Hearing Ailian's sigh, Mo Yu looked over at her curiously, and found that the videotapes in her hand were all superhero themes such as "Batman, Spiderman, Iron Man..."

Did Ailian also like superhero movies?

Seeing the videotapes in Ailian's hand, Mo Yu was a little surprised.

He thought that Ailian and Victoria's unique style of housekeeping should be that they like to watch horror movies, but he didn't expect that they also like superhero movies.

"Well... don't just look at me, is there any type of video you want to watch? At this time, just look at me, don't forget that we are out shopping together."

"Ah, the video I like?" Hearing this, Mo Yu smiled slightly, then pointed at what Ai Lian was holding, and then answered: "Like Ai Lian, I also like superhero movies, but compared to their various and powerful superpowers, I actually like their spirit and fighting spirit to protect others more."

"Like spirit... As expected..." Hearing this, Ai Lian nodded, and a smile rose slightly at the corner of her mouth.

"Same as me? What a fool..."

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, let's continue to watch here, my network key has been connected to the network of this store, and it's surprisingly fast. Anyway, there's nothing to do, let's take a rest here first."

In response to Mo Yu's doubts, Ai Lian did not answer, but gently put the video tape in his hand into Mo Yu's arms, then shook the phone in his hand and answered with a smile.

Seeing this, Mo Yu nodded gently, and a boy who was passing by and wanted to choose a superhero movie smacked his lips when he saw this scene.

This situation is obviously that the girl specially selected the videotape to cater to the boy's hobbies, and said that it was the type he liked.

"Tsk tsk..."

Inexplicably, the boy next to him felt that something full of sour smell was stuffed into his mouth, but he still stopped moving forward because he knew how to read the atmosphere.

On the other side, Mo Yu also found an empty corner for Ailian to sit down.

Compared to shopping everywhere, Ailian really prefers to stay in one place and play with her mobile phone.

It seems that she really needs to rest. This time, I invited her out, but it seems that I disturbed her rest.

This is Ling and Zhe's shop. Whether it is Kamen Rider or he and the brother and sister, they can be regarded as old acquaintances. Not only is he an annual card member, he has also taken promotional photos for them before. If he rests here for a while, there will be no problem.

Just then, with a clang, the black iron door next to the counter suddenly opened. Inside was the area where Ling and Zhe rested. It was also the studio where they carried out the operation. Mo Yu had entered when he was wearing G3, and now it was opened from the inside.

Then he saw it. The blue-haired girl who followed Zhe to the door happened to turn around and look at him when she went out. When she saw Mo Yu, Ling's face was a little surprised. Just when she wanted to speak? But Mo Yu on the side raised his finger in front of his lips and made a "don't say it" gesture to Ling.

He gently pointed to the girl who was sleeping beside him leaning on his back. He didn't make a loud sound, but used lip language that Ling could understand to express his meaning to her.

Then, under Ling's surprised eyes, he gently picked up Ailian's gentle body, and then asked Ling if he could go into the rest area to stay for a while. After all, the outside was the business area. It was a little unsafe to rest here.

And Ling also recognized Ailian's identity at this moment. After all, the long and big shark tail was too recognizable.

After going back and confirming with Zhe that Fairy and the HDD system had been hidden, he agreed to Mo Yu's request and let them come in to rest. After all, they were all friends.

And Ling was also very curious about how Mo Yu, who had not seen for a long time, knew this Victorian housekeeper who had just met not long ago.

Zhe, who was also resting inside, was very happy to come out after hearing Ling say that Mo Yu was here, and personally went out to greet this long-lost friend. However, it was not just Ling and Zhe who were staying inside at the moment.

After hearing the voices coming from them, a pair of furry cat ears suddenly stood up slowly.

"Mo Yu?"

Chapter 100 Are you a couple?

In the lounge of a strange video store [Random Play] on the side of Liufen Street, closer to the wall.

