"Hey hey hey, hey hey... Go to hell! Go to death! Go to hell to all of them!! Liars, a bunch of damn big liars."

A short man was looking at the computer equipment in front of him, letting out a series of wanton and devilish laughter. His eyes were fixed on the light spots on the screen, monitoring the opponent's movements at the moment.

For safety reasons, of course he will not show up easily this time. He will only use special equipment to contact and monitor the other party's actions in the cave. At the same time, he has made plans to keep them here completely.

However, just as he was thinking sarcastically about the miserable situation between No. 11 and the fake rope maker. Suddenly, the instrument in front of him made a sound similar to "--ding dong!!"

"Eh? Huh? What the hell is this?!"

This sudden beep made Mr. Mole startled, and then he looked at the data on the panel in disbelief, his eyes filled with astonishment and disbelief.

As the user of this set of instruments, he certainly knows what the sound represents. Since such a sound suddenly comes out, it means that an instrument has been installed.

But how is that possible? !

Only ten minutes have passed now, no! In just eight minutes, they had already arrived at one of the designated locations and installed the instruments? !

No, something's wrong... There's obviously something wrong with this speed.

Even if he had prepared and planned his route in advance, it would still take him fifteen minutes to arrive, but these two guys were actually faster than him! What the hell is going on?

With a face full of astonishment, Mr. Mole stretched out his palm and kept tapping the control keyboard in front of the instrument, constantly confirming what exactly happened just now?

But no matter how many times he tried, the result was still as shown in front of him. Within ten minutes, the other party took the instrument to the designated location and installed it successfully? The movement speed is actually faster than himself! !

This means that they must have a better course of action than they prepared in advance, but... but how is this possible? !

He had used the most advanced carrot data before, and coupled with the route he had analyzed overnight, how could he be easily overturned in ten minutes? This outrageous thing is completely out of line with common sense! !

There must be something fishy in this, unless, unless...

It is really the One who has arrived in person! !

Slowly his eyes widened. Mr. Mole, who was hiding in the corner, seemed to have thought of something. A crazy smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his originally gloomy mouth.

He quickly opened the closed communication device again.

On the other side, Fairy's powerful computing power is used to easily analyze the best path and lead No. 11 through the empty route easily.

During this process, No. 11 couldn't help but be impressed by the professionalism shown by Ling Yuzhe.

In such a short period of time, the route planning was completed, and there was no nonsense word or unnecessary movement in the whole process. It was just a guide to get her here. This characteristic of being silent and strong in action made No. 11 sigh inwardly.

"As expected of the rope maker recommended by the shepherd, he is indeed very capable..."

Since he was not a member of the rope craftsman industry, No. 11 just guessed that he was very powerful, but he did not know how powerful it was, so much so that Mole, who was hiding behind the scenes, began to feel restless. .

"Thank you for your hard work, Fairy."

Ling and Zhe, who arrived at the target location with No. 11, took advantage of No. 11's installation of equipment to thank Fairy.

To this, Fairy replied calmly.

[You're welcome, Master, this is what I should do. 】

[Moreover, the person named Mr. Mole has called again. Please handle it immediately. Over. 】

"Hey, is it Mr. Mole?"

On the other side, No. 11 also connected to the communication from Mole again at this time, slightly adjusted his indifferent mood, and brought himself into the character.

Soon, Mr. Mole's voice came from the other side. This time, there seemed to be an unusual meaning in the other person's words. Although it was very subtle, it was still accurately captured by No. 11.

"Ropemaker," you are not actually Phaethon, right?

No. 11: "..."


"Why are you silent? If you are really Phaethon, when faced with the words I said, your behavior should be somewhat refuted, right?"

"For example, the task was completed neatly and neatly, and Phaethon's strength was fully displayed! Instead of being silent, answer the client's doubts. With the legendary ropemaker's business ability, this should be a basic operation? Why don't you say... …”

"That's enough. Do you think you know me well? My client is not you!" This time, it was Zhe who answered the question.

He shouted angrily at the mole on the other end of the communicator. For a guy like this who doesn't do this or that, such straightforward words are sometimes more effective.


"Mr. Mole."

Before the other party wanted to continue to attack, No. 11 suddenly spoke.

