Strong willpower? Maybe, but if that's the case, why was he in that situation before?

"What the hell is going on with you?"

Looking at Mo Yu who sat up from the sofa and gradually adjusted back to his normal state, Ailian had a puzzled expression on his face. However, although the look she looked at Mo Yu had doubts, it was more worried.

She was really elusive about Mo Yu's current state. This completely unknown situation left Elian at a loss as to what to say. Not sure what to do?

"What's going on... As you can see, I crossed the line, so I killed someone."

Looking at Ai Lian who was full of doubts, Mo Yu, who had just recovered, shook his head slightly, and then replied: "Because those scum extended their palms to my family, and in the name of justice they did unforgivable evil. Even when he was subdued, he did not realize the mistakes he had made. Instead, he blindly imposed the mistakes he had committed on the world and on truly innocent people to justify his actions. ”

Elaine: "..."

She didn't speak, just listened to Mo Yu's story quietly.

"I thought that I had strong endurance and tolerance, that I could face any difficulties calmly, help people solve more dangers, and truly implement the knight's heart of justice, but now I realize... there is something wrong with me. Too naive."

Mo Yu smiled bitterly, and then continued: "I am just a half-baked Kamen Rider. Similarly, before that, I was a complete person. I also have my own joys, sorrows, and joys. I will be happy. There will be pain, anger, and confusion..."

"Similarly, I can't tolerate other people doing anything to my cherished treasures. The sins on these people and their attempts to do something to my family, me, and my friends completely angered me, so I lost control. Do that kind of thing.”

"...That's it."

After listening to Mo Yu's description just now, Ailian nodded slightly. After learning everything that happened, she certainly understood Mo Yu's mood.

After all, everyone has treasures in their hearts that others will never be allowed to touch. These treasures may be people or something. To anyone, these precious treasures cannot be touched, let alone harmed.

Elian knows that if she puts herself in Mo Yu's shoes, and someone surrounds her with her friends and family, and uses the false name of justice to justify the harm, she will not be able to ignore it, and she will probably do the same thing. The same behavior as Mo Yu.

However, even though Mo Yu told the real reason, Elian still didn't understand how Mo Yu came out of this confusion. Maybe it's because Mo Yu hasn't told the real reason yet?

"You said that the senior who your dream enlightened you?"

What kind of unfolding method is this for classical traditional novels?

Of course, she had no intention of continuing to ask, let alone any reason to delve deeper, because she only needed to see that nothing happened to Mo Yu.

It was not a disguise, but he really came out of confusion. The chaos, anger, or other negative emotions that were supposed to follow did not show up in Mo Yu. At this moment, he seemed to have understood what he should do. What to do.

As evidence, Mo Yu was already in a state of eagerness to try.

He took out the two cassettes of Abyss and Dragon Rider at the same time, as well as the W drive and the long-broken G3 battery buckle. They were also placed on the table at this moment.

He looked at the knight props on the table that symbolized recognition and inheritance. The figures of his predecessors vaguely appeared in front of his eyes, and the words in his dream became clearer at this moment.

When faced with the reason Elen asked, he really didn't lie.

Originally, he was indeed doubtful about the justice he insisted on in his heart and what he had done, but before he had time to fall into self-confusion. Those completely different doors opened at the same time.

Several seniors he had met once again appeared in front of him through the door and came to his dream.

When he saw the seniors appearing, Mo Yu felt scared and uneasy, but more importantly, he was disappointed, disappointed in himself.

He believes that what he has done has gone against his original intention. Seeing a guy like him inherit this power, the seniors will definitely feel that they are entrusted with something unworthy.

So until the door was fully opened and several familiar Kamen Rider seniors slowly walked toward him, Mo Yu didn't even raise his head, like a child who had done something wrong, quietly waiting for punishment from his elders.

Mo Yu didn't react until the other party's warm palm pressed on his shoulder.

It wasn't an attack, the temperature on the palm was warm. And the expected scolding never came.

Although I don’t know what is going on? But the seniors did not blame him, and the emotions they conveyed were more of comfort.

Mo Yu clearly felt that something was transferred into his body from the palm touching his shoulder.

This strange feeling felt a little strange to him, but then it felt a little familiar.

It's a breeze...

And in that wisp of breeze, memories about different worlds were gradually reflected.

