Zheng Yi was busy until almost the early morning before going to bed.

However, this was not because he had completed all the commissions, but because he really couldn't hold on any longer.

No matter how fast he sorted out the information and submitted it, there would still be people coming to him for information.

He really didn't expect that so many people would ask for information, it was beyond imagination.

After sleeping for two or three hours, he got up again to sort out the information for the clients.

Looking at the large number of clients in the private messages, Zheng Yi felt a headache.

He felt that if he continued like this, there would be endless commissions every day, and he would have no time to do other things.

Although making money is a good thing, it would not be good if it interfered with his daily life.

So Zheng Yi wrote this sentence in his account profile.

【I accept orders based on my mood. If you are not in a hurry, you can leave a private message. If you don't get a reply within three days, I will not accept it.】

"That should be enough."

He didn't think it was necessary to treat this as a job, just a tool to make money, and take orders when he was short of money.

He didn't worry that no one would ask him for information, because he knew that no one in this world knew those anime worlds better than him.

So if a player really wanted some information about the anime world but couldn't find it, he would definitely come to him.

Thinking of this, Zheng Yi stopped his work.

He glanced at his bank account. In just half a day, he had made hundreds of millions.

If he had so much money, he should try the auction house, maybe he could buy something good.

Zheng Yi looked out the window. It was still dark outside.

The auction house was probably not open at this time, so he waited a little longer.

Anyway, he couldn't sleep now, so he surfed the Internet.

As a result, he found that no matter where he went or which website he visited, he could see the prominent name of"Block Cheater".

His influence was no longer limited to the Zhutian Game website, and people could be seen discussing him almost all over the Internet.

It was no wonder that the sudden appearance of a guy who knew the world of anime very well would cause a huge commotion in any country.

He felt that his account might even have been paid attention to by the country.

But this was not what he should worry about now.

He only had to think of ways to improve his strength and think about how to conquer the copy of the Naruto world.

Watching the sun rise little by little outside the window, the originally dim sky was also illuminated by the sunlight little by little.

Seeing this, Zheng Yi stood up and prepared to go to the auction house.

Suddenly he thought of something, and the hand that was about to unlock the door stopped.

"Hiss, it seems that you need to wear a mask to go to the auction house."

He didn't understand why you have to wear a mask to go to the auction house. Don't you want others to know who you are?

What's the point? For acquaintances, it makes no difference whether you wear a mask or not, they can be recognized at a glance.

For strangers, those who can go to the auction house must be powerful, and it is easy to check someone. Although he was puzzled, this was the rule set by the auction house after all, and he had to abide by it anyway, otherwise he would not be allowed in.

Zheng Yi looked around the room, trying to find out if there was any mask he could wear.

Suddenly he remembered something, walked to the bedside table and opened the drawer.

Sure enough, a mask was lying quietly inside.

The mask was black, except for Except for the left eye, everything else is covered.

The lower part of the mask is a mouth with exposed teeth. There is a zipper in the middle of the mouth, which can be unzipped to reveal the mouth inside.

Anyone who has watched the anime Tokyo Ghoul can recognize at a glance that this is the mask worn by Kaneki Ken.

He remembered that he thought it was very handsome in his previous life, so he bought it and often wore this mask when he was suffering from chuunibyou.

Although he didn't know the anime Tokyo Ghoul in this world, he also fantasized about this mask when he was suffering from chuunibyou, and finally asked someone to customize it.

Zheng Yi picked up the mask and looked at it,"This should be okay, I'll wear this."

Zheng Yi put the mask on his face, then left home and headed for the auction house. When he arrived in front of the auction house, although it was still early, there were still many people coming to the auction house.

Zheng Yi's unique mask attracted many people to look at him sideways.

"Look, the mask that guy is wearing is so weird, isn't it embarrassing?"

"I think this mask is pretty cool, I think my son might like this"

"Why does it look like a mask that only a chuunibyou would wear?"


Zheng Yi ignored the strange looks from the people around him. He was wearing a mask anyway, and no one knew who he was, so what was there to be afraid of?

He came to the front desk and said to the receptionist,"Hello, I want to participate in this auction."

""Okay, please fill in the information."

The receptionist handed Zheng Yi a form.

Zheng Yi picked up a pen, quickly filled out the form, and handed it back to the receptionist.

The receptionist took the form and looked at it. After confirming that there was no problem, she took out a badge and gave it to Zheng Yi.

"Please wear this badge. The number on the badge represents your code for this auction. After entering, please sit down in the seat corresponding to your number."

"Okay, I understand."

Zheng Yi took the badge, the number on the badge was 35.

He put the badge on his chest and walked in.

The auction house was large enough to accommodate hundreds of people.

Zheng Yi found the corresponding position according to his number.

His position was in the middle, and he could see the area in the front where the auction was taking place.

Zheng Yi glanced at the time. There were still about ten minutes before the auction officially started.

Taking advantage of this time, he could learn about the rules of the auction house.

He turned on his phone and checked the rules of the Varog Auction House.

There were a total of ten auction items in this auction, which was equivalent to ten rounds.

In each round, participants could bid and bid for items with others, and the person with the highest bid could purchase the item.

Zheng Yi glanced at the operation panel in front of him.

Participants can enter digital bids on it.

"I see. I think I understand."

With Zheng Yi's current funds, he should be able to buy something.

""Is this your first time at the auction house?"

A gentle female voice suddenly came into Zheng Yi's ears.

Zheng Yi looked in the direction of the voice and found a girl with pink hair sitting next to him.

Although her face was covered by a gorgeous mask and could not be seen clearly, from the parts of her facial features that were exposed, it was clear that she was a beauty.

Zheng Yi nodded,"Yes, this is my first time here."

"What a coincidence, this is my first time here too. I wonder what good stuff is on sale at the auction house? I'm so looking forward to it."

The girl looked at the mask on Zheng Yi's face and was completely attracted by it."By the way, where did you buy that mask? It looks so handsome."

"This one, I customized it myself, I couldn't buy it anywhere else."

The girl smiled,"Is that so? Then you have pretty good taste, being able to think of this design style is much better than those so-called senior designers."

Zheng Yi didn't know how to respond, so he could only politely say thank you for the compliment.

At this moment, an auctioneer walked onto the stage,"Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. I believe you are all looking forward to the items in this auction."

"I can guarantee that the items in this auction will definitely arouse everyone's interest. Of course, it would be better for you to see it with your own eyes than for me to just talk about it."

"Then this auction officially begins!"

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