"What's wrong with you?"

"You really disappoint me. Don't forget that Phaethon's client is me. I spent a lot of money to find him this time and asked him to come forward. If this is how you treat your idol, then It’s so disappointing, obviously I hope this cooperation goes smoothly more than anyone else.”

Hearing this, Ling and Zhe nodded silently. Ten times the reward was indeed a high price.

"...Wait! Forget it, it is indeed my fault this time. After all, everyone in Phaethon will not cooperate with me easily."

"Although I have seen the outstanding skills of this rope maker. But whether it is really Phaethon needs to be verified a little more. After all, the first time may be a fluke, and the second and third times will lead to better results. Be persuasive, hurry up and do the next thing, I will give you an answer when it is completed.”

"Then, let's move quickly to the second phonetic location. It's also thanks to... you!"

After the words fell, without giving No. 11 a chance to ask further questions, Mr. Mole's voice disappeared without a trace again, leaving only No. 11 and Aes who were still looking at each other.

"Although it has somewhat dispelled some of his doubts, the other party obviously still doesn't fully believe in us..."

Faintly aware of the change in Mr. Mole's attitude, Ling couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

She also didn't know what kind of strange creature the guy who thought he knew Phaethon very well was. In short, this task of me acting myself made even her, the real Fa Etong, feel inexplicably tired.

Fortunately, No. 11 is around, otherwise something could easily go wrong.

"It's not time to relax yet, keep up the good work, messenger of the Crimson King. Let's set off for the next location."

Although he dealt with it, No. 11 did not take it lightly.

"Well, I understand."

At the same time, there is a position above the hole that no one can detect.

Accompanied by a mechanical vibration, a blue bat-type flying camera was quickly searching the surroundings, following the traces of signals until it found the dilapidated house hidden in the hollow in a corner.

"...Finally, I found you."

Quietly, without Mr. Mole noticing it at all, a blue figure was suddenly reflected on a mirror in the house.

Chapter 118 The Hunter from the Mirror World

As was the case with the first beacon, the locations of the second and third beacons were quickly found.

With Fairy's help, Ling and Zhe led No. 11 through the hole at an absurdly fast speed.

Even a layman like Eleven couldn't help but be surprised by the speed of Suzu and Tetsu's guidance.

After all, in previous operations, even the military's specialized cavity surveyors or navigators obviously did not have such speed and accuracy.

They all relied on the carrots in their hands and their experienced experience to analyze step by step to navigate, but Ling felt like she had planned all the routes in advance and was just taking her on a walk.

And even though she was in an empty environment, she didn't even encounter those endless corpses along the way. This was the first time that No. 11 had experienced such an experience.

Judging the direction and planning the route, this level is really unexpected. I didn't expect that the person I cooperate with has such ability.

Even civilians possess accuracy and abilities that are not inferior to those of the Hollow Investigation Association. Even the truly legendary ropemaker Phaethon is probably nothing more than this, right?

It is indeed a candidate that Shepherd highly recommends as a partner, and it is indeed unique.

After following Aes for a certain distance, No. 11 had some other thoughts about this interesting partner.

The shepherd said that she was an escapee from the old capital, and that she started this kind of business because she had some talent as a rope maker. She currently has no foundation.

Originally, No. 11 just knew about it and didn't pay too much attention to it, but after simply taking action together, she found that she had thought too simply. This is not something that can be described as some ability, but it is too outstanding. It is hard to imagine that such a level can be possessed by civilians.

It would be too much of a waste if such talent and ability were only left in the private sector to work in gray industries, so she immediately had the idea of ​​recruiting people.

After the matter is over, she will formally send an invitation to the knight of the Vermilion Moon in the name of the New Elidu Military Obsidian Battalion, and is willing to serve as her guarantor and bring him into the military to engage in related work.

In her opinion, this power and talent cannot be wasted so easily and should be used in a more meaningful position. Such as upholding justice, and protecting and saving more people.

This ropemaker has such ability, and it is worthy of her name to guarantee it. No. 11 also believed that the other party would not refuse his invitation.

After all, a person who moved from the old capital to New Aili without any foundation would naturally have nothing to cherish. If you join the military and become a military-certified investigator, you can gain both identity and foundation. After all, the military is the best foundation.

