Zheng Yi sat quietly in his seat, surrounded by other candidates who were waiting for the test like him.

He looked around and saw several examiners sitting against the wall. They were scattered in various corners of the classroom, almost surrounding all the candidates.

From their position, they could clearly see every move of each candidate.

Zheng Yi looked at Li Jiahang and Xia Shouguang who were far away from him.

I guess this was specially arranged by the examiner to prevent people from the same team from being together.

At this time, Ibixi on the podium knocked on the blackboard with chalk,"There are several very important rules in the first exam. I will not answer any of your questions later, so listen carefully."

He wrote on the blackboard with chalk and told everyone the rules.

Everyone present pricked up their ears and listened carefully.

But Zheng Yi was not interested in listening because he already knew what those rules were.

This exam was a deduction system. The full score was 10 points. One point was deducted for each wrong answer. If anyone dared to cheat, they would be deducted 2 points if they were caught once.

This exam uses the team score total system, and the final score is the total score of the entire team.

If someone in the team is deducted 0 points, the group will be disqualified.

But Zheng Yi knows that these are just bluffs.

In fact, it tests people's intelligence gathering ability. Of course, in layman's terms, it is about how to cheat without being discovered.

But even if you can't do any of the questions and just hand in a blank paper, there is no problem.

Because the real test of this exam is the last question.

With Ibiki's voice, the candidates present opened their test papers and prepared to answer.

Zheng Yi also opened the test paper and took a look.

Looking at the questions on it that looked like a heavenly book, Zheng Yi felt a headache.

It seemed like he had returned to the time when he took exams in high school, but it was not worth remembering at all.

Zheng Yi took a quick look at the questions on the test paper and found that he couldn't do any of the questions on it.

This is no wonder. This is an exam in the Naruto world, and you can't apply real knowledge to it.

But he didn't plan to do it.

Zheng Yi looked around.

The candidates around him thought the same as he did. They all frowned and did not write down the answers on the test paper.

It was obvious that they were all stumped by the difficulty of this test paper.

Some of the players looked very ugly. They did not expect that there would be a written test at all, and the test was about the knowledge related to the Naruto world. How could they play?

Zheng Yi's eyes swept back and forth in the examination room, and soon found that several candidates were answering smoothly on the test paper as if they had opened a cheat.

He knew that these were the examiners who knew the answers in the examination room, and the task of others was to copy the answers of those cheaters.

Although he knew the rules, Zheng Yi did not intend to cheat.

He knew that he had no ability to help him cheat. If he made a mistake, he would lose all the points and implicate his teammates.

The safest way is to do nothing, just like Naruto, and hand in a blank paper.

Zheng Yi looked at Li Jiahang, Xia Shouguang and Liu Zihao.

They did not write, and sat quietly.

Because they learned the real rules of the first exam through the information of the cheater, they knew that they could pass the exam without doing anything.

But other players didn't have such information, and naturally didn't know the real rules, and they were all very anxious.

At this time, some players decided to cheat.

Zheng Yi clearly saw a figure appear next to a player, and he recognized it as the stand-in Crazy Diamond in JOJO.

"Stand-in? It is indeed a very good cheating ability."Zheng Yi muttered to himself.

According to the setting of the stand-in, only the stand-user can see the stand-in, and other people cannot see the stand-in.

But for some reason, the player can also see the stand-in and even hurt the stand-in.

This should be regarded as a setting specially added by Zhutian Game to prevent players without stand-ins from being unable to deal with players with stand-ins.

Although the players can see it, other people here cannot see the stand-in.

So it can indeed be used as a very good cheating method.

Zheng Yi began to observe those players carefully, intending to take this opportunity to understand the abilities of other players.

But it must be said that these players are quite capable. No matter how he observes, he cannot see their cheating methods clearly.

The player who has been observing Zheng Yi on the side couldn't help but curse inwardly.

(What's wrong with this guy? He's been watching for a long time, but he hasn't started writing yet. Does he still want to pass the exam?) He originally wanted to cheat by copying the answers through Zheng Yi, but now it seems he has to give up.

So he had to use other methods to observe other people's test papers to cheat.

But since he had no special abilities to cheat, he could only cheat through some small actions, and he was soon discovered and deducted all the points.

An examiner called out the player's number,"Number 73 is eliminated."

Hearing this, the player stood up in dissatisfaction.

(Damn it, how can we play this? The first exam is so difficult, how can we pass the next exams?)

He glanced at Zheng Yi who was looking around leisurely on the side, and felt a little comforted in his heart.

It’s okay, anyway, he is not the only one who failed. At least he understood the rules and dared to cheat. Although he failed, he at least tried. But there is a guy here who didn’t even touch the pen. He didn’t even dare to cheat. He was too timid. It’s obvious that a guy like this will be eliminated.

Thinking of this, the player stood up and left the classroom with the other two players.

The moment they left the classroom, they were forced to eject the copy.

Zheng Yi had no idea that someone was just using him as a comparison for comfort, and he was still observing the players in the examination room.

Time passed by minute by minute, and it was finally time to announce the last question.

Ibiki looked at everyone and said,"Okay, now announce the tenth question."

Hearing this, everyone who was already nervous because of cheating became even more nervous

"For question 10, I will now add a few more rules."

As soon as he finished speaking, Kanjuro, who had just gone to the toilet, opened the door and walked in, followed by an accompanying"teacher".

Looking at Kanjuro who came in, Ibiki snorted,"You're lucky, it's worth it for you to play with the puppet this time."

Hearing this, Kanjuro smacked his lips secretly. He didn't expect that the other party had already discovered that one of the examiners was disguised as his puppet.

Ibiki didn't pursue him, but just asked him to return to his seat.

Then he put his hands in his pockets, walked a few steps to the right, and faced them sideways.

"This is a desperate rule."

Most people couldn't help but swallow their saliva when they heard this.

Only Zheng Yi and others knew that this was just a trick to test their psychology, but it must be said that it was indeed quite effective.

Even though they knew the result, they still felt a little nervous because of the depressing atmosphere at the scene.

"Now I give you the choice of whether to take the tenth question or not!"

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