"I'm here."

The answer was a low mechanical voice that was close at hand.

Suddenly turning back, they saw that the blue figure of G3 had arrived near them in the smoke and light, so the gangsters of the Red Fang Gang immediately began to load bullets in a hurry.

"Behave yourself." Mo Yu's cold voice came from G3's visor. After a round of volleys, Mo Yu finally found an opportunity and started to act towards the gangsters who were already close at hand.

There was no handsome fighting technique or style of boxing. The irregular fighting that he had explored in the system space with the Shocker soldiers and Gurongi in the past month was the fighting method he was most familiar with. The data enhancement brought by the G3 armor was also his greatest reliance. Just a simple push, an adult was pushed heavily to the wall several meters away by him and fell into a coma.

And the other gangsters who hurriedly pulled out their pistols to shoot because they didn't have enough time, the bullets they fired only rubbed a few sparks on the surface of G3's armor.

Then, the gangsters who tried to fight back were knocked out by Mo Yu with the guard accelerator stick. With the sound of bones breaking and screams, the gangsters who seemed to be the leaders of this stronghold all fell into a coma.

When the younger brothers behind saw that their bosses were easily subdued by the weirdo in blue technological armor in front of them, they immediately lost the courage to resist and began to shout while running towards the exit.

"Huh, want to escape?"

Seeing that these guys actually wanted to escape, Mo Yu naturally would not agree. Then he ran again in G3 armor at a high speed. With his enhanced physical fitness, he quickly caught up with the gangsters who were fleeing in a hurry in front.

Then, he rushed into the crowd, like a wolf into a flock of sheep, and began to show his fists without hesitation. As he took a step to catch up, the powerful impact also broke the bones of several gangsters. With the continuous sound of bones breaking, more gangsters fainted. Mo Yu, who crossed into the crowd, didn't need to do anything deliberately. He punched the gangsters one by one, making them lose their ability to resist. If he encountered an elite gangster with a gun, he didn't hesitate. He just waved the guard accelerator stick and hit them on the leg.

But a group of gangsters with guns couldn't resist Mo Yu wearing G3 armor, and couldn't even withstand his punches and sticks. After a punch, one by one, they all screamed and fainted on the spot. The effect of a stick was the same.

In just a few minutes, the scene in the unfinished building had become a mess, and the ground was full of wailing.

Screams, begging for mercy, and cursing were endless. Some people even tried to give him money to let them go, which surprised him a little.

After Mo Yu easily solved the battle, he didn't forget to punch each of them and give each of them a comfortable sleep like a baby.

Soon, under Mo Yu's family gift, the entire broken site was left with only yellow bullet shells and fainted gangsters.

"Well, it's over."

Looking at the gangsters lying on the ground, Mo Yu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then began to check the post-battle status of the G3 armor: "There is about 80% of power left, which is okay. It didn't take too much time to deal with an opponent of this level."


"System, check the current mission progress."

Using the detection radar of the G3 armor, after confirming that there were no gangsters who could still stand on two feet in the entire building, Mo Yu began to review his previous results.

【"Reporting the results, we just defeated 30 gangsters, 16 members of the Red Fang Gang, and 14 people from Vision Enterprise. 20 of them have criminal records. One case of disrupting explosives trading activities, and there are currently nine crimes waiting for the host to complete, please keep up the good work. According to the settlement, each criminal and terrorist subdued will receive an additional 10 points."】

【"In addition, I am glad to see that the host can maintain his rationality and did not choose to kill because of his inner anger."】

【"Overall evaluation: S. Additional 60 points. Please continue to work hard in the future."】

【Current total points: 360 points, waiting to be used. 】

The voice in the Knight Space sighed with a little relief, and then commented on Mo Yu's actions just now. Although he could not hear the other party's specific emotions, Mo Yu roughly knew that the other party should have approved of his choice.

Moreover, although he did not use Scorpio to kill just now, the anger in his heart did not disappear out of thin air.

So when he subdued these guys, he was a little heavier. Although the gangsters who fainted in front of him were not in danger of death, they would probably suffer from multiple severe fractures or concussions. After being punished by the law, he would no longer be able to continue committing crimes.

This was Mo Yu's solution.

"I hope that after learning such a lesson, they can count the crimes they have committed in their remaining lives."

Looking at the more than 30 people who had fainted on the ground, Mo Yu sighed.

