Looking at Gao Jianwei and others going away, Li Jiahang turned to look at Zheng Yi,"Are you okay?"

"Well, I'm fine." Zheng Yi twisted his arm.

Li Jiahang noticed that Zheng Yi didn't have the Sun Blade with him,"Didn't you buy the Sun Blade?"

"I didn't buy it." Zheng Yi answered straightforwardly,"I don't need the Sun Blade anyway, the Ripple is enough."

Hearing this, Li Jiahang frowned,"How can this be? Although you think the Ripple can be effective against ghosts, you can't gamble with your life no matter what, you have to be prepared for everything." As he said this, he stuffed the Sun Blade in his hand to Zheng Yi.

Seeing this, Zheng Yi was about to return the Sun Blade to the other party,"No, no matter what, I can't take your Sun Blade, you also need it."

"It's okay, I'll go to a nearby online shopping machine and buy another one, you can just take this one."

Li Jiahang pushed back Zheng Yi's hand holding the Sun Wheel Sword.

Zheng Yi saw that he was really no match for the other party, so he decided to take a step back,"Then how much did you pay for this Sun Wheel Sword when you bought it? I paid for it. No matter what, I can't let you lose money."

"It's okay. This amount of money is not even my daily pocket money. There's no need to pay."Li Jiahang said this very unimportant thing lightly.

"See you later."

Li Jiahang waved to Zheng Yi, and then left.

Zheng Yi was about to thank him, but found that he had gone far away, so he had to give up.

Looking at the Sun Wheel Sword in his hand, Zheng Yi hung it on his waist, and then went to the classroom.

When he came to the classroom, most of the other students had arrived.

Gao Jianwei, who was sitting at the end of the classroom, looked at Zheng Yi who came in with a fierce look, as if he wanted to cut him into pieces.

Zheng Yi ignored him and walked straight to his seat.

After sitting for a while, Lao Su suddenly walked into the classroom.

The originally noisy classroom suddenly became quiet.

Lao Su glanced at the students below, and found that Li Jiahang's seat was empty, so he asked:"Where is Li Jiahang?"

"I'm here!"

Li Jiahang was seen panting against the door, holding a brand new Sun Blade in his hand, and pushing his glasses that were about to fall off.

Old Su was a little surprised,"I didn't expect you to be late too."

"I am also a human being, and being late is inevitable."Li Jiahang said, scratching his head.

"Okay, go back to your seat."


Old Su looked at the students in the audience again, and after confirming that everyone was there, he said,"It looks like everyone is here, so let's go."

Old Su asked Li Jiahang, the class monitor, to take the lead, and the others lined up and followed him out.

People from other classes also left the classroom under the leadership of the class monitor.

Leaving the teaching building and coming to the playground,

Zheng Yi found that the playground was full of people without him knowing when, although there was no one there before.

And those people were students and teachers from other grades.

They all looked at Zheng Yi and the others in unison.

The principal standing in the front saluted them and said,"Please come back safely."

The students standing behind the principal also saluted and said in unison,"Seniors, please come back safely."

Seeing this scene, the people in the team were touched

"Since the juniors and seniors all said so, we must come back alive."

"That's right, otherwise it would be too embarrassing for me as a senior."

"Of course we will come back alive, there is no way we will die!"


Seeing the people around him all excited, Zheng Yi's emotions were also aroused.

However, he knew that he could not survive in those anime worlds just by relying on passion.

Only strength is the only truth.

Then their senior year team walked towards the Saint Rona Square in the north of the ancient city one after another.

When they arrived at the Saint Rona Square, they could see that the huge square was full of blue portals, and there were several soldiers guarding around the portals.

The entire square was surrounded by cordons.

The teachers showed their entry certificates to the leading soldiers, and after confirming that there were no problems, several teams entered the square.

Each team, led by the teacher, walked to a different portal.

As for why they didn't attack a copy together, it was to prevent too many people from entering the copy and exceeding the limit, and some people would not be able to enter.

So to be on the safe side, each class went to different copies.

Lao Su led everyone to a portal,"It's here."

Looking at the portal in front of them, a message appeared in front of everyone.

【Copy: Demon World】

【Difficulty: C】

【Mission objective: Eliminate all the ghosts in Nada Spider Mountain. 】

(Nada Spider Mountain?)

Zheng Yi remembered that this was the territory of the Spider Family. Of course, to be more precise, it was the territory of Lei, the Lower Five of the Twelve Demon Moons.

(Are we going to fight the Twelve Demon Moons right away? Interesting, okay, then let me try how much damage the ripples can do to those ghosts.)

Zheng Yi was a little excited, after all, he was going to enter the anime world he was familiar with.

But the other people around him were in a completely different mood. They were a little nervous and even more afraid because they knew very little about this world.

After all, people are always afraid of the unknown.

Lao Su faced the students and looked at their faces carefully.

After all, they have been together for 3 years and have developed feelings for each other.

Even if some of the students gave him a headache, they were still his students.

He has taught many classes of students, but only about 50% of them came back alive from the initial copy each time.

Old Su felt uncomfortable when he thought of this. His eyes were red and he said in a crying voice:"Teacher, I don't plan to ask for anything, I just hope that you can come back alive. Just this one, you must come back alive, and then the teacher will take you to drink a celebratory wine!"

Hearing this, the students also responded one after another.

"Okay, it's a deal, Lao Su, don't go back on your word."

"I will make a lot of money from you then, because you made me stand in the corner every day."

"You have to have the best wine for the celebration, since it's your treat anyway."


The corners of Lao Su's mouth twitched involuntarily.

Good fellow, this was to pay back all the resentment accumulated over the past three years, helping him to lose weight in his wallet.

But it didn't matter, as long as he could come back alive, everything would be fine.

"OK, see you later, good luck to you all."

The students began to walk into the portal one after another.

When Zheng Yi was about to enter, Lao Su stopped him.

"Zheng Yi, don't be stubborn and keep believing in your own ideas. You must learn to adapt. Although the ripples may indeed have a miraculous effect on ghosts, that is just your guess after all. No one has confirmed it. Don't gamble with your life. You must use the Nichirin Sword to fight. Do you understand?"

Looking at Lao Su staring at him, Zheng Yi smiled,"I understand."

Then he walked into the portal.

A strong white light enveloped Zheng Yi's surroundings.

When Zheng Yi came to his senses, he found himself on a small road.

There were several students around him who were looking around like him.

But there were more people wearing the uniforms of the Demon Slayer Corps.

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