After returning home, Zheng Yi spent his time browsing his phone and playing on the computer as usual, and occasionally completed a few commissions.

The next day, he was still the same, doing these things at home to pass the time, but in the afternoon he would go to the gravity training area of the training ground to exercise.

But this time he did not challenge his limits again, but honestly exercised under triple gravity.

From time to time in the training ground, someone would take pictures of him with their mobile phones, or take pictures with him, and Zheng Yi gradually got used to it.

When Zheng Yi got home from exercise, it was already evening.

Zheng Yi lay in bed, planning to go to bed early, after all, tomorrow was a date with Xia Shouguang.

But he tossed and turned but couldn't fall asleep, perhaps because tomorrow was his first date in his life, which was an indescribable excitement for him, a single person from birth.

Just then his mobile phone rang, and Zheng Yi picked up the phone and took a look.

It was a message from Xia Shouguang.

He clicked on it to check.

Xia Shouguang: Let's meet at Huangmao Park at 11 o'clock tomorrow morning.

Xia Shouguang: I'm looking forward to meeting you tomorrow.

Xia Shouguang:↖(^ω^)↗

Seeing this scene, Zheng Yi couldn't help but smile. He wanted to reply something, but after hesitating for a long time, he only replied"OK".

After that, Zheng Yi closed his eyes and wanted to sleep, but unfortunately, although he wanted to sleep consciously, his body was out of his control and was always in an excited state.

This is like a primary school student who knows that he will go out for a spring outing tomorrow. He knows that he should go to bed early, but he is too excited to sleep.

As expected, Zheng Yi didn't sleep well all night.

In the morning, after Zheng Yi simply washed up, he dragged his slightly sleepy body out.

When he came to Huangmao Park, Zheng Yi looked around and soon found Xia Shouguang sitting on a bench.

Xia Shouguang's dress was different from usual. She wore a white dress and light makeup on her face, but it still couldn't cover up the sleepiness on her face.

It can be seen that she didn't sleep well last night.

Xia Shouguang noticed Zheng Yi, waved and said,"This way."

Zheng Yi walked over here,"Sorry, have you been waiting for a long time?"

"No, I just got here not long ago." Xia Shouguang shook his head,"Then let's go, there is still a long time before the movie starts, we can go have a meal first, I happen to know a good restaurant nearby"

"Well, no problem."

Zheng Yi followed Xia Shouguang to the restaurant she knew.

There were many people coming and going on the road, most of them were busy with their own things.

Occasionally, someone would notice Xia Shouguang and Zheng Yi and be surprised, because they recognized Zheng Yi at a glance as the person in the video that went viral a few days ago.

As for Xia Shouguang, most people didn't know her true identity, but they thought she was as beautiful as a fairy, and they couldn't help but look at her a few more times.

But this time no one came forward to take a photo with Zheng Yi or something, because anyone with a discerning eye could see that the other party was on a date, and it would be impolite to disturb them.

Looking at the people coming and going around, each busy with their own things, Xia Shouguang sighed:"Everyone is enjoying this hard-earned daily life as much as possible. I really hope it can continue."

Zheng Yi looked around and echoed:"Yes."

These should have been the life that people were used to, but now they have become a very precious paradise away from hell. At least here they don't have to worry about when they will suddenly die.

Most of the players on Blue Star are not as strong as Zheng Yi and his team. They have neither strong talents nor enough money to buy things to strengthen themselves. They can only use the rules in the lowest-level copies to survive.

In this case, being able to survive and continue to enjoy life is already a luxury.

"We're here."

Seeing Xia Shouguang stop in front of him, Zheng Yi pulled his thoughts back.

He looked at the restaurant in front of him, which was much more plain than he had imagined. He thought it would be very high-end.

Xia Shouguang saw the doubts in Zheng Yi's heart and smiled,"Are you surprised? You think the restaurant I chose is too ordinary, but in fact, the food in this restaurant is much better than those in high-end restaurants. Some things are not the more expensive they are, the better they taste."

