Although it belongs to the same knight system as Ryuki and Night Rider. However, it is not the Mirror World Kamen Rider that appeared in the main world of Ryuki, but the Kamen Rider of the hostile force that appeared in the Ryuki chapter of Kamen Rider Decade.

It also belongs to the Mirror World Kamen Rider system. It has a contract with two mirror monsters "Abyss Broken Wood Shark" and "Abyss Hammerhead Shark" through a blank contract cartridge. It has a summoning machine similar to Ryuki. Its own strength is very strong, and its card coverage is also very comprehensive. Its hard power is not inferior to the top Kamen Riders such as Ryuki and King Snake.

Unlike W, the Kamen Riders in the Ryuki world do not have an identity authentication mechanism. As long as they hold the corresponding contract cartridge, they can transform. In addition, it is a shark-type knight. Mo Yu thinks that Ailian may like this thing.

After all, how can young people refuse to transform into a Kamen Rider, and it is also a handsome and strong one like Abyss, and Ailian himself is a shark, which is simply too suitable.

As a result, when he talked endlessly about the strength of this knight and gave it to him with great expectations, the other party rejected him without any hesitation.

The reason was that it was too ugly and too troublesome. I have a hard time even raising it myself, so how can I have the time and energy to take these two terrible sharks to the cave to find food? And you said that if they are not full, they will kill their masters. I don’t want such dangerous things.

"My own strength is completely enough, you should keep this dangerous thing for yourself." This is how Ai Lian rejected him at the time.

This outrageous but impeccable words made Mo Yu a little confused. It was originally a carefully prepared gift, but I didn’t expect it to be rejected by others. The reason was that it was troublesome to raise a contracted beast.

You know, this is one of the top knight systems in the Dragon Knight series, and its combat power can even compete with Dragon Knight.

"Abyss Broken Wood Shark" and "Abyss Hammerhead Shark" never thought in their lives that someone would reject them with such a reason.

And without giving him a chance to explain, Ailian stuffed it back into Mo Yu's hand steadily, and then stretched out his palm to help him hold it tightly.

"Although I don't know where you got such a horrible thing from? I don't know what's behind you? But don't give such things away casually in the future, even if it's me."

Then, Ailian said in a solemn voice with a serious face: "Be more vigilant, people's hearts are the most unpredictable. The boss and Lina obviously have other ideas about you, although I don't know the details, anyway, you just need to be more careful."

In this way, Ailian decisively sold Lina and Lekaan. Although Ailian believed that Lekaan and Lina would not do anything bad, he still asked Mo Yu to pay more attention to the situation of Victoria's housekeeping. If you really notice something wrong, just leave directly, don't care about your feelings. It is really a filial daughter who has been a big arm out, and I don't know how Lekaan and Lina will feel if they know it?

Then, Mo Yu had no choice but to recycle the Abyss Cassette and prepare to use it as the second choice after Dragon Rider. After all, he couldn't return it.

Since Ailian didn't like it, he could only keep it for himself now.

This led to his current extremely scarce points, and he didn't know when he would be able to save enough points to exchange for the Extreme Bird.

In fact, compared to W, he still wanted to exchange for the Limited Survival Blaze. The reason was simple, mainly because it was handsome. The Survival Blaze of Dragon Rider was more handsome than the Extreme W. Moreover, the Dragon Rider series of survival mode cards were universal. If you exchanged a Survival Blaze or a Gale, you could also transform into the Survival Abyss.

However, seeing the little dinosaur and the mechanical bird chatting happily over there, Mo Yu shook his head slightly, and the Extreme W was the Extreme W.

Compared with the Survival Blaze with great strength, perhaps the Extreme W with multiple special abilities was more suitable, and Fang should also be looking forward to fighting with the mechanical bird. With the Extreme Mechanical Bird, it doesn't have to chase the bat camera every day.

