This is not a housekeeper. Professional killers may not be so ruthless.

However, it was only after confirming the situation here that Mo Yu dared to leave the battle situation to Ailian to deal with it. He dragged a few corpses to confirm the situation of the world under the mirror.

Now that his side is over, Elen's side has also been killed.

Even Nekomata had just recovered from the confusion and quickly pulled out his weapon to prepare for support. Just as he was about to take action, he saw Elen already standing among the corpses of Izuku, holding on to the huge weapon that was taller than a human while fighting. Yawned.


Elen glanced in the direction of Nekomata and Aes.


Seeing the other person's glance, Nekomata subconsciously hid behind Aes, showing his nervousness.

No matter how tempting the taste was, she didn't dare to continue glancing at Elian's tail. This shark maid is really fierce, she doesn’t want to be chopped into fish bait and eaten, meow!


Glancing at Nekomata, whose fur had exploded over there, Elen felt a little baffled for a moment. But when he saw that nothing happened to the other party, he stopped caring. Then he took out a red lollipop from his pocket and stuffed it into his mouth to replenish the sugar and energy he had consumed during this period, and then walked towards Mo Yu, who had just returned from the Mirror World.

"What did you just say...?"

Seeing Mo Yu coming back, Ailian asked curiously.

She clearly saw Mo Yu dragging Yi Kui into the abandoned carriage, but the carriage was not damaged at all. Instead, Yi Kui disappeared. There was no sign of forced entry or fight between the two of them inside the carriage. It was as if he suddenly disappeared just now.

This strange phenomenon made her feel a little puzzled.

"Oh, I just dragged those two corpses into another dimension and killed them there."

"Another dimension?"

Not only Elen, this answer also surprised Tetsu and Suzu who came over to hear it.

"In layman's terms, it's a world similar to a hollow, a world in a mirror. It's the opposite dimension to reality, and it's a very special world. The main ability of my suit of armor is to travel through that world. "

Mo Yu did not hide anything and told several people about the existence of the mirror world.

"The world in the mirror... sounds like a fairy tale. Your armor is really weird."

Ailian frowned after hearing Mo Yu's explanation, which almost involved fantasy.

If she had only seen it with her own eyes, she would never believe that such a strange place as the Mirror World existed.

The same goes for Tetsu and Suzu, and if there is a mirror world, then it would be understandable that the Kamen Rider appeared in their shop before and was not noticed by anyone.

"No wonder Fairy said before that the Kamen Rider either teleported or came out of the mirror. Is it true?" Ling couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

[Master, I have clearly analyzed the situation before. There is a high probability that he suddenly appeared from the mirror, so I cannot detect it. It's just that you don't want to believe it. As compensation for doubting me, I hope you can trust me more in the future. 】

"Okay, I wronged you Fairy, I will believe you next time."

Zhe said with a helpless expression.


He looked at the dragon knight's blank armor, and his eyes became more and more strange.

The origins of Kamen Rider are too mysterious, as if they appeared suddenly. It is outrageous enough to say that the blue and black armor that resembled the Sheriff's Bureau before, and the two-color armor that can change its form and kill alone and is notorious, are still outrageous. acceptable range.

One is armored exoskeleton technology, and the other is biological armor technology, so the armor in front of him that proposed the existence of the mirror world completely subverted his cognition.

The mirror world is a special world similar to a void... This is an existence that has never been heard of.

What kind of place is that? This theory was proposed and what kind of organization was it discovered? What is the origin of Kamen Rider?

He was becoming more and more confused about what was happening in front of him. He always felt that they had been involved in a huge invisible whirlpool.

"Mr. Kamen Rider, can you take me in to see the mirror world you mentioned? I'm also very curious!"

[Yes, Master, I also want to go in and have a look. 】

At this time Ling spoke to Mo Yu.

With her strong curiosity, she is really curious about the unknown world, and Fairy also strongly recommends her to go in and take a look. As long as Aes is brought in, Fairy will have the ability to collect data from the mirror world like empty data. For the unknown world, as an artificial intelligence, it is naturally extremely curious.

"Let me go in and have a look too."

Not only Ling, Elen is also very curious about the so-called mirror world.

"Since everyone wants it, then I also want to go in and have a look, meow~!"


Looking at the three people who were full of curiosity, Mo Yu shook his head helplessly and then refused.

"No, that world is more dangerous than the world in the hole. The so-called ether adaptability has no effect in the mirror world."

