Mo Yu rolled his eyes and finally let out a weak sigh.

"Aren't you going to explain to me what's going on?"

"Are you sure you want me to explain here?"

Chapter 128 What kind of person do you want to be?


Hearing the familiar voice, Mo Yu turned his head and saw the figure rushing towards the alley intersection, and he let out a helpless sigh.

"So you're not going to give me a reasonable explanation?"

"Are you sure you want me to explain it to you here?"

As she spoke, Ailian looked at the alley where the smell of blood was strong, and then at Mo Yu, who was obviously not in a normal state in front of him, with a different emotion in his eyes. Then, even without Mo Yu's command, the two shark contract beasts standing next to him started taking action without permission.

In the blink of an eye, several turbulent streams of water spurted out from the bloody mouth of the Abyss Broken Wood Shark. It was like using the water to wash away some kind of filth. The blood stains on the ground were swept away together with the original traces in the entire alley. net.

For a moment, all that could be heard was the sound of the water flowing, and a dark alley washed clean by the water.

Mo Yu did not raise his head, but just stood in the water and watched everything that happened in front of him. His slightly drooped palms began to tremble at this moment. He lifted up the hair that was wetted by the water in front of his forehead and looked at Ailian with his eyes that were obviously far different from before. Then in a trembling voice, he said with a wry smile: "Ailian , I killed someone..."

"And it was in the most unforgivable way, depriving others of their lives..."


To this, Elian didn't answer. Even when she appeared, she didn't even take out her palms from her pockets. She just stood there and watched quietly, looking at Mo Yu's trembling hands and his face. The face with a wry smile that was already wet by the water flow.

"Don't be afraid, I'm already here.

"Even though there are thousands of words in her heart, at this moment, she can only say this sentence.

Then, he stretched out his arms from behind and hugged him gently.

A sense of warmth and tranquility also followed at this time.

Killing someone, taking away a life, what does it feel like?

Should we feel panic, indifference, or inner joy?

Different people have different views and feelings when it comes to death, and Mo Yu naturally has the same.

The feeling this time was completely different from the previous one when he killed Yi Kui. He did not feel happy and excited about his achievements.

On the contrary, his mood at this moment was particularly complicated. Mo Yu didn't know how to describe this feeling at this moment.

But this kind of feeling of watching life go by in front of you, and because of you, is definitely not a good feeling, even if they are outright evil people.

Mo Yu vaguely remembered that a strange street photographer asked him this when he was very young.

"Boy, what kind of person do you want to be in the future?"

Mo Yu's answer without thinking at that time was: "Kind."

"That's it. I've roughly understood the situation. It's a very good ideal. I have to work hard in the future."

In response, the man smiled and gave the camera he was wearing to himself.

The encounter with that strange man was also an enlightenment in Mo Yu's life, and it was also a path he chose for himself from the bottom of his heart.

…Be a kind person.

As for how to be considered kind? Although this definition is vague, it has a rough positioning in everyone's mind.

From the beginning to the end, Mo Yu restrained himself from a kind perspective.

He will not do bad things, but he will also do good things within his power.

Help those in need, protect the weak, strive to be a person who will not let you down, and become a kind person.

He continued to live like this for more than ten years, and he indeed implemented his ideal.

Even after becoming a Kamen Rider, even after gaining almost superhuman strength, he did not act recklessly because of this, but instead restrained himself more strictly.

On the basis of kindness, I have added a responsibility to myself, a recognition and responsibility from my predecessors, and become a person who is worthy of this power and even more worthy of my heart.

And he had indeed done such a thing before today.

He cannot turn a blind eye to evil, and he will definitely help those in need. He will carry out the will inherited from his knight predecessors and fight for love and justice.

I thought that I was a calm enough person and a just enough person, and I would definitely become a real Kamen Rider in the future.

He despises those guys who have the power of knights but use this power to act recklessly. They clearly call themselves Kamen Riders, but in the end they have no chivalry. Because in his opinion, that kind of guy is just a weirdo wearing a knight's skin, and he doesn't deserve to be called a Kamen Rider at all.

However, at this moment, looking at the blood mixed with the sea water on the ground, the bright red reflected in his eyes, and the tragic deaths of those people just in front of him, Mo Yu fell into confusion and trance.

"I killed someone..."

he whispered shakily.

Yes, he killed people. He used the power of the knight to kill people. He broke his oath, crossed the bottom line, and did something unforgivable.

Although these guys are out-and-out scum, they are all wanted criminals. If you count the crimes they have committed one by one, even if they die hundreds of times, it can be said that they deserve to die. Killing them is completely for the sake of justice. Even if the sheriff appears here, it is difficult to say anything.

After all, these guys who have no conscience and rationalize hurting others are not worthy of the slightest pity from others. Even if they are killed, people will only applaud.

But if this is true, if I really think so, then can this really be regarded as justice?

I killed the evildoers, fought violence with violence, and did such a thing in anger. Can I really cover it up with such words?

Although it was not Mo Yu's instruction this time, the reason was that the two contracted beasts just took action because they sensed the murderous intent in him.

This is a tacit understanding between the contracted beast and the contractor. They can feel the contractor's mood after signing the contract with Mo Yu. Mo Yu was really on the edge of anger just now, so these two ferocious sharks were so excited. After all, this is also a test for them to detect the bottom line of the contractor. So they will directly take action like the previous times.

Mo Yu, who should have stopped them, did not stop them this time as before. He just clenched his fists and stood in anger, allowing them to eat people in front of him, allowing them to commit such a crime that was difficult to cover up, and could not say anything to stop them.

Until everything happened in front of him, Mo Yu did not feel any joy in his heart, but instead felt a sense of strangeness and panic.

