Chunin Exam?


Although there are many Chunin Exams, according to the anime world he entered before, they all took place in known anime plots, and they were all early plots.

This Chunin Exam should be the one in the early plot of Naruto.

Zheng Yi remembered that this was a big chapter in Naruto, which also included the important plot of Konoha's collapse plan.

But the overall difficulty is not difficult. The Third Hokage of Orochimaru will be responsible for solving it, and Gaara will be beaten up by Naruto and persuaded by words.

Unless you deliberately get involved in those battles to increase your score, there will be basically no big problem.

Of course, as long as you don't run into Gaara and Rock Lee in the subsequent exams, those two guys can be regarded as the strongest guys at that time.

After some thought, Zheng Yi asked,"Okay, I accept this task, but before that, can I ask a question? Why do you want me to complete this task?"

"This"��Zihao thought for a moment,"To be honest, the Player Association is short of manpower recently. Otherwise, it is impossible that we would be assigned another task just after completing a task."

Zheng Yi was stunned when he heard this,"What do you mean?"

Su Fan explained,"The task we were assigned is a rare copy that requires a certain number of people to unlock. In order to gather enough people, the captain asked you to"

""Fuck, so I'm just here to make up the numbers?" Zheng Yi couldn't hold it in a bit.

Liu Zihao waved his hand hurriedly and said,"That can't be said completely like that. The main reason is that I think your strength is pretty good, so I invited you. Otherwise, why wouldn't I invite Lao Cheng?"

Cheng Feiqi, who was standing nearby listening to their conversation, was inexplicably caught in the crossfire.

What does that mean?

Does this mean he is weak?

Although it's true, please don't say it out loud, okay? It's very hurtful!

Zheng Yi asked Liu Zihao,"How many people need to go to open that copy ?"

"It says that at least ten teams are needed to open it, and each team must have only three people."

Zheng Yi was not surprised to hear this, because the Chunin Exam was taken by one class at a time, and each class had only three students.

Then he thought of something and looked at Liu Zihao and the other two,"Wait, if the three of you are considered a group, then I have to find two more people to form a team."

Liu Zihao smiled awkwardly,"That's right, but don't worry, if you can't find anyone, we can help you find it. Anyway, we won't go to the dungeon until a week later, so there's still time."

""A week?" Zheng Yi stroked his chin,"That's plenty of time. How about I look for it myself first? I'll contact you when I can't find anyone.""

"No problem, we'll contact each other if we have anything to do later. I'll go collect information about the Naruto world first, and I'll send it to you when I have it."

Then Liu Zihao and the other two said goodbye to Zheng Yi and the others.

Zheng Yi raised his head, looked at the ceiling, and murmured to himself:"Naruto world?"

Cheng Feiqi patted Zheng Yi on the shoulder and said,"You'd better be careful. The Naruto world is one of the dangerous worlds recognized by the association. Even if you are very strong, don't be careless."

"Thank you for your reminder, I certainly won't be careless, I'm not that confident yet."

Zheng Yi thought of something and asked Cheng Feiqi:"What are you going to do next?"

"What else can I do? Of course I should go home and spend time with my family. Anyway, I have already completed the dungeons I need to conquer this month, so there is no need to go to those hells again."

Cheng Feiqi stretched his body and looked relieved.

Zheng Yi smiled and said,"That's right, go spend more time with your family."

"You too, don't die, otherwise your family will be sad."Cheng Feiqi touched Zheng Yi's shoulder with his fist,"Then I'll go first."

Looking at Cheng Feiqi's leaving back, Zheng Yi sighed lightly,"Family? It's a pity that I don't have any anymore, and even if I die, most likely no one will be sad because of me."

Zheng Yi shook his head, without thinking any more, and left the association.

After returning home, Zheng Yi immediately used the skill book to learn the Six Styles of the Navy.

Then he used his computer to open the Zhutian Game website and went shopping.

Anyway, he has so much money now, it would be a waste if he doesn't spend it, and it can also be used as a preparation before going to the Naruto world.

As a result, after looking for a long time, he didn't see anything that could arouse his interest.

"Well, there is nothing good here, why not go to the black market to have a look."

The black market is an unofficial trading place that exists in various streets and alleys.

Some of the things in it may be cheaper than the official ones, but it is more likely to be more expensive than the official ones. It is even possible to buy fakes and have no way to return them in the end.

Even with so many disadvantages, many people still go to the black market to buy things.

The reason is that many things that are not available on the official market can be bought on the black market.

"Decided, I will go to the black market tomorrow to check it out."

Suddenly Zheng Yi noticed that someone had sent him a message on his cheater account on the Zhutian game website.

He opened it and found that it was a message from Ao Tianlong.

Of course, Zheng Yi knew who this Ao Tianlong was.

It was Liu Zihao and the others.

He didn't expect that they said they were going to collect intelligence, but ended up coming to him.

But that's right, who in this world knows the Naruto world better than him?

Ao Tianlong: Boss, I have something to trouble you this time. Do you have any information about the Chunin Exam in the Naruto world? Any information is fine, the price is negotiable.

Cheater: Okay, the old rules, pay first and then give the information, this time the information wants 500,000.

Zheng Yi did not intend to lower the price just because he knew the other party. After all, friends are friends and business is business, these are two different things.

This time the other party did not hesitate,���The money was transferred quickly, and it was obvious that the other party had trusted Zheng Yi.

Zheng Yi sorted out the test content of this Chunin Exam and forwarded it to Ao Tianlong.


Liu Zihao, who had been guarding the computer desk, almost rushed over when he saw the document sent by the cheater.

He opened the document and looked at it carefully, while Su Fan and Chen Siya beside him also came over.

The three of them looked at it together for a long time before they understood the Chunin Exam clearly.

Chen Siya sorted out her thoughts,"In simple terms, this Chunin Exam is divided into three parts, namely the written test, the survival test, and the battle."

Su Fan added:"And the first written test is very disgusting. It looks like an exam on the surface, but it is actually a test of psychology. If you don't know this, you're doomed, right?"

"Fortunately, we asked the cheater for information, otherwise we might have been eliminated in the first round."Liu Zihao said thankfully.

They now completely believe the cheater and no longer doubt the authenticity of his information.

"By the way, I should send this information to Zheng Yi."

Liu Zihao sent the information to Zheng Yi.

Zheng Yi, who was surfing the Internet, saw the information sent by Liu Zihao on his mobile phone.

Liu Zihao: Brother, keep it. I bought this information at a high price. You have to thank me.

Seeing this, Zheng Yi smiled bitterly. He replied with a thank you.

He opened it and saw that it was the information he had just given to Ao Tianlong.

Good guy, is this the legendary export-to-domestic sales?

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