Because it has to defend holes at all times, and there are prying eyes from rebels and other forces, the military is dangerous, but it is also generous.

After all, in this precarious life, military merit is the driving force that pushes every soldier forward. This is a right that belongs to everyone and cannot be taken away by anyone.

So as long as you become a defense force, you can get a very generous reward. If you can retire smoothly, the accumulated amount is even enough to buy a house in Guangying Square where every inch of land is worth a lot of money. Even if you die unfortunately, this amount will be transferred to your family's account and no one can take it away.

And No. 11 is very sure that with the ability of this rope maker, as long as she is given more time to show her strength, a mere promotion is not a problem at all. She will definitely be able to take on a key position in the military's survey mission and protect more people.

Such a deal is a bargaining chip that any rope maker cannot refuse. She can't think of any reason for the other party to refuse.

As long as Ling agrees to cooperate, with the tilt and training of military resources, it is not a luxury to reach the level of the legendary rope maker [Phaethon] in the future.

Not only No. 11, but also the rebel spy who called himself Mr. Mole on the other side, when he saw the flashing light on the screen indicating that the second location had been arranged, his tone gradually became less calm.

He tightly grasped the cup in his hand, and then uttered a trembling voice from his throat: "...Ah, ah?! This speed... and this level of business, it's impossible, this is obviously impossible! Could it be that you are really Phaethon?!"

Mole widened his eyes, still not daring to believe that such a thing happened.

"I've said it before, Mr. Mole, I've never lied to you. I really have brought Phaethon here for you."

Hearing Mr. Mole's thoroughly excited voice on the communicator, No. 11 struck while the iron was hot and continued, "Now that I've given so much sincerity, are you still unwilling to believe it?"

"Ahhhhhhh!! No no, I believe it, I believe it, I'm almost believing it! It's Phaethon, is it really Phaethon? It should be, right?"

"Phaethon... Phaethon Phaethon Phaethon Phaethon Phaethon, it's Phaethon!! I really want to go over and see Phaethon with my own eyes, crawl on every piece of land you've walked on, and then kiss your palm affectionately... let you feel my admiration and love."

"No need for that!"

It's really disgusting...

Faced with Mr. Mole's extremely crazy behavior, Ling Yuzhe couldn't help but shiver, and even his hair stood up.


"No, no, no... It's not so easy to confirm that you are real now. The matter is too important. We can't be so careless, we can't be so careless..."

Obviously, just having a high level of performance is not enough to completely convince Mr. Mole.

"And there is an unusual smell in the air... It's too unnatural, too dangerous. I have to keep smelling it, yes! Keep smelling it..."

Listening to Mr. Mole's series of mumblings, No. 11 and Ling couldn't help but frown.

It's really not that simple...

"Then how do you want us to prove it? Do you want me to find your location?"

"What did you say?!"

When Mr. Mole heard Ling say that he was hiding nearby, his tone immediately became unnatural.

"It's a simple truth, right? Since you can talk to us in real time through the communication equipment, it means that you are hiding somewhere nearby and watching us. Even a child can know this kind of thing. It's nothing surprising, right?"

"After all, our Phaethon knows everything about the void!"

"Hiss... Hehehe, Ropemaker, you really like to brag. Regardless of whether it's true or not, the statement that you know everything about the void is really funny. After all, even the Void Investigation Association dare not say such a thing. Even if Phaethon is very powerful, it is obviously..."

"Then But not necessarily. "

Before Mr. Mole finished speaking, Ling spoke again: "Shall we make a bet?"

"What to bet on?"

"It's very simple, bet on the changes in the activity of the ether in this void. With my many years of experience in void investigation, the activity of the ether in this void will soon increase, the frequency of Yi Hai's actions will also increase, and the scope will continue to expand."

"What are you kidding? The Void Investigation Association has never issued an announcement of ether activity warning-"

Mr. Mole just regarded what Ling said as a joke. Obviously, he did not choose to believe Ling's words. After all, if such a thing really happened, the Void Investigation Association would definitely issue a warning in advance. But he didn't know that Fairy's speed was obviously faster than the warning speed of the Void Investigation Association.


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