But compared to the mission, the names of the two gangs he just heard...

No, one of the traders is a gang called the Red Fang Gang, and the other seems to be called Vision Enterprise?

He had seen the name of this company when he was looking up information on the Internet these days. It seems to be an old-fashioned construction company that has existed since the Elidu period, and it has a high financial strength and status in the new Elidu. It is still in competition with the company called Baizhi Heavy Industry where his father works. Recently, it seems that the two companies have started bidding for a project.

Why would this old-fashioned large company appear in an unfinished building? And it is also trading explosives with the Chiya Gang?

It doesn't take much thought to know that there must be something wrong.

Mo Yu, who felt that things were not that simple, touched the pockets of these guys and did not find any useful evidence. They did not bring any identity certificates related to the Vision Enterprise. Obviously, it seems that the other party has anticipated that an unexpected situation may occur in advance, and is worried that it will be exposed and affect the reputation of the Vision Enterprise.

Although he was also confused about this matter and understood the tricks, Mo Yu had other tasks at the moment and had to rush over to complete them immediately. He really had no time to investigate the hidden problems of this company.

So after taking a few photos of the scene with his camera, he imitated the pattern on the Internet and forged a letter with the logo of Yuanjing Enterprise and deliberately left it at the scene, then picked up the phone on the ground and called the New Elidu Public Security Bureau.

As for the reason for the report, "There is a large-scale exchange of fire between unknown gangs here, which has seriously threatened the safety of residents and the public security of the city."

The sheriffs who received this information, who were originally depressed because of working overtime late at night, immediately became active.

Gang exchange in the middle of the night? And in the urban area of ​​New Elidu?

This kind of thing is really rare.

The sewer rats who usually hide carefully when facing the search of the Public Security Bureau. I don’t know what went wrong tonight? They actually exchanged fire directly in the urban area, and simply didn’t take the Public Security Bureau seriously.

After hearing the news of the report, the expression on the face of the head of the Public Security Bureau in charge of that section can be said to be mixed.

The large-scale gang exchange of fire in the territory he governed was indeed a contempt for his authority, which made him feel particularly angry. But if you think about it, this seems to be an opportunity. Usually those guys hide deeper than rats and only dare to do small things in secret. Although the damage is not big, it also makes him tired of it. Isn't this the opportunity to carry out a big purge?

And before the election date, he has dealt with the gang problem so well that he will definitely be able to win the support of a large number of voters.

After weighing the pros and cons, he quickly made up his mind. So that night, Bullinger, the head of the Janus District Security Bureau, immediately summoned all the forces in the bureau and then went out to the police urgently.

And for the sheriffs who worked overtime this time, tonight is also a rare opportunity.

Although it sounds like a gang fight, isn't this a first-class merit in motion? At least there is a second-class merit to be won! You know that the Security Bureau is famous for its wealth and power. As long as you make a contribution, you will get a bonus, and the amount is not small.

As long as you get that considerable bonus, maybe there is hope for the down payment in New Eridu. With such a lofty dream in mind, the quiet night of New Elido was broken by a series of urgent sirens and engine sounds on the street that night.

After finishing everything, Mo Yu looked at his achievements with satisfaction, especially the logo of Vision Enterprises carefully carved on the ground.

Although there is no conclusive evidence, it is not expected that the Public Security Bureau can catch Vision Enterprises in one fell swoop. But this can disgust them a little, and out of rules, the Public Security Bureau will also conduct a routine investigation on the company that appeared at the crime scene. In this way, maybe something can be found.

His time is limited, and there are only so many things he can do. The rest will be left to the sheriffs of the Public Security Bureau.

Thinking of this, Mo Yu, who was wearing black clothes and a mask, cut off the starting device of the high-concentration explosives in the box, and then fell to the ground one after another, waiting for the investigation of the Public Security Bureau, and then set off to the next location.

Looking at the red and blue police lights flashing everywhere on the street, listening to the symphony of alarm bells, Mo Yu smiled indifferently.

For the villains, tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

He stepped into a new alley, a blue light flashed, and the knight in blue armor appeared again, and then walked into the endless darkness alone.

Next, whose sins will be counted?

Chapter 9 The Name is Kamen Rider

Thanks to the accurate intelligence provided by the Cunning Rabbit House and Mo Yu's advance preparation of the G3 battery charging board for battery life. Most of the gang strongholds hidden in the New Eridu area suffered a sudden and devastating blow that night.