With the permission of the owner of the store, Mo Yu put the sleeping shark princess in his arms on the sofa and put on his jacket for her, his expression seemed a little helpless.

Even though he went out to find Ailian around nine o'clock, it still did not stop Ailian from being physically and mentally exhausted. Whether it was the empty activities of the previous two days, the school social activities, or the night tutoring, all of them made this lazy shark feel exhausted.

No wonder Mr. Lekaan and Miss Lina gave Ailian a holiday to let her rest a little when they still had tasks. Because of the special reason of race, Ailian, who likes to doze and feel sleepy, would of course be more tired in this environment. In fact, Mo Yu vaguely felt it when playing video games.

Maybe it would be better for her to stay at home and rest.

Thinking of this, Mo Yu looked at Ai Lian helplessly, with an indescribable feeling in his heart.

On the other side, Zhe and Ling were sitting at the table against the wall in the lounge drinking. There were newly hired clerks in the store outside, and a Bomb that looked like Ies was responsible for running the video store. The brothers and sisters usually only needed to be responsible for purchasing and putting on the shelves, and occasionally handing out flyers. Usually, they had plenty of time to rest and relax here.

After all, the video store was just a disguise. Their real business behind the scenes was still being outlaws in this magical area of ​​​​Liufen Street.

However, although they had to continue to be outlaws, the brother and sister still valued the current video store called [Random Play] that they started from scratch. Thanks to this video store, they were able to settle down in Liufen Street and meet so many interesting friends and partners.

Mo Yu was one of them. The young boy who liked photography visited this store when it just opened. Seeing such a young brother and sister in the store, he couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

At that time, because it had just opened, the popularity of the store was very bleak. Mo Yu also took a few exhibition photos for them to promote it well, which also helped their newly opened video store attract the first batch of customers. In order to thank Mo Yu for his help, Ling and Zhe gave Mo Yu a lifetime membership card, which would give him a 20% discount on renting and buying videotapes in the store in the future.

In the long run, Mo Yu, Zhe and Ling are also good friends. Moreover, he and Zhe have very similar tastes. They both like documentaries. With the idea of ​​sharing hobbies, Zhe sometimes invites Mo Yu to watch the excellent documentaries he has just found.

Not long ago, when they heard that Mo Yu was missing, the brother and sister were also very worried. They posted a missing person notice at the door of the store. Ling also went out to look for him, but there was no clue. They were relieved until they heard that Mo Yu had returned safely.

Now seeing this good friend who had not seen him for several months come to their store again, Zhe and Ling will naturally feel happy and immediately invite Mo Yu into the lounge.

At this moment, Ailian was lying there and sleeping drowsily. Mo Yu and Zhe sat at the dining table and began to reminisce about the past, chatting with each other about their experiences during this period and how they had been.

However, most of the time, Zhe asked about Mo Yu's recent situation. After all, he had just used it for a few months, and no one knew what he had experienced. Hearing this situation, it was natural for Zhe, as a friend, to worry about him. And Mo Yu just smiled and replied that he was fine.

Mo Yu held a straw and drank the juice that Ling had just poured for him, while Zhe, who was sitting opposite, just watched quietly. A certain kitten who was surprised that Mo Yu would come here had no idea of ​​drinking the juice at all, but looked at Mo Yu and Zhe in surprise.

"So you know each other? Meow~"

Maomata had never thought that the magical boy who had just crossed paths with her not long ago, picked her up and took her home, and seemed to have touched her body, actually knew Phaethon and the others?

Hmm, no wonder.

That night, she felt that something was wrong with this boy. After all, he was not a rare person. As a human being, he must have been trained to fight back at his own speed.

There are many masters in this city, and this boy should be one of them, so even if he knows Phaethon, it is not so difficult to understand, and...

Looking at the shark-tailed girl who was sleeping on the sofa beside her and had just worked together in the hollow not long ago, Nekomata shuddered. Being able to walk with this maid means that he is obviously not an ordinary person! Is he also a member of Victoria Housekeeping?

