Zheng Yi's eyes lit up immediately when he heard the name Saiyan.

You have to know that the combat power of the Saiyans in Dragon Ball is definitely the strongest in the entire anime world.

Any low-level warrior has the ability to destroy a planet, not to mention the combat power of the higher level, and there is also the existence of Super Saiyan.

I just don't know if the player's bloodline becomes Saiyan, will it have the same combat power as the original Saiyan?

Zheng Yi feels it is difficult. After all, if it really has the same combat power as the original Saiyan, it can walk sideways in most anime worlds, and it will not be afraid of the market.

According to the rules of the game of all heavens, it will never allow the combat power of players to crush those anime worlds.

As far as he knows, there are several players with superhuman bloodline in the United States on the other side. Even according to the super standard in the Justice League movie version, it is enough to push many anime worlds.

But even so, the United States is still in a dangerous situation because of the existence of the copy.

But even if the Saiyan bloodline is not as strong as in the original work, it is definitely stronger than other bloodlines. The setting that it can become stronger after being resurrected from the near-death state is enough of a bug.

Not to mention the terrifying setting of being able to transform into a Super Saiyan.

He decided that he must buy this no matter what, even if it means losing everything.

Zheng Yi looked at the girl next to him, hoping that she had no money left. Of course, this did not seem very practical.

After all, she looked so nonchalant when she bought the Sword of Promised Victory just now, and she did not feel sorry at all.

So it is better to pray that she has no interest in this.

This time the auctioneer did not introduce it as before, but directly said:"The initial price of this Saiyan bloodline potion is 5 million, please make an offer."

5 million?

What the hell?

Is there a missing zero?

Zheng Yi did not dare to think too much and made an offer immediately.

"No. 35, 430 million."

Everyone couldn't believe the offer and turned to look at Zheng Yi.

"Is this guy crazy? Is a mere Saiyan blood potion a big deal?"

"Even if you have no place to spend your money, you can't waste it on this broken thing!"

"This brother is really confused. It would be a huge loss to buy this thing for 10 million. How dare he do that?"

"I thought that being able to help an old man who fell to the ground was the limit for rich people, but I didn't expect there was an expert? Where is this young master?"


Zheng Yi was confused.

He thought that after he quoted the price, someone would definitely quote a higher price than him, and he was prepared for that.

But the others not only did not quote, but also thought that Zheng Yi was a complete fool for quoting such a high price.

(No way? Don’t they know much about Saiyans?)

Thinking of this, Zheng Yi asked the girl beside him:"Why are you reacting so strongly? Is the Saiyan bloodline rubbish?"

""Don't you know?" The girl was very surprised.

She thought Zheng Yi had known this for a long time, but he did this simply because he had no place to spend the money.

The girl explained in a low voice:"It's not that it doesn't work. The combat effectiveness of the Saiyans is much stronger than other bloodlines."

"But its weakness is obvious. After becoming a Saiyan, it will grow a tail. If the tail is held, it will lose its fighting ability."

"Plus, if you see a full moon, you'll turn into a giant ape and run wild. It's okay in the suburbs, but it's troublesome in the city."

"Therefore, people with Saiyan blood are usually the focus of attention. If they turn into a giant ape and lose control, relevant personnel will come to deal with it."

"The worst result is that they will be wiped out, so basically no one will buy the Saiyan blood potion, there are many better and more stable bloodlines than it."

Hearing this, Zheng Yi understood.

In the eyes of the people in this world, Saiyans are the type that are strong but have fatal weaknesses, and few people use them.

But what they don’t know is the weakness of the tail, which can actually be eliminated by training the tail.

As for the point that he lost control of the giant ape after the full moon, in fact, as long as he is strong enough, he can remain rational after turning into a giant ape, just like Vegeta in the early stage.

Of course, the most direct way is to cut off the tail before the full moon, so that he will not turn into a giant ape.

Although the tail will grow out later, it will not grow again as long as the strength grows to a certain level.

It’s just that they don’t know all this, so they are not optimistic about the Saiyan bloodline.

If he had known that people in this world think that the Saiyan bloodline is not good, he would have Zheng Yi would not deliberately offer a high price to buy it, so he should wait and see.

Now he has lost hundreds of millions for no reason.

If he keeps the money, maybe he can buy another auction item next time.

Forget it, it has happened anyway, and there is no point in regretting it.

For him, it is not a loss to get a Saiyan bloodline at this price.

But others don’t think so.

Even the auctioneer was shocked by Zheng Yi’s behavior. He thought that as long as he could sell the Saiyan bloodline potion, he would make a profit.

Who knew that there would be such a big fool who spent so much money to buy this, it’s a huge profit!

The auctioneer immediately said:"430 million once, 430 million twice, 430 million three times, okay, congratulations to No. 35 for successfully auctioning the Saiyan bloodline potion"

"OK, let's not waste time talking and take a look at the next auction item."

The auctioneer spoke and acted very quickly, as if he was afraid that Zheng Yi would suddenly regret it.

But it was useless for him to regret it now, the deal had already been made and it was impossible to cancel it.

Zheng Yi didn't feel any regret, but just felt it was a pity, he could have bought other auction items.

Zheng Yi wanted to get up and leave, but after thinking about it, he decided to stay and continue watching.

Anyway, he had nothing to do now, so he could just watch it to kill time.

Thinking of this, Zheng Yi continued to sit in his seat and watch the next auction item.

The remaining auction items were also of good quality, including the Storm Release Skill Book from the Naruto world, the Purple Smoke Inheritance of the Stand from the JOJO world, the Ice Wheel Pill from the Bleach world, and so on.

Each auction item attracted everyone to rush to bid.

After an unknown amount of time, the auction came to the last round.

Looking at the cart that was slowly pushed up, the auctioneer said excitedly:"This is the last auction item of this auction, and it is also the finale of this auction."

As he said that, he tore off the white cloth covering it, and a blood potion appeared in front of everyone.

"Look, this is the Superman blood potion from the DC world!"

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