According to witnesses from all parties or the records of the prisoners, the regional public security bureau learned that a mysterious person in blue armor visited most of the gang strongholds in the area near New Eridu that night.

Whether it was the Red Fang Gang, the Black Bear Gang, or the White Wolf Gang, as long as he found a stronghold, the criminal gangs inside were all swept away by this strange warrior with overwhelming force. The entire crime scene was a mess, with bullet casings and traces of bomb explosions everywhere.

The result is obvious. During that unknown period of time, fierce battles broke out in these areas, and the targets of the exchange of fire were the gangs and the blue armored warrior.

But the strange thing is that it was such a tragic scene, and there were dozens of bodies falling in each area. But all the gang members who fell to the ground were not in danger of life. They just had their legs broken, or some bones in their bodies were broken by some blunt objects, and they were forced to lose the ability to escape and resist, so they could only lie there and wail loudly.

When the sheriffs who received the mysterious alarm call from the self-proclaimed enthusiastic citizens and rushed to the gang strongholds saw this tragic scene, they couldn't help but stare at the scene and couldn't figure out the specific situation.

Originally, they came because they received a report call from the masses and heard that there was a large-scale exchange of fire between the gangs in this area. In order to ensure the safety of the surrounding people and to ensure that the gangs can be completely subdued, they dispatched a lot of police forces this time, and also equipped a lot of weapons, ready to deal with emergencies at any time.

But the tragic scene at the scene was beyond their expectations, even beyond their imagination.

Not only that, this matter was far from over.

Every hour that night, another alarm call came in, and the same thing happened.

The enthusiastic citizens on the other end of the phone said that there were other gangs exchanging fire in other areas.

Before they could even conduct a thorough investigation of the first crime scene, the second scene had already appeared. When the sheriffs rushed to the second base, the scene still showed the broken base and the gangs lying there wailing with their legs broken.

There was more to it than that. The illegal transactions or crimes committed by these gangs were written on a piece of paper, and then deliberately left at the crime scene, waiting for the sheriffs to check.

That night, the streets in various areas of New Elidu were unprecedentedly lively.

After seeing such an incredible situation, the current chief of the Public Security Bureau and even the heads of various districts immediately mobilized all the police officers, and mobilized all the police officers except those who were performing emergency tasks to take action, and began to bring these fallen gangsters back to the Public Security Bureau for detention, and closely investigate the crimes recorded on the paper.

At the same time, a thorough investigation began on the mysterious man who kept calling the Public Security Bureau and guiding the sheriffs to deal with the aftermath.

They also thought about tracking the other party's location and identity through mobile phone signals. But every time the other party locates, it will randomly locate on a fainted gang member. Obviously, that person has thought of this situation, so every call is made using the gang member's mobile phone.

So the situation that night evolved into: the mysterious blue armored man suddenly appeared and swept the base of a gang, and then the Public Security Bureau received the news and hurried to clean up the scene and directly arrested a large number of people.

In just one night, the Public Security Bureau arrested more than 300 gangsters and suspected personnel. The workload that could have been completed in a year in the past was directly reached. At least seven large gang strongholds were swept away overnight.

However, rather than saying that these guys were arrested by the Sheriff's Bureau, it would be better to say that they were the result of helping a mysterious person clean up the scene.

After learning about this incredible situation, the senior officials of the Sheriff's Bureau of New Elidu were all shocked. They held a meeting overnight to discuss what was going on? And what kind of existence was the mysterious person who almost swept all the gangs overnight? What was the other party's purpose and position?

In order to investigate the other party's identity, they first treated several gang members with less serious injuries, and then began to interrogate them strictly. But the results were unbelievable.

According to the interrogators, the first thing the gangs who were awakened did when they woke up was to shout, especially when they saw the sheriffs wearing the blue-gray armored uniforms, they were terrified and kept shouting: "Don't come over!" Such words.

Even though they injected appropriate tranquilizers to calm their emotions, the subsequent sheriffs did not get any decent intelligence.

They only learned from the gangsters that the other party was a mysterious figure wearing armor, and the color of the armor itself was dark blue and gray, which was very similar to the color of the sheriffs' police armor, so the gangsters subconsciously thought that it was the sheriffs who did it.

The senior officials of the Sheriff's Bureau who received this news were even more confused.