"Mo Yu, you are also here to find a law..." So Nekomata was ready to ask without thinking.


But before she could say it, Nekomata's body suddenly felt like she was electrocuted and began to tremble violently.

The sharp pain from her tail made her look back suddenly, and she found that it was Ling who was stepping on her tail, and then when she turned around, she looked at her seriously, indicating Nekomata not to say that name. At this moment, Nekomata also understood Ling's meaning. She looked at Mo Yu, who was still chatting and laughing with Zhe in front of her, with a somewhat surprised expression.

Didn't he know that the brother and sister were Phaethon?

"Pha... what?"

Looking at Nekomata who suddenly held back her words, Mo Yu smiled, then looked at her with some playfulness and asked: "Did Nekomata want to say something to me just now?"

"No, no... no, not at all, Mo Yu must have heard it wrong just now, ah meow~"

"Eh? Is that really the case..." Mo Yu pretended to be suspicious.

"Yes, that's it! Ah meow~"

"Okay, Mo Yu won't continue to tease Nekomata. Look at how nervous you make the little cat."

Raising his hand and gently sipping the juice in the cup, Zhe looked a little helpless, and hurriedly changed the subject to excuse Nekomata. At the same time, he retracted his gaze at this time, put the state into serious mode, and began to ask some questions in his heart.

"What I didn't expect was that Mo Yu actually knew Nekomata?" Ling also asked at this time.

When she saw that Nekomata knew Mo Yu, she was also very surprised, because she could never imagine that one was the gangster lady of the Red Fang Gang, and the other was a photographer who was still in school. How were they related?

"We know each other, we just met not long ago. I didn't expect to see Nekomata-san here again. How is it? What Nekomata-san told me that night, has it been completed now? ?”

"Ah... Well, this should be considered completed, or let go..." Upon hearing Mo Yu's words, Nekomata's lips revealed a wry smile.

That night she told Mo Yu that she was a bad person and knew that what she did was wrong, but out of morality and friendship, she had to seek revenge from those good people.

Before Mo Yu could admonish her, their conversation was interrupted by her father's sudden return, because she was worried that her father would see the disheveled, or unclothed, cat with only a bandage covering its special parts appearing in her room and causing unrest. Necessary misunderstanding.

This conversation ended with Nekomata leaving in a hurry. For Nekomata, this was her second meeting with Mo Yu.

But now, she has probably let go of the hatred that shouldn't exist and was obviously wrong.

After what she saw and heard in the hollow, and the morality and justice embodied by Nicole and Kamen Rider, she had long since lost the reason to fight. Especially after finding out the whole truth of the matter.

Miguel was not killed by the Kamen Rider and the Cunning Rabbit House, but was chased by the Public Security Bureau and fell into the hole. It was entirely her own fault. In this way, her last reason was gone.

She simply confessed her revenge plan to Nicole and others, and then took the initiative to put on handcuffs in front of everyone, hoping that Zhu Yuan and Qing Yi would arrest her together.

But what greeted her was not Nicole's accusations and punishments, but words from several people.

"What, there is nothing to feel guilty about for this matter. Although we were not the ones who killed Miguel, we did participate in his destruction. As an adopted daughter, it is natural for you to hold grudges against us."

"Moreover, isn't there no one injured now? On the contrary, if it weren't for you, we wouldn't have been able to save so many people. You didn't run away at any time, nor did you abandon anyone. Instead, you helped everyone save so many people. Life, what’s the crime?”

Therefore, Qing Yi and Zhu Yuan did not arrest Nekomata this time, but said with concern: "Okay, we already know the situation. The Chiya Gang is responsible for the sins of the Chiya Gang. Miss Nekomata quit the Chiya Gang a few years ago. So of course this wanted arrest has nothing to do with you."

"As for this matter, since the person involved doesn't care about it, and you also used your actions to save everyone, of course you are not guilty. The Chiya Gang is gone, and you can continue to be serious in the way you expect. Live on."