After strolling around this space with the little dinosaur, Mo Yu still dragged Fang, who was reluctant to leave, back home. After returning, Fang, who had discussed with his good friend, had almost adjusted his bad mood, and soon fell asleep beside Mo Yu. Mo Yu, who was in severe pain, had no intention of sleeping tonight.

"...Damn it! I can't sleep at all!" Sitting at the head of the bed, Mo Yu cursed to himself after being stunned for a long time. Turning his head to look at his schoolbag that he had not touched for the past two days, he sighed helplessly, then took out the homework and textbooks in it, turned on the desk lamp and started studying there, racking his brains to deal with these exercises that made him angry just looking at them, and began to roll up his mind actively.

Sure enough, only when studying, his heart would be as turbulent as the waves. At such moments, the effect of the ace memory can be maximized! While learning knowledge, he used the fluctuations of emotions to heal his body. He is really a genius! If Shotaro saw this operation, he would definitely be surprised.

Knowledge is power, learning makes me stronger! !

From 2 am to 7 am, Mo Yu was still working hard at his desk. Relying on his limited IQ and the various enhancements provided by the ace memory, Mo Yu actually finished these exercises. Looking at the time, it was time for him to go to school. He couldn't help but sigh: "Huh, everyone says that I'm bored and have nothing to do, but I still don't have enough homework~"

"Although the process is a bit torturous, the true effect of the ace memory can only be exerted when the mood fluctuates violently. And apart from fighting, the only time that his mood can fluctuate like this at normal times is now..."

After complaining to himself and looking at the wall clock above his head, Mo Yu didn't expect that he had spent five hours in one go. After the medicine was almost fully effective and his trump card memory helped him relieve a lot of stress, Mo Yu Then he stretched out and started packing his things, preparing to go downstairs to have breakfast and then go to school.

Being beaten + learning = becoming stronger.

It is true that as the body progresses, so does the wisdom.

Just like the setting that Saiyans will become stronger when they are reborn after death, his buggy way of becoming stronger may sound weird, but it is indeed useful. Apart from the physical and mental pain, there are no major side effects.

Very good. This time Yajituo was forced to play the Burning Hairy Crab, which shows that he has made progress. When he unlocks the ultimate W, he will fight again and strive to directly compete with the Shining Yajituo next time! !

Mo Yu walked downstairs, still muttering: "Come on, you can do it!"

"Hey, what are you mumbling over there so early in the morning? You got up very early, and you look confident. Are you going on a date?"

When I came back last night, my father Mo Sheng, who had gotten up early, was sitting in the living room and reading today's newspaper. It recorded the downfall of Pearlman and the end of Vision Company. This made him feel obviously good, and then he heard something in his ears. After hearing Mo Yu's words of self-encouragement, his expression was a little surprised.

"Ahaha... Are you going on a date? That's a bit too early. Your son is only in high school and hasn't had a girlfriend yet. Don't be in a hurry. You should wait for more than ten years to have the grandson you talk about every day. "

Listening to his father's teasing, Mo Yu responded with a smile. He could also see that his father was in a good mood today.

"More than ten years? If you wait until then, let alone me, your mother will be anxious to death."

Hearing Mo Yu's words, Mo Sheng said angrily: "Also, don't forget that your grade exam will be in one month. If you don't want to repeat the grade, just work hard. Get a decent grade and your father will be I can also talk to others at the construction site.”

After hearing this, Mo Yu's heart was no longer disturbed. Thanks to Senior Yajituo's punches and kicks, he was forced to take tutoring lessons. Now he didn't dare to say anything else. He definitely had Ai Lian at the bottom.

Not only was Elian at the bottom, he felt that he had caught up with the progress and it was more than enough to get a good score in the exam.

Mo Ruofu, who knows his son, can see Mo Yu's confident look. Mo Sheng also knows that this little boy has really worked hard recently, and seeing that Mo Yu's mental state has recovered well, he can't help but feel relieved.

When they had a mental breakdown some time ago, their parents had to leave because of various jobs.

