There is indeed no third person in this room, but there is a very special being. It is not human, but it has often made sounds to communicate with them in the past few days.

The third sound just now was no surprise, it must have come from it. Maybe it was specifically trying to scare Nekomata?

It’s really a bad taste...

Suzu and Tetsu couldn't help but look at each other, and then looked at Nekomata, who was frightened by Fairy's sudden words, with a somewhat helpless expression.

"Fairy, don't scare the guests, we are talking about business."

Ling called Fairy, the smart butler in the store, and then did not forget to comfort Nekomata.

"It's okay, Miss Nekomata, she's just the smart butler of our store, not a ghost or ghost."

"Eh? Smart butler, really?"

After hearing that it was not some ghost that suddenly appeared, Nekomata felt slightly relieved.

"Really, don't worry."

However, before Ling could be happy for long, Fairy, who was called, made a somewhat dissatisfied mechanical voice in protest.

[Master, please don’t insult artificial intelligence at will. I have no interest in doing such low-grade, meaningless and incompetent things as scaring others. 】

[In addition, the sound just now was not made by me. On the contrary, I was searching for traces of that sound in the room and around the house. 】

"Eh? You mean the sound just now was not made by you? Fariy." Zhe was a little surprised, and Ling was also confused at this moment.

[It’s definitely not me. I am willing to guarantee it with my master’s personality. 】

Zhe: "Why based on my personality?"

[Because I am artificial intelligence. 】

...I can’t refute it.

"Then if it wasn't Fairy, who else was in the video store? Is there really a ghost...ahhhh!!"

The more she thought about it, the more something was wrong. Ling's face immediately turned ugly, and then she imitated the cat and jumped onto the table. The two girls hugged each other tightly to give each other a little sense of security.

Although she is very courageous, she also likes to watch horror movies at midnight. But that's all because she knows that everything that happens in horror movies is fake. Now when this horrible thing really happens to her, she can't laugh anymore.

"The new table I bought..."

Seeing his sister and the cat trampling on his newly bought table, Zhe couldn't help but feel distressed.

But now is really not the time to care about such things, he has more important things to do. It is not a small problem for the video store to be infiltrated by some unknown entity. It is completely related to the safety of him and his sister.

Whether it's ghosts, mechanical equipment, or man-made things, he must quickly find where the other person is? Then find a solution.

"Fairy, scan the entire video store, don't miss every corner." Zhe immediately gave the order.

[Master, I think there is no need to scan anymore. 】


[Because he has already appeared behind you. 】


Hearing Fairy's sudden reminder, Zhe felt a sudden chill on his neck, and then his whole body became stiff. But for the safety of his sister and everyone else, he still had the courage to pick up the camera pole closest to him and hit it backwards.


Zhe, who didn't see the other party's true face clearly, felt as if he had hit something cold, and the camera pole in his hand was bent directly during the collision. Before he could understand what was going on, he just passed it. My head, what I saw was...

A pair of eyes covered with jet-black masks, and a black mechanical face very close at hand.

Mo Yu: "Hello."


Without any psychological preparation, Zhe was not surprised and was immediately startled. He quickly took a few steps back. Then he tripped and fell to the ground because he heard the sound and came to help protect the master. .

"elder brother!"

As the younger sister, Ling quickly jumped off the table when she saw this scene, and then ran over to check the situation.

Instead of letting Zhe fall to the ground, Mo Yu, who had just come out of the Mirror World, immediately grabbed his arm with his backhand, and then pulled Zhe's body back that was about to collapse.

"Why are you so nervous? It's me, Kamen Rider."

Looking at the shocked Zhe in front of him, Mo Yu's helpless voice came from under his mask.

Good guy, you scored twice, right?

Last time it was G3, this time it was Dragon Cavalry. Is he really that scary? He obviously thinks these two armors are quite handsome, and they are not Hibiki or Amazons, but why does it scare Zhe every time he appears?

Thinking of this, Mo Yu looked at the cat-eared girl on the table who was wary of him.

As soon as he arrived here, he saw that Nekomata was also here, bringing Nicole's Bomb. This made Mo Yu feel a little emotional, are you moving too fast?

