"The Pillar Man?"

Zheng Yi felt that this task was more or less tricky.

After all, the Pillar Man's strength was not weak. Although his weakness was also the sun, it was not comparable to the ghosts in the Demon Slayer World.

After all, the ghosts in the Demon Slayer World were afraid of the sun because the sun was enough to kill them, but the Pillar Man was different. The sun could only petrify them temporarily, and they would return to normal once the sun disappeared.

Although the ripples with the same properties as the sun could cause damage to them, they could not severely damage their bodies like they could against ghosts. In fact, if you want to hurt them, you must practice the ripples to the extreme.

However, for Zheng Yi, there was no need to practice the ripples to the extreme. After all, his physical fitness was far superior to that of the two Qiaos. Even if his mastery of the ripples was far inferior to those of the ripple warriors, he could still defeat ten with one force.

From this point of view, this copy was not difficult, as long as they could be dealt with before Kaz became the ultimate creature.

At worst, there was still the two Qiaos to back him up, so there was no need to panic.

Thinking of this, Zheng Yi decided that this was the task.

After that, Zheng Yi began to train the ripples. After all, he could only rely on the ripples to kill Zhu Nan. The ripples still needed to be trained more or less. If they were too weak, they would probably take a long time to fight.

Zheng Yi practiced until the next day, and he went to sleep a few hours before the mission began. When he woke up, he rushed to the location of the dungeon without stopping.

The dungeon was in an alley.

Zheng Yi crossed the cordon set up by the soldiers and came to the alley.

He saw some unexpected figures inside.

There were several vigilantes standing inside.

This puzzled Zheng Yi.

It stands to reason that the vigilantes would explain to the above in advance when they wanted to attack the dungeon, and specially select a dungeon for the vigilantes to attack. It is impossible for players to attack the dungeon with the vigilantes.

With such doubts, Zheng Yi took a few steps forward, and then he understood why the vigilantes came here.

Several prisoners with metal collars around their necks were surrounded by vigilantes and slowly walked towards the portal.

These prisoners were death row prisoners, and the fact that they were brought here meant that they were selected.

When facing some dungeon worlds with too many unknown factors in the Dragon Kingdom, some death row prisoners will be selected to go to those dungeon worlds to explore the way for the players.

Because compared to letting the players go to die, it is better to let the death row prisoners who have already been sentenced to death go.

If they successfully conquer the dungeon and come back alive, they can be exempted from the death penalty. Of course, it is only exempted from the death penalty, and they will still stay in prison. If not, the ending is still death.

Although this sounds immoral, no one will feel sad and pity even if these scums die.

The dungeon for this strategy does meet the conditions, because the existence of the Pillar Man is little known to people in this world.

Because most of the people who go to the JOJO world go to the third and later timelines, and they all meet Stand users.

A small number of people have been to the timelines of the first and second parts, but they have only met the zombies and vampires, and have only heard of the Pillar Man. They only know that their weaknesses are also the sun and ripples, which are much stronger than vampires, and they know nothing else.

In this situation, we must remain vigilant, so it is reasonable to use those death row prisoners to test those Pillar Men on behalf of the players.

However, generally speaking, the dungeons that use death row prisoners to test are basically A-level difficulty dungeons.

After all, the number of death row prisoners is limited, so if you want to go, you have to go to high-difficulty dungeons, and there is no need to waste them on medium-difficulty dungeons.

It was the first time he saw death row prisoners being used in a B-level dungeon.

Although he was puzzled, he could only think that the people above thought that the existence of the Pillar Men was dangerous and that's why they did this.

Zheng Yi bypassed the vigilantes and death row prisoners and arrived in front of the portal first.

There were two players standing in front of the portal, one man and one woman.

Sun Li was obviously relieved when she saw Zheng Yi,"Great, another normal player."

Wu Jianlong on the side was not so optimistic,"So what if there is another one? The number of those death row prisoners is still more than us."

"Well, this." Sun Li could not refute,"At least psychologically, it is more or less comforting."

A vigilante not far away said,"Don't worry, these prisoners can't hurt you."

As he said this, he pointed at the metal collar on the neck of a death row prisoner.

"This collar will monitor the prisoners' every move. If they intend to harm the player, they will be electrocuted or anesthetized. In severe cases, poison will be injected directly into their bodies, killing them within three seconds."

"Of course, if they intend to take off the collar or destroy it, they will also get a response from the collar, so you can rest assured."

After listening to the words of the volunteer police, Sun Li still felt uneasy, because she could feel that the death row prisoners were staring at her with ill intentions, which made her body tremble.

At this time, the leading volunteer police took out the list and counted the number of people. After confirming that it was correct, he looked at Zheng Yi and others and asked,"Are all the people on your side here?"

Zheng Yi took out his mobile phone, opened the APP to check the task information, which showed that the number of people participating in this task was three.

Since those death row prisoners were not counted, it means that all players are here.

Wu Jianlong replied,"Well, everyone on our side is here."

The volunteer police nodded,"Okay, let's start the strategy."

As he said, he ordered the death row prisoners behind him,"Go in!"

His tone became cold and hard, completely devoid of the gentleness he had just shown to Zheng Yi and the others.

Although the death row prisoners were very unhappy, they had to go in one after another because their lives were still in the hands of the other party.

After the death row prisoners had all gone in, the volunteer policeman said to Zheng Yi and the others,"Then please go in next. I wish you good luck in your military career."

Zheng Yi and the others nodded in response and walked in.

The familiar white light filled Zheng Yi's eyes again.

When Zheng Yi came to his senses, he found himself on a small path.

The dark sky hung overhead, the cold wind kept blowing past him, and the gloomy atmosphere enveloped the surroundings.

The others also came to their senses and began to observe their surroundings.

Seeing the surrounding environment, Zheng Yi couldn't help but frown.

Where is this place? It looks like a town in the suburbs. He doesn't remember such a scene in the second part of JOJO.

Or is this time different from before, not following the original plot, but happening in a different place?

Just as he was thinking this At that time, a voice suddenly came from a distance, which made him look in the direction of the sound.

He saw three men observing the surroundings. One of the men looked very old, but the spirit on his face was not like that of his age.

Zheng Yi recognized that the three men were Danya, Dopedi, and Stre, the ripple warriors who went to help Da Qiao in the first part.

Combined with the appearance of these three people and the environment they are in, this should be the timeline of the first part.

But this is very strange.

The mission goal is to kill the Pillar Men.

But in the timeline of the first part, the Pillar Men have not yet awakened.

Zheng Yi couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

What is going on?

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