"The mirror world is independent and inverted, and it is also exclusive. Unless you have the same mirror world armor as me, other life forms cannot move in that world. The moment you enter, you will be decomposed by the mirror world until you disappear completely. The few skeletons just now were decomposed and died alive by the mirror world."

"Ah? They will be decomposed! It's so dangerous, then I won't go in, meow~"

Hearing Mo Yu's description, the cat shuddered again and immediately gave up the idea of ​​entering the mirror world to take a look.

As for Mo Yu's friend, Ailian could naturally hear from his tone that this was definitely not a lie, but a serious one, so she immediately chose to withdraw.

As for Ling...

She didn't intend to take Ies's life to explore the mysterious mirror world, so she decisively chose to withdraw and stopped discussing things about the mirror world.

"Okay, everyone, since the monsters have been eliminated, let's move on."

"According to data analysis, this place is very close to the crack that crosses the dead end hole. As long as we continue to move forward for half an hour along the route given by Ies, we will arrive."

Seeing that everyone had almost finished talking, Zhe, as the guide of the hole, reminded at this time: "But there may be some low-level skeletons on the road, please be careful."

"Well, brother is right, let's rush over in one go! Nicole and the others are still waiting for rescue!"

"Okay, then let's speed up."

Mo Yu nodded, then turned his head to look at Ailian who was a little tired beside him.

"Ailian, is it okay? You just experienced a battle, do you want to rest?"

"No, that level of battle can't even be a pastime after dinner, you just move forward, I'm fine."

Ailian shook his head, indicating that he had no problem at all.

"Okay, then everyone keep moving forward."


At the same time, in a remote area of ​​the dead end hole. Two figures were moving quickly in the corner, as if they were looking for something.

Suddenly, the white figure running in the front stopped.

"What's wrong, Lord Lekaan? Have you found the location of little Kelin?"

Seeing the white werewolf in front suddenly stop, the ghost maid Lina who had been following closely behind asked.


Lekaan did not answer, but raised his nose and sniffed the air lightly, with a strange expression on his face.

"What's wrong? Lord Lekaan, did you find something?"

Realizing that something was wrong, Lina spoke with some doubt.

"No, I haven't found Kelin's location yet, but I just smelled a very familiar smell, but it is impossible to appear here..."

Faced with Lina's question, Lekaan couldn't help but say hesitantly.

"This smell seems to smell a bit like... the smell of Ailian?"

Chapter 71 Police-criminal cooperation

"I am Zhu Yuan, the sheriff from the Janus District of New Eridu. Please don't panic, I'm on a mission!"

Fully armed, like a superhero in a sheriff's uniform, with a weapon on hand, Zhu Yuan shouted to the residents crowded in Canvas Lane beside him.

Although the residents of Canvas Lane, who were originally a little panicked, have gradually stabilized with the comfort and help of Cunning Rabbit House and others, they are more relieved when they see the sheriff appear.

In the beautiful rebuilt city of New Eridu, seeing the sheriff will make people relax subconsciously. This is the operating rule of this city. They act quickly and efficiently, and their methods are also neat and tidy. They will never show mercy to criminals. Whether you commit crimes in the city or in the void, the Public Security Bureau has a way to catch you. They can be said to be a stabilizing force to maintain the stability of New Eridu.

So when the sheriff announced that there was nothing to do and asked everyone to wait patiently, such words were still very convincing. Compared to the time it took for the Rabbit House to calm people's hearts, the uniform on Zhu Yuan and the effect of shouting were obviously better.

"Boss Nicole, our limelight has been taken away by the police from the Sheriff's Bureau."

Looking at Zhu Yuan constantly comforting the people in the crowd, Billy couldn't help but sigh.

"She is worthy of being a real sheriff. She is really not on the same level as us cave robbers. She can achieve such a level with just words, and..."

"That Miss Sheriff is so handsome? This scene is like the sheriff who cooperates with the knights in the Star Knights. I like it so much!"

Seeing Zhu Yuan comforting the people and trying hard, Billy thought of Sister Monica for a while, so he covered his face and began to twist his body.

"Don't be crazy over there, Billy. If you have time to sigh, why don't you help me count how many people there are." Nicole on the side looked helpless.

Although the arrival of the sheriffs Zhu Yuan and Qing Yi stole the limelight from their Cunning Rabbit House. But it was good, after all, this kind of serious violation of the law was originally under the jurisdiction of the Public Security Bureau. And compared to these cave thieves, these two outstanding sheriffs are obviously more reliable.

Recalling what happened an hour ago, Nicole's expression was a little helpless.

When Qing Yi and Zhu Yuan came here through the hole, they almost fought with the Cunning Rabbit House.