In a daze, Mo Yu was once again enveloped by the breeze, and his thoughts returned to the Wind City.

However, this time the wind is from the wind city from a long time ago.

On the roof of the building, W's familiar two-color figure was fighting an unknown doped monster.

"here it is?"

Seeing this scene in front of him, Mo Yu's expression was a little confused. He was a little confused as to why he came here and came to Fengdu again.

"It was Fengdu a long time ago."

Soon a voice beside him gave him the answer: "Let's read the story we have experienced carefully, junior."

"I think rather than explaining it in words, if you see what Shotaro and I have experienced in person, maybe you will have a new understanding."

Phillip's figure suddenly appeared next to Mo Yu.

The two stood here, quietly watching the battle taking place over there.

Even though Shotaro, who had just become W, was still very unfamiliar with his fighting skills, he used W's excellent performance to seize the opportunity and defeat the unknown dopant.

The next moment, a dark green gust of wind suddenly rolled up, and purple light flashed past.

"Knight kicks..."

Seeing this familiar scene, Mo Yu certainly knew that W, who was not far away, was going to use W's ultimate kill.

After all, he had also used this move after becoming Kamen Rider W.

But...this time the situation was a little different from what he thought.

"This is……"

When he saw the whipping wind and the jumping purple light, Mo Yu couldn't help but widen his eyes and said in surprise: "Not separated?!"

Yes, this time the knight's kick did not separate as expected, but landed firmly on the body of the doping body.

The terrifying power did not dissipate and accurately destroy the memory, but directly kicked into the doped monster's body, destroying the opponent's body like a balloon.

Yes, Mo Yu could see clearly that this time W did not destroy the memory and then separate the humans as expected, but wiped out the humans and the memory together.

" this possible? Why..."

"Because what you see is exactly us in the early days, the same immature version of us."

When Mo Yu showed a look of disbelief, Shotaro's figure finally appeared here.

He couldn't help but feel a little sad when he looked at the monsters he killed in battle in the early days because he couldn't flexibly control the power of W and didn't develop a way to separate the memory.

He felt the same as Mo Yu, even though he knew that the other person was an irredeemable villain. Even if he killed him directly, he would not be blamed in any way, but such behavior still made Shotaro have self-doubt, so that in the subsequent battle, he was confused for a long time, which made him unwilling to fight. Using a special move to make the dopant escape.

At that time, he felt very similar to Mo Yu. It was not until he received help from Philip and developed a special skill that could separate memories and humans that he returned to his previous state.

It is precisely because he has experienced similar ups and downs that Shotaro can understand Mo Yu best at this moment, which is why he is willing to appear here again at this critical moment.

The three of them didn't say much after that. Philip moved his fingers slightly, causing the breeze to speed up again. The story hidden in Shotaro and Philip's memories was also passed on to Mo Yu in this way.

"Okay, it's time for us to leave." A soft voice sounded in Mo Yu's ears.


Shotaro and Phillip retracted their palms at the same time and took a few steps back.

The ultimate gate behind him, symbolizing the memory of the earth and the infinite mysteries, also shone at this moment, and he spoke to Mo Yu with his loud shouts.

"Now that you have experienced the pain of robbing life, remember it well! You must carry out your will and don't do anything you regret again, junior."

"Go ahead and keep going and don't let us down."

After saying that, Phillip and Shotaro disappeared together in front of the door, and then an invisible force merged into Mo Yu's hand.

"Great, it looks like they succeeded."

On the other side, Shinji Kido said happily when he saw that Mo Yu seemed to be enlightened.

"I'm really sorry. I made a handsome appearance, but it didn't help much. However, I want to give this to you."

Kido Shinji touched his pocket, and finally took out a card and threw it towards Mo Yu. Mo Yu then caught it firmly with his fingertips.

Turn it over and look carefully.

It was a red card engraved with golden flying wings.


However, this card engraved with golden flying wings is only marked on the pattern. The flame that should be burning has been extinguished, and this card has no power.

"It really doesn't work... I still want to entrust this power directly to Mo Yu, but now it seems that it still doesn't work..."

Seeing the extinguished survival card, Shinji Kido sighed helplessly. He felt that the power of the survival fire was still within him. Even if he gave the card to Mo Yu, he could not directly help him unlock it in advance.

