The next morning, Zheng Yi went to school, but he did not go to the classroom, but to the school auditorium.

Because today is their graduation ceremony.

After becoming players, they no longer need to go to school. The next thing to do is to survive in those terrible copy worlds.

At this time, who has the mind to go to school or work? Survival is the most important thing, and everything else is secondary.

When he came to the auditorium, he could see that several students had arrived here before him.

Zheng Yi walked up and came to the area where his class was.

Li Jiahang saw him and nodded to him, and Zheng Yi also nodded to him, even if it was a greeting.

Zheng Yi sat in his seat, waiting for the graduation ceremony to begin.

During this period, students came in one after another.

When the time came, the principal just happened to arrive.

After confirming the number of teachers present, he walked onto the stage.

"Except for a few students who didn't come due to special reasons, everyone else is here, so let's get started."

Hearing this, Zheng Yi looked around in disbelief.

(Are these all the people?)

The entire auditorium can accommodate thousands of people in total, although it is indeed unrealistic to fill it up for the entire third year of high school.

But from here, there are only scattered people sitting in the seats around, and at a glance, the seats are basically all empty.

Zheng Yi silently counted the number of people present and found that except for the teachers of each class, there were only 53 people in the entire third year of high school.

You know, there are five classes in their third year of high school, and each class has at least thirty people, which together are nearly 200 people.

It's a bit too exaggerated that so many people are missing just after an initial copy.

Others present also noticed this and couldn't help whispering.

"Is it true that after one copy, there are only so many people left?"

"I looked and there seemed to be only 4 people in Class 2"

"What kind of copy did they go through that resulted in so many deaths?"

"From this point of view, our class is the one with the most survivors."

"Yes, this is all thanks to Zheng Yi"

"Without him, we would have died."


Although they tried to speak as quietly as possible, in this spacious auditorium, any sound could be heard clearly.

The principal standing on the stage naturally saw their little movements, but he did not speak to them to quiet down.

Instead, he looked at them quietly and did not speak until they were quiet.

"I know you are surprised, why so many people died in just one instance? But I can tell you seriously"

"That's right, these dungeons are so terrible! Every time you conquer a dungeon, you have to sacrifice many lives. This so-called game of the universe is so cruel!"

"Because we know nothing about these copy worlds, or we know some information about them, but we only know some"

"In a world that is almost unknown to us, all we can do is keep struggling and exploring to open up a path for those who come later."

"And now you have become one of them. From now on, you are no longer students who can enjoy a peaceful life, but players who have to struggle in hell."

"I dare not say that this is a good thing or something to be proud of, because that is just nice talk and is just poisonous chicken soup for you. It is useless except for psychological comfort."

"I know this is hard to hear, but I have to tell you and you have to accept this fact."

"Only in this way can you survive in the dungeon!"

After hearing the principal's words, the students were silent, obviously thinking about something.

Seeing this, the principal sighed,"I know it's hard for you to accept it. Suddenly falling from heaven to hell is unacceptable to anyone, not to mention that you are just a student."

"I know you shouldn't accept this and face hell so early"

"If it were a peaceful era two hundred years ago, you might be facing the best moment of your life now, instead of struggling on the brink of life and death."

"But unfortunately, times have changed and you can only accept it."

"From now on, keep struggling! Keep exploring! Keep finding ways to survive! This is the fate of players."

After saying this, the principal turned and left.

Only the students who had not yet recovered were left in the audience.

Zheng Yi leaned back in his chair,"What is this? How can a principal say such things at a graduation ceremony?"

But there was one thing the principal said that was right, that is, those copy worlds are terrible, and it is difficult for ordinary people to survive without any intelligence or very little information.

For example, in the Demon Slayer world that they conquered yesterday, if Zheng Yi had not chosen Ripple and chosen the right method, they might have all died there. Just as

Zheng Yi was thinking about it, Li Jiahang suddenly patted him on the shoulder,"Don't be in a daze, the teacher has something to say."

Hearing this, Zheng Yi turned his head and found that Lao Su was looking at them with a serious face.

"I believe you have heard what the principal just said. I will not say more. The teacher cannot continue to accompany you. You can only walk the road ahead by yourselves."

"Next, you have to go to the Players Association, join the association, and follow the association's arrangements."

"As for the rest, I don't have much to say. I hope we can see each other again in the future."

With that, Lao Su also left.

The other students looked at each other and got up to leave.

Li Jiahang looked at Zheng Yi and asked,"I will apply to join the Players Association next. Do you want to join?"


Zheng Yi stood up, left the school with Li Jiahang, and walked towards the Players Association branch in the ancient city.

The Players Association is a special organization created by the Dragon Government for dungeons, and all players can join the association.

The association will collect the location and information of each dungeon, and assign the task of conquering them to the players. Players can get rewards for completing the tasks, which can be regarded as the government's reward to players for conquering the dungeon.

Basically, after everyone officially becomes a player, they will join the association, conquer the dungeon according to the arrangements of the association, and complete the tasks.

This is much better than running around like a headless fly.

Soon they arrived in front of the ancient city branch of the Players Association.

Looking at the high-rise building in front of them that was at least fifty meters high, Li Jiahang said,"Then let's go in."

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