Billy and Anby, who were responsible for guarding the entrance to the alley at the time, thought they were fake police officers sent by Vision Corporation to penetrate into the residents to hide the truth and then find opportunities to deal with everyone.

So Zhu Yuan and Qing Yi had just arrived when they were blocked outside Canvas Alley by these two strange guys.

After a fight, they found that both sides were equally powerful and it would be difficult to defeat the other side in a short period of time, so they planned to talk to the other side first.

Faced with Billy's questioning, Qing Yi easily reported his police badge as a police officer, but Billy and Anbi still didn't believe it, thinking that it might have been forged by Vision Enterprises. Moreover, Zhu Yuan and Qing Yi were the only two people involved in an operation of this level. How could the Public Security Bureau send just two people on a mission? So the situation became very awkward.

For the safety of the residents, one side had to go in quickly to investigate the situation, while the other side had to resolutely protect the residents and not allow anyone to break in. The situation reached a deadlock.

It wasn't until Nicole, who noticed that Billy and Anbi hadn't come back for a long time, hurriedly came to find them that she realized something was wrong.

Especially when she saw the two police officers chasing herself and the Kamen Rider in front of the Chiya Gang building for half an hour, Nicole was stunned, and then immediately recognized their identities, while Qing Yi and Zhu Yuan Also obviously recognized Nicole.

The misunderstanding was resolved for a while, but it became even more awkward.

Logically speaking, as suspects in the Red Tooth Gang case, and because Billy and Amby were just suspected of obstructing official duties, they should be detained by the sheriff.

But when they walked into Canvas Alley and found that the scene here was the same as what Kamen Rider described, Zhu Yuan and Qing Yi certainly didn't have the patience to pursue the matter of the Cunning Rabbit House.

A canvas alley was now densely packed with people, all residents who had not evacuated. It was roughly estimated that at least a thousand people were trapped in the dangerous blasting area.

This shocked Zhu Yuan and Qing Yi and made them even more angry.

What the Kamen Rider said is true. Vision Corporation really chose to use human lives to save financial and material resources, hoping to kill all the residents in Canvas Alley without anyone noticing.

The case involves thousands of lives, and the stakes are extremely high. Of course, at this moment, there is no time to continue settling accounts with the Cunning Rabbit House. Moreover, according to the oral accounts of the residents of Canvas Alley, the Cunning Rabbit House protected the alley during this period. When they intercepted them just now, they were just worried that they were fake police officers sent by Vision Corporation.

Taking into account the cause of the incident and the excellent performance of Jiao Tuwu's operation, both Qing Yi and Zhu Yuan decided to turn a blind eye to the matter and rescue the residents first.

"Well, thank you for your hard work, Miss Nicole."

After taking over from Nicole the names and signatures of all the victims of Canvas Alley that Cunning Rabbit House had carefully counted during this period, Qing Yi nodded. The data is then entered into the brain, which will serve as evidence for the next most important case.

"It's not hard, Miss Sheriff."

Facing Qing Yi, or facing the police from the Criminal Investigation Division of the Public Security Bureau, even if Nicole was extremely reluctant to give up, she could only record herself and prepare to file a lawsuit with Vision Enterprise afterwards to earn commission fees for Cunning Rabbit House. Important information about reputation was handed over.

After all, she was a cave thief and they were the police officers. Letting them go was an act of mercy outside the law. She had no right to refuse the other party's request.

However, Qing Yi seemed to have seen Nicole's inner thoughts, and after entering the data, he returned the data with a smile.

"Eh? What are you..." This scene surprised Nicole.

"Nothing, I just need the information above. After all, this is the fruit of your labor for such a long time, and I won't take it away easily. And won't you have to lead the residents of Canvas Lane to defend their rights in the future? It's not that important. How can the information be used?”

Qing Yi just smiled and shook his head, then looked at Zhu Yuan over there who was still conscientiously appeasing the people, and couldn't help but sigh: "And...compared to these vain achievements, we are now more concerned about whether we can make it in time."

Although this matter had been reported to Chief Bollinger before the operation, because it was just one-sided words of the Kamen Rider and there was no evidence, Vision Company was a large company with a good reputation and could not conduct a thorough investigation easily. In addition, because The incident of the Red Tooth Gang has left the police force of various public security bureaus empty. If you want to appoint a large number of police officers, you need decisive evidence.

So Bollinger asked Qing Yi and Zhu Yuan to come over alone to see the situation. When they arrived at Canvas Alley, they discovered the tragic situation inside.

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