As a professional technician, Mo Yu's mother is affiliated with the Hollow Investigation Association. Recently, there seem to be some unexpected situations in the Zero Zero hole. For the safety of New Elido, she has to work overtime urgently for a long time. There is no way back.

On his side, due to the collapse of Vision Enterprise, the subway project fell back into the hands of Bai Zhi Heavy Industries. As a director, he had to take charge of the overall situation in the company.

Although Bai Zhi Heavy Industries has a president, Kelada, the child of old friend Howard, is too young. Although he has good abilities, his personality is still too naive and he cannot defeat those cunning old foxes. Grace was devoted to machinery and engineering, and she knew nothing about the calculations among her peers. And Anton and Daben are too young and energetic, and they easily fall into other people's traps.

Now that Vision has fallen, Baizhi Heavy Industries has obtained the subway project, and many old guys are also eyeing this piece of meat. As Howard's old friend and an adult in Bai Zhi Heavy Industry, he must be responsible for these children.

This caused him to sacrifice a lot of time for these children, thus neglecting his own children, which also made him feel very guilty as a father.

However, Kolida came up with a good idea for him not long ago. Since Mo Yu likes unknown cavities, he might as well let him come to work at Baizhi Heavy Industries and experience the construction environment of the cavities. As long as he satisfies his curiosity, he won't do dangerous things again, right?

This method made Mo Sheng's eyes light up and he realized that this was indeed a good method.

Not only can she meet her son's expectations, but she can also take him by her side and take care of him, and ah...

It seems that he can use this opportunity to train Mo Yu and make him a qualified technical manager. When he graduates, he can directly come to Baizhi Heavy Industries to take over his job. Isn't this a killing two birds with one stone?

Compared to his wife's idea of ​​Mo Yu being an empty investigator, Mo Sheng still felt that Bai Zhi Heavy Industry was safer. After all, there is such a good life, but what kind of hollow investigator is it? Do you want your son to come home several times a month? !

Originally, the two of them often argued over this kind of thing, and finally gave the choice to Mo Yu to let him decide his own future.

Now, he can take his son with him and let him experience the beauty of hollow construction and heavy machinery. I believe that Mo Yu will definitely choose to inherit his father's business!

Moreover... his old friend's two children also have good conduct and are about the same age. He doesn't think there is any problem in creating more time for young people to spend time together.

After all, if they really get together, it means they are relatives. I believe Howard will be pleased in heaven.

As for the girl named Ailian...

He has no opinion. If his son likes her, he supports independent love. He likes that girl very much.

Even if she is a rare person, he has no opinion. After all, in New Elido, rare people have long been equal to humans. So what if there is a daughter-in-law from the rare people?

But... Not long ago, when Mo Sheng saw Ailian wearing a maid outfit and holding a giant blood-red scissors that could cut him and his car into pieces at the blasting point of Yuanjing Company, his expression was stunned for a moment, and he suddenly felt that his previous thoughts might be a little inappropriate.

Although his son is very good, he does not think Mo Yu has the ability to control such a girl. If there are conflicts after marriage in the future, he does not want to go to the hospital to see his son.

For the sake of Mo Yu's personal safety, he thought: Otherwise, let's take a long-term view on this matter...

While thinking non-stop, when he saw the expression on his father's face change faster than the weather forecast, Mo Yu didn't know what he was thinking about.

But his intuition told him that it was probably related to his life event. It was inevitable to feel a little speechless. If you start urging now, what will happen in the future? Sure enough, the most terrifying thing for young people is that their parents bring up topics such as blind dates.

"I know, don't worry, I will continue to work hard!"

So before Mo Sheng could speak, Mo Yu had already answered, and then ran out the door with his schoolbag on his back.

"Eh? Wait, son..."

Mo Yu left in a hurry, leaving Mo Sheng, who was still thinking about how to explain to Mo Yu that he saw Ailian in the blasting area of ​​Yuanjing Company, to continue thinking in the living room. He looked at the back of the hurriedly leaving figure and couldn't help sighing in his heart.

"...You haven't had breakfast yet."