"Although you don't have the power to survive, I still believe in Mo Yu. You will definitely be able to overcome difficulties! However, please don't do something as bad as this time again in the future."

"Go ahead and become the ideal knight in your mind."

"I understand. Thank you everyone. Thank you very much, seniors."

Mo Yu stood there, looking at the seniors who gradually disappeared. His originally confused mind gradually became clearer with the change of emotions.

He was about to wake up.

Next, all he could do was to look at Shiroto Shinji who was about to leave and bid farewell quietly.

Although Shiroto Shinji's gentle personality gave Mo Yu a lot of words at the last moment, it was a pity that the time was too short and Mo Yu did not hear the other party's words clearly.

Their brief encounter was once again hurriedly missed.

The last thousands of words seemed to have turned into only a soft greeting.


Chapter 131 Kamen Rider Faiz

In the mirror world, this battle did not last too long. Even without summoning contracted beasts and weapons to assist in the battle, the super-strong values ​​provided by Dragon Rider itself were enough to crush the enemy, not to mention that this was in his home court.

Although the opponent knew that he was in a desperate situation and his movements became a little flustered, he was different from those useless gangsters. He was a real battle-hardened killer, otherwise he would not have replaced Sarah to take over this task.

In his position, if he did not have real skills, then a few lives would not be enough for him to lose. Not only was he obviously trained in combat, but his body strength and hardness made it difficult to tell whether he was a human or not. Not only was the surface covered with black metal, but the opponent's strength was at least several tons.

For Mo Yu, who had just recovered and was extremely lacking in fighting experience, such an enemy was just right. After all, compared to the instant kill of Flame Agito with one punch, such a guy was just right.

Bang! !

Another dull punch burst out on the opponent's chest, hitting the opponent and sending him flying in the mirror world, making him very embarrassed. Even a body modified with special metal could hardly resist such a strong punch.

Because his inner emotions had changed again, the adaptability of the ace memory was improved again. With the combat skills that Mo Yu had figured out, it was not a problem for him to deal with such a character at this moment.

The only thing the opponent could do was the extended blade and the strengthened body, but the ordinary blade could not break the dragon rider's armor at all. In addition, there was a gap in strength, and the opponent could not make an effective attack at all, so this battle was too easy.

"You guy..."

He bounced off the incoming fist, then used his arm to block it, and finally firmly grasped the opponent's neck. In the continuous battles, the disguise of the opponent was also dissipated under the decomposition of the mirror world. The suit that was originally decent and the area wrapped in skin gradually dissipated, revealing half of the mechanical face, which looked particularly weird compared to the face on the other side that was still in human form.

"No wonder it didn't work, it turned out to be a robot."

Looking at the man who was lifted up by his neck but still had no discomfort, Mo Yu understood the reason.

The robot that is similar to Billy and Qingyi looks a bit like Xiumagia. Mo Yu couldn't help but think that he was a bit stupid for trying to lock a robot's throat.

"Now tell me, who sent you? What is your purpose?"

After confirming that the other party was a robot, Mo Yu twisted his palm and pressed it to the ground to subdue it, and then asked in a low voice: "Tell me in detail."

"Kamen Rider... Hehe, I really underestimated you. Everyone underestimated you. I thought you were a small figure, but I didn't expect that you were also the helper found by those guys."

"Those guys? Do you mean Victoria Housekeeping... or the Public Security Bureau, or some other forces?"

Mo Yu did not answer, but stepped on the other party with one foot, and then looked at the man lying on the ground and questioned.

"Heh, at this moment, there is no need to continue pretending, right? Whether your true identity is the servants of Victoria Housekeeping or the police from the Public Security Bureau, the answer doesn't matter, anyway, I'm leaving first~"

Hearing this guy's words, Mo Yu frowned slightly: "Goodbye? Do you think you can still escape?"

At this moment, it's not just the blockade of the mirror world. Since he is still here, it is impossible to watch this guy leave. And he doesn't think that the other party has a way to escape in this situation. If there is, he would have used it just now, instead of falling to the point where he has completely lost the ability to resist.

"Of course it's impossible, but I'm not going to run away. It's just a real goodbye."

As he said, the man who was pressed to the ground smiled, and along with the slightly hot metal skin on his chest, the special ether energy was constantly condensing.

"What is this?" Seeing this, Mo Yu raised his eyebrows slightly.

Boom——! !

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