This is Qing Yi and Zhu Yuan's wish for Mao Mata, and it is also the light that saves her. Regardless of the past, Nicole extends her hand to Mao Mata and invites her to join the family of Cunning Rabbit House.

Since you don’t have a home, come to us. Anyway, now we are all official investigators with high incomes. It doesn’t cost much to feed a cat, and ah...

Thank you this time, Nekomata.

This was Nicole's heartfelt wish for Nekomata's invitation. This time Nekomata came to Ling and Zhe to apologize for deceiving them last time. But she didn't expect that Mo Yu would also come over at this time. This made Nekomata's expression was a little surprised.

"By the way, how did Nekomata and Mo Yu know each other?" Rin was not only eager to try it out, but almost wrote "eating melon" on his face. Seeing Nekomata's expression that suddenly became strange, Tetsuya clearly noticed that there was a story. An inquiry was issued.

"Can you tell me the specific story? Ling and I are very curious."

Ling: "Yes, yes, tell me about it, I feel like there seems to be something interesting in this!"

Nekomata: "Eh?!"

"Well, speaking of it, it was on a very special occasion, a very magical night. I picked it up when I went home that day..."

"Stop talking!"

Hearing Mo Yu's emphasis, Maomata suddenly remembered that his body might have been touched by Mo Yu that night. His face suddenly turned extremely red, and then he rushed forward and covered his mouth to stop him from talking.

"It was just a simple encounter at night and a few words exchanged. Don't think too much about it, meow!"

Ling Hezhe: "...Oh?"

Do you think we believe it? There must be some big melons among them!

His expression was pleasant, and he felt that there was obviously a big melon in it. At the same time, Zhe Buhu accidentally glanced at Mo Yu, whose mouth was covered by Nekomata, and showed a worried expression.

Although Mo Yu originally wanted to say that he accidentally picked up the injured Maomata in an alley at night and treated her with the medical kit. However, seeing Nekomata's face turning red, he was not ready to continue talking.

"So that's it. It's really fate."

Seeing Nekomata's panicked expression, the siblings didn't say any more unnecessary words. As expected, Suzu and Tetsu moved on to the next question.

They looked at the shark girl who was sleeping on the sofa and had just met the Kamen Rider not long ago, and then looked at Mo Yu in front of them, as if they wanted to say something.

"Could it be...you picked this up too?"

In fact, when she saw Ailian following Mo Yu, Ling, who had the most imagination among everyone present, even thought of such an outrageous answer: "Could Mo Yu be a Kamen Rider?"

But after looking at the young man she had known for a long time, Ling gave up on this obviously unrealistic idea.

Mo Yu is a Kamen Rider? No, it's impossible, absolutely impossible!!

How long have the three of them known each other? How could she not know what kind of person Mo Yu is? He is the second literary youth like her brother. He is kind and enthusiastic, but also timid. Although he is interesting, he is a lawful and good youth. He didn't even dare to watch a horror movie with her before. How could he be compared with the Kamen Rider who chased the infamous corpse in the hollow and killed everyone?

The true face of that knight must be the kind of warrior in the movie who has experienced hundreds of battles and carries a mission and responsibility.

So instead of believing that Mo Yu is a Kamen Rider, she would rather believe that her brother is a Kamen Rider.

And Zhe simply didn't think in that direction. They are too familiar with each other. If someone said that Mo Yu is a Kamen Rider, he would probably reply him with a look of a fool.

"Did you pick it up too?" Just after finishing the topic of Nekomata, Ling looked at Miss Shark who had just been carried to the sofa by Mo Yu, and then couldn't help asking.

Mo Yu: "..."

Hearing Ling's question, many question marks suddenly appeared in his mind.

In terms of the result, this is of course impossible, but it can be seen that the two people are confused, and in order to avoid them thinking too much, Mo Yu still answered Ling's question truthfully.

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