Chapter 104 The Most Caring Kamen Rider

Beep, beep~!!

Blue and red lights flashed on the street, and the shrill sirens kept ringing in my ears, breaking the tranquility of the night.

New Eridu, on the streets of the city at night, the streets that should have been bustling seemed a little empty at this moment due to the roar of the engine explosion and the shrill sirens. Several black-clad gangsters who had just made a fortune in the jewelry store were driving their modified cars in this city and starting a car race with the sheriffs behind them on the streets.

——Da Da Da Da!!

Relying on the submachine guns in their hands, the fierce firepower installed on the car, and the excellent performance of the modified vehicle under their feet, these gangsters kept mocking the sheriffs who were still chasing them but could not catch up, and then the bullets kept pouring out at the pursuers behind them as if they were free. With the help of the roadblocks and spikes carefully prepared by their accomplices, these damned speeding gangs can be said to have fooled the sheriffs chasing behind them.

Boom! !

Accompanied by a sharp explosion, at the moment when the speeding car crossed the street, a telephone pole that had been equipped with explosives in advance collapsed and fell hard to the bottom of the road. This made the sheriff driving the police car behind him hurriedly step on the accelerator and brake, thus avoiding the fate of being crushed by the telephone pole.

"It was a close call, I almost got crushed, it was really a life-threatening situation, but it was a close call."

Seeing the telephone pole close to the police car, Qingyi, who was sitting in the co-pilot, breathed a sigh of relief, and was somewhat glad that she had just stopped the young man next to her at the last moment and prevented him from stepping on the accelerator to the bottom and continuing to accelerate. Otherwise, what would happen to her is another matter, this young man would definitely have to stay in the hospital for ten days and a half months.

The white-haired young man beside him, who looked like a pair of fox or cat ears, was looking at the bandits who had fled here quickly in front of him indignantly, and he was extremely dissatisfied.

"Damn it! Just wait for me! I will definitely bring you to justice!!"

"Be patient, junior, since this has happened, it is difficult to catch them now. Zhu Yuan has arranged the intersection ahead, and I believe these guys will be caught."

Compared with the impatient and dissatisfied white-haired young man beside him, Qingyi was much calmer. His calm eyes seemed to have seen through the truth of everything. He stopped Seth who was trying to chase the modified car on foot, and told him to save some effort and stay here honestly.

Now that the road was blocked, the police car of the Public Security Bureau had difficulty moving forward. The speed of the other party's modified vehicle was comparable to that of a professional racing car. They couldn't catch up even if they drove. The junior beside him actually wanted to chase with his legs, which really shocked Qingyi.

Although it is a good thing for a peace officer to persevere and uphold justice, sometimes blindly acting recklessly will not only put yourself in danger but also hurt your teammates. This is something that the trainee detective should learn from. The scene just now is the most typical example. This kid was so hot-blooded that he really didn't care and actually planned to step on the accelerator and rush forward. Do they really think their police cars are modified racing cars?

The white-haired young man who is still angry next to him is named Seth, a trainee police detective of the Criminal Investigation Special Forces. He is a polite and well-educated top student, but his personality is a bit pure and violent. Since childhood, he has been full of yearning for justice under the influence of his brother, but now the relationship between the brothers is very delicate. Some time ago, for some unknown reason, Seth was transferred to the Janus District to join the criminal investigation team as a police detective. Apart from being always overly enthusiastic and having an innocent personality, Seth is a perfect police officer. Zhu Yuan also has high expectations for him. Otherwise, he wouldn't have allowed himself to act with him.

After all, Zhu Yuan asked Seth when he entered the Criminal Investigation Division: "Why do you want to become a peace officer?"

Seth answered this question without hesitation: "I want to be a partner of justice! I want to protect more people and uphold justice!!"

In this regard, Zhu Yuan, who had the same ideal, looked at Seth silently. She saw seriousness and determination in his eyes, which meant that Seth wanted to be a partner of justice. This was not just talk. This is also the reason why Zhu Yuan attaches great importance to this junior.