If it is true according to what these gangsters said, it can be inferred that a mysterious person wearing armor with a similar color to the Sheriff's Bureau single-handedly wiped out most of the gangster strongholds around New Elidu. And the other party wiped out one after another, from the East City District to the West City District, and almost never stopped in the middle.

Although the purpose is not clear for the time being, it can be known that the other party is not for profit. After all, the other party left the goods traded by the gangs intact at the scene waiting for the Sheriff's Bureau to check. It is also not a simple revenge or deliberate murder of the gangsters. Because among so many people, although they all had broken bones and were seriously injured, there was not a single gangster in danger of life. Most of them had their legs broken, were frightened, and then lost the ability to resist and were left on the spot waiting to be arrested by the Sheriff's Bureau.

And based on the analysis of the situation at the scene, it means that even if these gangs have used heavy firepower and bombs, the other party can easily subdue them without harming the lives of these guys?

Based on the known information, we can draw this conclusion.

This mysterious man is a dark blue and silver-grey armored warrior who has the terrifying power to flatten multiple gang strongholds in one go and almost ignore heavy firepower. And it seems that there is a no-kill creed. Even if the other party is a fierce gangster, they do not take any lives, but leave them where they are, waiting for the subsequent arrival of the Public Security Bureau to arrest them.

He was not seeking wealth or killing, nor was he seeking revenge. He did not rely on such majestic deeds to promote himself as a city hero. Instead, he handed over the results of his victory to the Public Security Bureau in obscurity, without even leaving a name. This also shows that the other party is not doing it for reputation.

Not for money, not for hatred, and also not for reputation.

The senior officials of the Public Security Bureau who came to this conclusion looked at each other. Obviously, this conclusion based on the current situation surprised them.

No matter how you think about this situation, does it sound like a superhero from a hero movie or tokusatsu drama?

Punish crimes, not kill innocent people indiscriminately, and have the creed of justice. What's more important is that the other party also respects them, the police officers or law enforcement agencies, and does not despise the law just because they have the power to suppress gangs. Instead, they still enthusiastically call the police.

And left in place: "Thank you for your hard work, fellow peace officers, I hope the laws of New Elidu can allow these criminals to get the punishment they deserve." This is what he said.

This is reality, not a tokusatsu drama or cartoon, so how can they track it down? How should the case be closed? How can we give an explanation to those citizens?

Could it be that the Star Knights came to the real world and started to fight against crime?

In addition, the public security bureaus in various regions mobilized almost all their personnel last night, and everyone thought that the public security bureaus had solved some historic case.

Catching gangsters and illegal gangs is indeed a good thing, but when so much happens, it suddenly becomes not so good.

These records involve gangsters, big businesses, and some high-level officials in New Elido. The matters involved also made the situation more complicated, which also made it difficult for the people in charge of the Public Security Bureau to make decisions.

It was difficult to reconstruct the true appearance of the mysterious man based solely on the gangster's oral description. After mobilizing dozens of surveillance cameras around the scene, and conducting artificial frame-by-frame inspections, they finally found a few clues.

The first scene showed an abandoned real estate area in the east area of ​​the city. On the screen, a blue figure suddenly appeared and broke into an unfinished building. About ten minutes later, the Public Security Bureau received a call, and then the blue armored man disappeared.

The second scene shows the other party rushing to the west of the city. The road camera captured the fleeting afterimage of the scene.

According to the precise adjustment and analysis by the technical staff of the Public Security Bureau, it took some time to extract the photo of the other party from the blurry afterimage.

The silver-gray front breastplate, dark red electronic compound eyes, and dark blue limbs are indeed very similar to the combat uniform of the Public Security Bureau. Moreover, the fast-moving motorcycle looked like a special transportation equipment of the Public Security Bureau.


I saw G3 riding on the screen

With the figure driving at high speed, the high-level meeting of the Public Security Bureau fell into silence.

That group of gangsters didn't lie. It was indeed the blue armored men who broke into the stronghold and did good deeds. Moreover, the blue and gray color scheme was very similar to the color scheme of the Sheriff's Department's combat uniforms. Even if the gangsters admitted their mistake, it would not be an incomprehensible matter.

However, the Public Security Bureau was even more confused.

Because they can't figure out the situation, and because these gangsters have committed too many crimes, instead of looking for the mysterious blue armored man, no, it should be the knight. They are still involved in these complicated cases and have no time to deal with the mysterious armored knight.

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