"Unfortunately, my family usually doesn't allow me to eat out, saying that the food outside is not as delicious and clean as those made by the top chefs at home, so I can only eat secretly when I go out alone." Xia Shouguang said with a little regret. Zheng Yi could n't help but teased:"I didn't expect that the eldest lady would get tired of eating delicacies from land and sea and want to change her taste"

"Of course, people always get tired of eating and sometimes want to eat something else. Oh, I said too much by mistake. Let's go in."

With that, the two of them went in to eat together.

It must be said that the food here is really delicious, which made Zheng Yi couldn't help but eat more.

They didn't talk about anything during this period. After all, Zheng Yi was concentrating on eating, but Xia Shouguang didn't take the initiative to chat. He just raised his head from time to time to glance at Zheng Yi, but Zheng Yi didn't notice. After dinner, they went to the movies together.

It is said that this movie is a very popular movie nowadays, but Zheng Yi didn't think it was good, but he still forced himself to finish it.

After that, they went shopping and had dinner together.

Before they knew it, it was night.

The two walked in the deserted square, and the bright moonlight shone from above, illuminating the surroundings instead of lights.

In such a quiet environment, only the sound of the breeze blowing past the ears and the very light footsteps of the two could be heard.

Looking at Xia Shouguang who was walking slowly in front, Zheng Yi thought to himself: The date doesn't seem to be as special as imagined, it's just like going out to play with friends.

At this moment Xia Shouguang turned around and smiled at Zheng Yi,"Thank you for spending a day with me"

"It's nothing. I'm also very grateful that you invited me out to play. It made me relax a lot."Zheng Yi replied.

Xia Shouguang nodded,"That's good."

Then she looked at Zheng Yi with a serious expression,"Actually, I have something to say to you. I want to apologize for the incident of conquering the Naruto world at that time."

"Sorry for holding you back. I said I wouldn't hold you back, but I failed to do so."

"Ultimately, it was because I was too weak and too stubborn. I thought I could handle it, so I went into the dungeon without being fully prepared, and almost killed myself."

"So I plan to work hard to improve my abilities and stop being self-righteous. I just hope I won’t hold you back next time. I believe Li Jiahang thinks the same way. I know him."

"I also hope that you can continue to trust me and Li Jiahang."

Looking at Xia Shouguang who seemed unusually determined under the moonlight, Zheng Yi smiled,"What are you talking about? Of course I trust you, otherwise I would not have invited you before. I trusted you before, I trust you now, and I will continue to trust you in the future, so don't worry."

Hearing this, Xia Shouguang breathed a sigh of relief,"Is that so? Then I feel relieved."

Zheng Yi then thought of something,"By the way, since you want to become stronger, I can tell you one thing about the Sword of Promised Victory that you bought at the auction before."

"The Sword of Promised Victory? Xia Shouguang was puzzled.

"That's the real name of your sword."Zheng Yi explained,"A more accurate name is Excalibur. If you want to release its true power, you need to call out its real name. Its real power is far beyond your imagination. It can save your life when necessary, but with your current strength, you should only be able to use it once. It's best to use it with caution."

Hearing this, Xia Shouguang thanked him and said,"Okay, I understand. Thank you for telling me such important information."

She didn't ask Zheng Yi whether the information was true or false, or where he got it from, because she knew Zheng Yi would not lie to her, so she just believed it.

After that, the two walked together for a long time, and then said goodbye to each other.

Zheng Yi wanted to take her home, but Xia Shouguang said that her home was far away from here, and she just asked her driver to drive over to pick her up.

Zheng Yi gave up.

Zheng Yi was walking on the way home. The road was quiet, and there was no one. The silence was scary.

The lonely street lamp stood on the side of the road, emitting a weak light to illuminate the road.

Zheng Yi stopped under the street lamp and said suddenly,"Come out, I know you have been following me."

Just as he finished speaking, many people suddenly appeared on the empty road.

They looked like they had emerged from the shadows, which was very strange.

Each of them wore a thick black windbreaker and a skull mask, and their appearance was unclear. Everyone had a different body shape, some were tall, some were short, some were fat, and some were thin.

Zheng Yi asked coldly:"Who are you?"

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