang Qianji without being injured.

There is no turning back now, he can only end another battlefield as soon as possible, and then come back with the liberated teammates to support.

If it is slow

No, this is not possible!

He gritted his teeth and rushed towards Tang Xuan.

Tang Xuan also noticed the changes in the situation on the frontal battlefield. As expected, in a two-on-three situation, Tang Qianji and the general gained the advantage.

Now the frontal battlefield is two against two. It won't take long for them to end the battle and come to support him.

He ran hard in the direction of Lin Wan.

Lin Wan and Melenisse were fighting fiercely with two enemies, mainly Lin Wan, and Melenisse was not good at fighting either. Lin Wan has a sword in one hand and a shield in the other. While ensuring the threat to the enemy, she can also protect herself and Melenisse.

Lin Wan also has a strong melee ability. Her best weapon is the sword. She used the sub-divine weapon Queen Mother Xi to fight [Ai Li] on Ziwei Star in the past.

As for the idiot demigod, he was behind the two of them, and the two people from Team 8 couldn't hit him.


The huge meteor hammer hit Lin Wan's face. Lin Wan took a step aside without changing her expression, then raised the tip of the sword and stabbed the enemy's throat.

At this time, another enemy stabbed Lin Wan with his sword. Lin Wan immediately sheathed her sword and retreated, raising her shield to block the blow. Melenisse took the opportunity to slash at the enemy's arm with his sword, but was dodged.

Their battle here was much calmer than Tang Qianji's where a slight negligence would lead to bloodshed and killing. It was really a stalemate here. No one on either side had a good opportunity to attack, and it was difficult to cause damage to the enemy.

Lin Wan noticed that Tang Xuan was coming towards this direction, with a tail following behind him. She calmly moved the hand holding the sword towards her waist. Once Tang Xuan was in danger, she would draw her gun and tell him that times had changed.

Tang Xuan kept the distance between himself and his pursuers very well, because their physical fitness was balanced to the same level, so as long as Tang Xuan himself did not fall, it would be difficult for him to catch up.

Tang Xuan is self-aware, he knows that he is not good at fighting. In other words, he is actually a mage. Now that the blue bar has been blocked, his actual combat effectiveness is really not much better than that of an ordinary person.

He is different from Tang Qianji.

Although Tang Qianji is also a mage-type character, he has lived a long time and has honed amazing close combat skills over a long period of time.

Tang Xuan is only in his early twenties this year, and he has gained extraordinary power recently. After being balanced, he becomes an ordinary college student.

He originally planned to run in a circle, and as long as he could attract one enemy, he would have made a contribution. But he found that he had to go to Lin Wan and Melenise, because if he didn't go, the enemies chasing him would.

This is also related to Tang Qianji's breakthrough.

The pursuer now urgently needs a bigger breakthrough to overcome this defeat. In fact, he is no longer chasing Tang Xuan, but rushing to support his two teammates against Lin Wan and Melenisse.

It's just that Tang Xuan also realized this, so he also ran in that direction, causing the two people's movement paths to overlap.

Tang Xuan shouted: "I'm coming!"

Lin Wan tightened her grip on the sword in her hand, and she took the initiative to contain the two enemies more fiercely, so that they could only turn their backs to Tang Xuan.

The two enemies couldn't help but become anxious. They had to retreat and turn their bodies sideways to avoid being attacked from behind by Tang Xuan.

But as soon as he retreated, he entered Lin Wan's rhythm.

The meteor hammer is a very bulky weapon. Although it is powerful, the preparation time before attacking is much longer than that of weapons such as swords.

Lin Wan drew her sword more and more fiercely, while Melenisse also helped from the side. The two enemies were immediately forced into a panic and suffered many wounds on their bodies.

Tang Xuan jumped up and struck hard at the enemy with the meteor hammer. The enemy had to turn around and raise his chain to block Tang Xuan's blade, but he could resist Tang Xuan but not Lin Wan.

Melenisse stabbed at the enemy with the sword, who had to block with his sword. Lin Wan seized this golden opportunity and stabbed the enemy with the meteor hammer in the back of the heart.

So cool!

The enemy who used the meteor hammer twitched and fell to the ground, losing his life before his eyes. The audience once again burst into loud cheers.

Another perfect fit!

These viewers watched a day of difficult tug-of-war. They liked surprises, especially the strong contrast between a beautiful lady and the scarlet blood, ear-piercing wails, and cold corpses.

To express their joy and appreciation, they threw flowers at Lin Wan. An overwhelming number of flowers fell from the sky, filling the air with floral fragrance.

Lin Wan was not disturbed, nor did she hesitate at all. She quickly stabbed the other remaining enemy. With Melenisse cooperating from the side, in the blink of an eye, the enemy also knelt down in front of her.

Tang Xuan stopped his steps, gave Lin Wan a thumbs up, and said with admiration: "As expected of a special executive officer!"

Lin Wan had a bright smile on her face.

Tang Xuan's pursuer was stunned. He watched his two teammates rush to the street one after another. Then Tang Xuan and the other three turned around and looked at him with smiles on their faces. A strong chill suddenly ran down his spine.

It’s over!

He gritted his teeth, turned around and ran back, preparing to fight to the death to help his teammates defeat Tang Qianji and the general.

Only in this way can there be a chance of survival.




Tang Qianji and the general pulled out their weapons respectively, and the screams stopped abruptly. They also looked up at their pursuer, their eyes meeting each other across the distance.

The pursuer stopped stiffly, despair welling up in his heart. He was the only survivor of team No. 8, and Tang Xuan and others were not even injured, let alone attrition. At this time, he was rushing to his death whether he was going forward or backward.

However, he does not rush to death, death rushes to him.

Lin Wan and Tang Qianji attacked in tandem. Facing these two killers, he was killed without even putting up any decent resistance.

Blood dripped down Lin Wan's sword blade.

To his death, this man did not understand how a good situation suddenly took a 180-degree turn, and he reluctantly walked into his long night with the dream of becoming a guard of Tacleus.

Tang Qianji dropped the knife, walked to Tang Xuan, patted his shoulder, and said with a smile: "Well done!"

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