And since they met Nekomata here, Nico and the others were probably in danger again.

Just when Mo Yu was still worrying about how he could save everyone on both sides. Then, by coincidence, he suddenly heard that Nicole and the others were in the Canvas Alley, the blasting area of ​​Vision Enterprise, where he was going. Only then did the somewhat unexpected sound come out.

"Kamen Rider!"

Hearing this name, Ling's expression changed while comforting her brother. After confirming that her brother was fine, she decisively left him to Ies to take care of him, and then ran to Mo Yu with great interest. He began to observe carefully and touch this set of armor that he had never seen before.

"Is this a new armor? So cool! But the color looks a bit monotonous. It would be better if it was red or pure black."

Dragon Rider and Dragon Fang?

Hearing Ling's sigh, Mo Yu couldn't help but think of two very similar Kamen Riders.

But now is not the time to talk about Dragon Rider and Dragon Fang. He must act quickly. So Mo Yu went straight to the point.

"Ling, and Zhe, I'm sorry to scare you. But I'm in some trouble now and need your help from Phaethon."

"Need Phaethon's help?"

Hearing Mo Yu's words, Ling was stunned, and then looked at Zhe.

"Hey! Kamen Rider, I came here first, do you understand the first come first served rule? According to the rules, Phaethon should help rescue Nicole and the others, meow~" Seeing the appearance of Kamen Rider, the expression on Nekomata's face changed slightly, but it was quickly suppressed. Then he immediately jumped off the table and said to Mo Yu.


In response, Mo Yu just looked at Nekomata calmly without any answer.

"Brother, what should we do?"

This situation made Ling a little unsure about what to do? Two clients came to the door at the same time, but there was only one Phaethon, and he could not handle the commissions from both sides at the same time.

If it was an ordinary client, he could just refuse.

But on one side was the mysterious hero Kamen Rider who had saved them many times, and on the other side was his good friend, Trick Rabbit House, and it was a bit difficult to make a decision for a while.

Although he knew that Kamen Rider must have encountered a difficult problem when he came to them, Nicole's side was obviously more important, and he could only do nothing at this moment.

After the brother and sister looked at each other, they quickly made a choice. Just when Zhe was about to refuse, Mo Yu spoke first.

"Don't worry, Phaethon, don't reject anyone. Our ultimate goal is the same. My commission is the same as this cat...Miss, take me through the dead end hole as quickly as possible and reach Canvas Alley, which is the blasting area of ​​​​Vision Company."


This time it was Ling and Zhe's turn to be surprised. They didn't expect that Kamen Rider and Nekomata's commission destinations were actually the same.

"What happened? Why are they all running to the construction site of Vision Enterprise? Is there something wrong?" Ling asked with some confusion.

If it was Nicole and others, it is not impossible for them to mistakenly enter the construction site of Vision Enterprise because of their own unreliability and bad luck. But if it was Kamen Rider, his going there means that something else must have happened, and he also found them, which means that the situation is extremely urgent.

"It's Vision! Vision Enterprise blocked the signal of Canvas Alley, and there are still many people inside who have not evacuated. They plan to kill them directly." Nekomata replied anxiously.

"Nicole and the others are fighting with Vision to protect the residents, so I beg you, Phaethon, hurry up!"

"Falsifying the evacuation list and wanting to kill people on a large scale...are these guys crazy? How dare they do that!"

Hearing Nekomata's answer, Ling was shocked, and also felt outraged by Vision's crazy behavior.

"So Kamen Rider, you went there to stop Vision?"

"Yes." Mo Yu nodded, and then answered solemnly: "So I need your help, Phaethon. Fight for Nicole and the partners of the Rabbit House, and for those who are still trapped in desperate situations, please!"

Looking at Mo Yu's solemn attitude, Ling and Zhe also understood that the situation was urgent and they had to take action immediately.

Originally, they planned to make a decision after observing the video in Nicole's Bomb, but now it is obviously no longer necessary.

Unlike Nekomata, who didn't know him and only had one-sided stories, in the eyes of Zhe and Ling, this Kamen Rider is a true city guardian and a hero. What's more, the other party has protected them many times. In their hearts, they have already regarded him as a friend.