"In that case, let's set off."

Seeing Seth's indignant look, Qing Yi sighed helplessly, and after thinking about it, decided to take him to catch up and have a look. Although I have great confidence in Zhu Yuan, in order to guide the growth of this junior, I still take him there to have a look.

"What to do?" After hearing Qing Yi's words, Seth showed a confused look.

"Go meet Zhu Yuan and the others and see if there is anywhere we can help. If you continue to stay here, you will almost get sick." Qing Yi opened the car door and walked out of the car. The soft evening breeze at night came from afar.

"Is this true?! Let's set off right away, Senior Qingyi!"

After hearing this, Seth nodded immediately, got out of the car and prepared to set off with Qing Yi.

"Senior Qingyi." Seth looked excited, and then asked aloud: "The road is broken, are we going to run over it next? I am a good long-distance runner, I will definitely be able to keep up, you don't have to worry about me at all ”

Tsing Yi: "..."

Qing Yi sighed. She found that when this junior was indeed too enthusiastic, his IQ would be off the line. No matter how he thought about it, it was impossible to run such a long distance.

"Bicycles." Qing Yi pointed to a series of shared bicycles parked on the street.

Sure enough, at the critical moment, plainness is the truth.

"That's right! It turns out we can still ride bicycles. If we ride bicycles, it is indeed much faster than walking. Qing Yiqian's idea is so thoughtful!" Seth said as he went to the street and pushed two bicycles. .

"So, you still have a lot to learn, junior."

In response, Qing Yi looked at Seth's back in silence, and then showed a smile.

"Let's go."


At the same time, on the other side of the street, the violent engine sound continued to roar. A specially modified terrifying car is running rampant on the streets of New Elido. Its terrifying horsepower makes the surrounding pedestrians avoid in fear.

"Haha! Why don't you drive faster? It's useless. We have to find a place to hide before the police officers from the Public Security Bureau and the elusive Kamen Rider come looking for us!" He stretched out his body out of the car, The gangster leader who was responsible for firing back and pouring bullets behind shouted to his younger brother.

Seeing that Qing Yi, Seth and the subsequent pursuing troops were blocked by the collapsed telephone pole, he was even more proud at this moment.

But even so, he did not take it lightly, because everyone knew that in addition to these policemen from the Public Security Bureau, there was also a troublesome superhero in the city. A nasty vigilante who appeared out of nowhere some time ago. The opponent's strength can be said to be very difficult. He has wiped out countless gangs and has already become famous secretly.

But what if I'm afraid? If they can't live without money, can they still suffocate themselves to death out of fear? Moreover, the Kamen Rider has not appeared for several days. He may have gone out or left. In short, they have been waiting for several days before carefully choosing this night to do a good job.

Yes, even a superhero cannot control every bad thing that happens in the city, but sometimes silent deterrence is more powerful than tangible actions, because these criminals don't know the mask. When will the knight appear, so we must always be on high alert. The police officers who were responsible for chasing these gangsters also knew their thoughts, and they also had different feelings in their hearts.

Since the hero Kamen Rider appeared in this city, many police officers have been overwhelmed by the various political achievements that came out of thin air, and have ushered in continuous promotion in their lives. But after the surprise passed, what greeted me was a period of confusion.

Soon some of them began to think that the police uniform they were wearing had lost its original meaning. The appearance of the Kamen Rider proved to them that it was easy for them to do everything they had accomplished as ordinary people fighting on the front line. No matter how difficult the gangs or militants were, they would not be able to resist in front of the knight. . Those things that usually cost them their lives to accomplish are as simple as eating and drinking in the hands of the other party. It's even so easy that they can't help but feel self-denial about the results they have achieved through so many years of going through life and death to keep one side safe.

Since Kamen Rider is so powerful, he can prevent all evil and reduce the loss of life, so why not let him do everything? The Public Security Bureau only needs to deal with the aftermath. Wouldn't it be better for everyone?

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