When he recovered, saw the tragic situation in front of him, and recalled the instructions of those seniors.

Mo Yu realized what stupid thing he had just done...

Even if these guys did not have the qualifications to live, he should not have taken action! He had no reason to let the contracted beast eat their qualifications! What is the difference between his behavior and the sharp blades and sparrows that he once despised?

Can this behavior mixed with selfishness and hatred really be called the justice he pursues?

No, it is obviously not possible...

The more he wanted to escape, the harder it was to accept the stupidity he had just committed. Mo Yu took a few steps back.

The faces of Mr. Hikawa, Senior Shotaro, and Senior Shiroto Shinji gradually became clear in his mind.

Although they didn't say anything, Mo Yu didn't know what to say at this moment.

So... what did he do just now? !

In extreme panic, Mo Yu wanted to escape from here immediately, but he felt the warmth coming from his waist, and his gradually stiff body couldn't help but be slightly stunned, and the whole person could hardly speak.

"Ailian, I..."

Mo Yu wanted to say something, but next to this warm embrace, a gentle voice came.

"Don't talk, take a good rest, close your eyes, I'll take you home."



Gently closing his eyes, the sound in his ears gradually became quiet.

There was no sound of fighting, no curses, and even the sound of water flowing under his feet disappeared at this moment.

Soon, Mo Yu's thoughts were completely immersed in deep darkness.

This is not the world of the dead, nor is it hell, let alone the underworld.

This is his dream.

Mo Yu glanced at his feet.

At this moment, he was standing on the plane of a huge rock. Accompanied by "——click, click!" A series of strange breaking sounds rang in his ears, the stone plate under his feet trembled slightly, and the gravel attached to the surface gradually fell off.

In fact, the point of support under his feet was not a stone plate for standing, but a huge clock, which was just silent for too long and covered with dust.

At this moment, the pointer symbolizing time took a steady step forward, and finally overlapped with Mo Yu's figure when he was standing, and the bell rang throughout the dark world, just like the last time he met himself in his dream.

"Why is it here?" Seeing this familiar scene, Mo Yu frowned slightly.

He has merged with the past, they are no longer separate, and he should not come to this place in the dream again.

But why is it now? Why did he come back here again?

"That's because you are calling here from the bottom of your heart?" A familiar voice suddenly sounded, and Mo Yu looked up and looked forward, where there was a phantom.

The phantom was his own appearance, swaying like a long-disrepaired garbled code, and even his own existence was in an extremely unstable state.

That was another self, another Mo Yu, the Mo Yu before his teens... and also himself.

But they clearly merged into one in the end and became the real Mo Yu, that is, the current him.

So why did the Mo Yu in front of him appear here again?

In response, the other young Mo Yu just shook his head slightly.

After that, they had accepted each other and completely merged into one, becoming the complete Mo Yu. There was no difference between them, and both sides had completely completed Be the One.

So it was naturally impossible for them to split up and make the same mistake again.

As for the reason why he can appear here again, it is probably just because Mo Yu wants a support and an answer...

And, this time, it is not himself who calls him, but others...

Young Mo Yu couldn't help but complain: "It's not worth it to make yourself insane just by dreaming?"

"It's okay in the dream, but if you continue like this and separate me, things will become troublesome again."

Mo Yu sighed helplessly, and then continued: "Don't forget that our emotions are interoperable, so I naturally know your feelings, but because I account for a small proportion, I don't struggle as much as you do."

"Although I really want to enlighten you in person, I know my own virtues best. If I persuade you, you probably won't listen. So, why not go and meet everyone in person, they will give you the answer."

"Everyone? They? Who are they?" Mo Yu looked to the side in confusion following the other party's guidance.

On the huge clock plane, two huge doors suddenly rose behind him.

Mo Yu immediately turned his head to look at the other side. On the huge clock platform... the two huge hands deflected again.

The two doors that suddenly appeared had different decorations on them.

The door marked [2009] had two colors of luster. In the center where multiple colors intersected, the pattern of a mechanical bird spread its wings in mid-air. The pattern of the earth was engraved with new details somewhere on the door. There were many unknown totems around as embellishments. Although it looked complicated, it was not eye-catching, but full of details.

On the door marked [2002] was a circling red dragon. A raging fire was burning on the door. The golden flying wing pattern in the center of the door was also flashing a dazzling light at this moment.

"They are..."

Just as Mo Yu was still looking at the two doors that suddenly appeared in front of him, on the other side of the door, two familiar figures had already walked out of the door.

Familiar faces, familiar voices, and this familiar feeling...

Even though they were still a little far apart, Mo Yu immediately called out their names.

"Shotaro, Philip, and Senior Shiroto Shinji..."

Mo Yu whispered, and his mood became happy because he saw these three seniors again.

He was about to run over, but thinking of what he had just done, he immediately stopped and did not walk forward. Instead, he stood there waiting for the scolding and even punishment from the seniors.

It was natural to be punished for doing something wrong, and he had no complaints about it.

Even in dreams, it was the same...

However, just as Mo Yu lowered his head and was ready to be scolded, Shotaro, who had just walked out of the door of [2009] in front of him, laughed out loud.

"Although we should not appear again, but seeing the juniors in such a predicament, as qualified seniors, we can't just sit back and watch..."

"After all, Shotaro knows the importance of guidance, just like me and him. If there is no qualified guide, the road to the future will be difficult, junior."

Philip also sighed at this time.

"And not only us, even Senior Ryuki came here, right? We all came for this."

Looking at Mo Yu's complicated eyes, Shiroto Shinji, who had just stepped out of the door of [2002], also explained the reason.

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