So there is no need to hesitate.

Looking at the palm extended by the Kamen Rider, Zhe shook it tightly without hesitation, and then said with a serious expression.

"Please leave it to me, Nicole and the lives of those residents will be saved by us!"

"Okay, thank you, Phaethon."

"And me, and me, how can such a pre-war preparation full of superhero atmosphere be without me? I am also Phaethon!"

Ling also rushed over at this time, and hurriedly held Mo Yu's other hand, and spoke excitedly.

"Okay, let's work together to save everyone! When everyone comes back safely, let my brother treat everyone to barbecue!"

"Ling... don't you have pocket money?" Zhe was a little helpless.

"Hehe, the barbecue my brother treats us to is even more delicious. Anyway, let's all work hard together!"

"You obviously don't want to use the money you spent on the game."

Zhe smiled and finally agreed to this request: "Okay, I'll treat you when everyone comes back safely."

"Okay, okay, I love my brother the most! Kamen Rider will also come when the time comes~"

Seeing the intention that Ling almost wrote on her face, Mo Yu shook his head: "Next time for sure."


Looking at the three people holding hands in the room, Nekomata's eyes couldn't help but flash a trace of loss that was difficult to conceal.

Partners, it's great...

Chapter 69 Struggle and Choice

Another dizzy scene, a messy world appeared in front of him, and even the air around was filled with a lot of ether.

This made Mo Yu sigh.

A few days ago, he just stayed in this ghost place, didn't eat or drink, and relied on instinct to kill for two days and two nights before barely escaping, and barely eliminated the wild outbreak brought by Fang.

I thought I could finally take a break after I got out, but Ailian visited me that day and noticed something unusual. When I walked home at night, I just happened to pick up a cat loli who fainted in the alley? Nekoma Matana.

Ahem, strictly speaking, this is not a real loli. She is just petite. Nekomata's real age should be about the same as Ailian, so as long as you round it up, it is equivalent to a legal cat loli! Of course, this is just Mo Yu's conversion method.

Because they all need the help of the rope craftsman, but there is only one Phaethon.

Originally, they thought that Kamen Rider came to them for other commissions, so Ling and Zhe had to choose to refuse for Nicole.

But after discussion, they found that Kamen Rider and Nekomata had the same goal. They were all going to Canvas Lane to save the residents there and Nicole. In this case, things suddenly became simple.

In this case, let's go the same way. Compared with Nekomata, whose history is unknown, Mo Yu, who has saved them many times in times of crisis, is more worthy of their trust in both character and strength.

Needless to say, if he is really a bad guy, he would not be recommended by the Public Security Bureau and the Hollow Investigation Association as the city guardian of New Eridu. As for strength. Personal record single-killing the newborn Hollow Overlord Notorious Corpse Thanatos, resulting in the shrinkage of Crete, has contributed greatly to the stability of New Eridu.

When they saw the Fang Ace transformed by Mo Yu start to kill people in the hollow, Ling and Zhe were completely shocked.

Killing the Notorious One by himself, this kind of thing is unheard of even for Phaethon, and even science fiction movies would not dare to shoot it like this, right? After all, that is the overlord of the hollow, the Notorious One. The Hollow Investigation Association and the military have to send a lot of manpower and material resources to suppress the terrifying existence every time, but he was killed by one person alone.

Ling and Zhe were extremely shocked about the action video. They thought about deleting it directly, but they felt it was too pity. After all, there was not much information about the Notorious One, not to mention the strange Notorious One monster like Thanatos. If they handed it over to the Hollow Investigation Association, they could get a generous bonus that would fill half of the deficit of the Cunning Rabbit House.

But they couldn't do that. What was even more shocking about the video was the Fang Ace that easily tore Thanatos' body apart, and the figure of the Fang Trigger.

Compared to the Notorious Corpse, the knight who can suppress and hunt the Notorious Corpse alone is obviously more worthy of people's attention. If the video is spread, the Kamen Rider will face the whole city's solicitation, fear and calculation.

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